Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rain.... TOO MUCH RAIN....

I am SICK of RAIN... it started during the night and rained CONSTANTLY until 3:30 yesterday afternoon. NO STORMS... just NEVER ENDING RAIN! To the Tune of one and one half inches (1 1/2") in twelve hours... This is my rain gauge. It is attached to my SAFE Play AREA Fence... and you can see my pawsonal private SWAMP.. which I (Frankie Furter) USED to believe would be MY GARDEN. I showed you this LAST week... AND as you can see... it has NOT gotten Dry yet. The only thingys we have planted are a few green onions and about 460 regular onions.
Now you can see why I am Worried about my... SWAMP/GARDEN. We dawgs are NOT supposed to even EAT onions. WAAAAAH I'm gonna STARVE next winter. No green peppers in the freezer, No jars of my mom's home made V-8 juice fur soups and stuffs, No Cabbage in the freezer fur Corned beef and cabbage next St. Paddy's Day. WHAAAAAAH
I am SICK of RAIN. THIS is as bad as all that SNOW we had last winter!!! BAH.

Well, at least I did have a fun Super Secret Squiggle Word...

Butt If I tried to do that right now... it would sound like SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH. PeeS... in case you didn't hear it... Puddles Killed her FURST chipmunk!!!

I hear that she made Chipmunkabobs and took them to Minna Krebs' big cook out.
Butt that MIGHT just be a Blog Rumor.
AND... as far as Puddles being pawt of SQUEAL TEAM 6... that fur sure is a Mistake.. What I hear is that it was started when her MOM saw 6 Pee Ants.. and Squealed like a squirrel with a squished tail.


Dexter said...

I was most impressed with Miss Puddles first kill.

Hey! If you hate the rain you should enter Reilly's water contest.


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, you said a snoutful! I'm sick of rain too. It's supposed to be nicer tomorrow, but boy it's just not enough! The only thing we'll all be able to grow will be rice and cranberries! BOL
Grr and a Soggy Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mayor Frankie sir - we love your Super Secret Squiggle werd BUTT that iz sumthin'we Beaglebratz du later - it iz tu erly rite now an'we haf not had our after breakfast napz tu git re-juvenated. We r du rain late tuntie an'tumorrow. Your rain gage iz super cute - may-b u shood take up swimmin?
~Shiloh'n Shasta~

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

i remember a few years ago it rained every day in May except for 3 days. i think it is typical for this time of year, but i think we always forget. Sunny days will come!

Backcountry Brodie said...

You do get the bestest sekrit squiggly werds efur! I had one yesterdqy wot woz a werd but it woz nuttin like yours. It do be "question" - BORING! Anyways, if'n it efur stops raining here so I can send mom outside to the post office posthastily to put your loot in the mail, it will be on it's way....

-- said...

I know how you feel, Frankie. Rain here all day yesterday :( I hope we have a better day today.

the teacher's pets said...

Oh my dogness, Frankie! I guess I barked too soon yesterday when I posted that "April showers bring May flowers" malarky because guess what happened here in Cow Hampshire in the wee hours of the morning? You guessed it! Rain! I tried to uplift everyone in yesterday post that we'd see flowers everywhere but NO! I'm going to have to write a blog called "Rain, rain, go away..."

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Well, I hopes dat someone's is teaching dos dere onions how to swim!

Look at da good side....least your Momma can't make snowmen out of rain!

Anonymous said...

I hear you about your rain frustration. We have had a very rainy April in Seattle too and it is just now starting to get out of the low 50s.

Where do you live again?

Corbin said...

I'm sick of rain too... it started her last night and doesn't look like it's leaving anytime soon.

Remington said...

We are getting tired of gloomy weather....rain and snow....need some sunshine!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Frankie I read about Puddles big kill !!! I was so proud of her!! Also her Mom for letting her go ahead and finish the job!!
Where are you living Frankie?? If you don't want to say on the blogs email me. We would love some of your rain!!! We are over 8 inches short already for the year !!!
Thanks for tell me about your blogger problems too, at least I know they are not just picking on me!!
Love you Frankie, Fern

Kari in Alaska said...

that is a lot of rain! I hope it gets sunny soon


3 doxies said...

I is running very late today, if you hadn't noticed.
Now I don't do rain...or baffs cuz I know I'll surely melt. It is a shame ya'll don't has your pontoon anymores...I think you'll be needing it.
I haven't seen a single chipmunk in my yard since dat fateful day!!!!!


Anonymous said...

wow that is ALOT of RAIN!

We been having lots too. But today and tomorrow its sposed to be like 87 degrees, really!


The RAIN returns, for a whole week more!

Oh well, Mom says that at least we won't have no droghts, she says that means we will have lots of water for the summer. I says, well da!

woo woos, Tessa

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so in awe of Miss Puddles - she is a killer!!!

Way too much rain there, Frankie. We have had a few good days here and are hoping it stays that way for a long time - about time for a good long spring.

We hope your sun comes out soon and dries things up properly.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
PeeEss, not sure about the Ensure, but there are supplements he could have to put on weight - problem is he won't eat them:(

Unknown said...

If I hooked up a big hose from your hill to Texas, would you send me some of your rain !?!?

We needs it bad!!! Uncle Tommy had to buy more hay yesterday fur lots of geenpapers, cuz Lucy and Justice don't have a spec of green grass left! Sigh. Crazy weather

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Cannot believe you something as cool as Zoomy for your word thingy! Looks like you won't be doing any zoomies in your garden for awhile!

We heard about Puddles, looks like your chipmunks might drown in Puddles.....LOL!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Amber-Mae said...

I LOVE rain! It makes the grass all muddy & soggy. It's fun!

Scooter said...

YES, we were all impresses with the chipmunk KILL!!
Hope that rain stops soon, dont want you floating away!!


Elaine Pritchard said...

No rain here for ages - sorry to gloat! You should move to Burton-on-Trent and bask in the sunshine with me.

Love and licks, Winnie

pibble said...

Here's my question. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May showers bring???? ARGH! We're tired of it, too! Stay dry, Frankie!

houndstooth said...

Our garden isn't even started yet! :( It's still too cold at night to plant anything. Phooey on that rain!


Zona said...

Oh dear! Much more rain and you're going to need to boat around your play area!!!

Do you know if any of those Chipmunkabobs are left over? They sound almost as good as your jerky!


Oskar said...

Sorry about the squishing, but you might dry out soon, right? I hope so.

Nubbin wiggles,

the booker man said...

mr. frankie,

all that rainin' is a total bummer! you can't have your garden bein' all swampy like! i kinda sorta have an idea, though. what if a bunch of us come over with super mega hooge straws and suck up all those extra waters from your garden??

the booker man

The Daily Pip said...

Yep, we had that rain last week and we are supposed to get more this weekend. I am sick of it, too. Rain and short-legs do not mix!

Your pal, Pip

Road Dog Tales said...

Frankie - Could you send a bit of that rain down here? Our swimming pond has practically turned into a puddle! Thanks in advance...

The Road Dogs

Sagira said...

We are sick of the rain as well. But at least today we BEAUTIFUL! But I hear today is the only nice day for like the next 3 WEEKS...are you kidding me? UGHH! I might need a snorkel pretty soon.