Thursday, May 5, 2011

Steps fur Frying Morels

Happy Sink-O-da- MAYO...

Ok... I am gonna teach you how to Fry Wild (Woods)Spring Mushrooms (Morels) today.
furst you have to cut them in half... LONG ways and Wash them GENTLY. Then you put them in this thingy to dry off a bit.
THEN they go into a bag with FLOUR.. and get GENTLY Powdered up.

This is what they look like after THAT.

Next you have to put them in the Skillet... that has some Crisco, Margarine, and Olive Oil in it.

They get a little Salt... and some turning...

THEN when they are a bit Crispy they go on the PLATE.

And then... they go into MY mouth... DELICIOUS I tell you..

Sooooo this got me to thinkin... what kind of Weird Wild foods to you and your peeps eat?

Tomorrow I think I will give you a list of some of the INTERESTING thingys that my MOM has eaten. Hold on to your Tails... beclaws This Woman... will eat ANYTHING.. except fur Road Kill.. BaaaaaWaaaaah.

PeeS... be SURE to visit SARGE'S BLOG fur his upcoming contest... there WILL be a Prize Pressie.. It is gonna be a BLAST.


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, love the drowning mayo pix! BOL BWAR HAR
Mom & Dad are drooling over those fried shrooms! Maybe we can grow some here in a couple of weeks...of course our frost this morning won't help that. Thanks for the Peeps on Parade Promo!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Love it!! Happy Sink-O-da-MAYO to you too. They be having a celebrattion where Mommy works today and we'll see if she brings us some Mexican sweat breads.

Mommy said she just wants a big plate of them mushrooms with some ranch dressing and she'd be in hog heavan.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

-- said...

I can't think of anything wild that I eat...but now you've got me thinking.

Thanks for the 'heads-up' about Sarge's contest. I'll be sure to stop by his site today!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm awake now. Mom just howled after bashing her head on the puter screen trying to get at your shrooms. BOL!

Waggin at ya,

Levi said...

Do wild flies count? I have gotten good at catching them fresh :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, those morels look tasty and such an easy recipe - surely the
momster could handle that one!

BTW, have you noticed the price on that mayo lately? Out of sight and varies by as much as a buck from one store to the next!!! Crazy.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

hehehehehehe--we are still laughing at the first picture. very Clever Frankie!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Well, my mom eats veggies and no meats at all coz she do be a veggiebullatarian and I pawsonally think that be just plain weird. So those mushierooms would be rite up her alley. But fur me, blech.

Adien Crafts said...

Hey Frankie Mate! The mushrooms look yummy. We had a new treat yesterday - Ostrich gullet! It was a new chew our human bought, it was delish! Dex & Lou x

Remington said...

Good one Frankie!

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Thursday Frank
Love ya
Ruby & Penny

Kia's World said...

Do pizza crusts caught on the streets count?

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL!!!!!!!!!! Happy Sink-O-da MAYO, handsome Frankie!!!!!!!!!

We love ya bunches.

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, wow, this even has Mom's mouth watering. She's a vegetabletarian and she LOOOOVES the mushrooms. Oh, yuck, she drooled on the keyboard!

The Road Dogs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Frankie!! Good one! Don't eat those scary things
Benny & Lily

Charlotte said...

hahahahaha!!! Luv the mayo in the sink!! Too funny!

Hmmm...fried shrooms, eh? Beclause of Mama's heart issues...pretty much fried anything is a no-no! *sniff*

(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

Barbara said...


Julia Williams said...

I do not like mushrooms, but those actually look kinda good! I can't wait to see the list of foods. I'm not an adventurous eater, so I'll live vicariously. BOL.

Amber-Mae said...

OWH that does look delicious! My hoomie deep-fried mushrooms once & I got to taste test it. It was yummo!

Scooter said...

LOve, lovem love the mayo in de sink!! Very cute!!

I dont get any wierds food like that. My mom is wierd but not in that way!! They do look yummy though, can you send me some???


Anonymous said...

Haha! Sink of de Mayo. You're funny, Frankie!

Those mushrooms looked DEE-lish! My mom luuuuuvs mushrooms. I thought she was gonna lick the computer screen.

I can't wait to hear the ker-azy stuff your mom ate. Maybe she should get her own tv show. You could call it, "Ker-azy Stuffs My Mom Eats, by Frankie."

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

OMD you do eat weird things Frankie. I think I like everything but Mom and Mel will only let me eat things that don't make my sickies come for a visit.

But Mom says she had no idea that any pup would eat shrooms!

YOu are truely one amazine pup!

woo woos, Tessa

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bella only eats WILD birds! Bwuuuhaaaaa!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

SHE would love those mushrooms--and we're sure we would too.

Mack said...

We luv it! Sinko de Mayo! Too cool!

PS: would you PLEAZ send us some rain????


Kari in Alaska said...

can I come over for mushrooms next time I am in Ohio?

When in Alaska we ate what the hubs hunted, Moose, Caribou, Bear.


Sagira said...

Oh man...those look YUMMY!

Don't think we really eat any wild foods.

The mayo think made my laugh a lot, that was FUNNY!

houndstooth said...

Frankie, you should host a cooking show!

Hmm... Weird things my people eat...Mom has had venison, wild turkey, a taste of shark meat and well, I'm sure there's some other stuff, but that's all I remember her telling me about!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sink o da so funny!

The Daily Pip said...

Those really do look YUMMY! My mom is kind of a wimp when it comes to trying weird food, but my papa and I will try anything once!

Your pal, Pip

Neeko said...

Ha haaa… Sink-O-da- MAYO how original :o)))
Yum! Those Mushrooms look sooo tasty; I can smell them from my house :o)
Thanks for the recipe!

Neeko :o)

Stella said...

My late grandma was the queen of the strange eating! She loved Beef tongue, blood sausage, raw oysters, and many other things I can't think of right now.

But even my Mom thinks the morels look yummy!


kissa-bull said...

wow those sure look yummy to our tummy frankie dear. happy sink o da mayo to you too !!!

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Oskar said...

That looks so yummy, my mom person is all atwitter!

Sink-o-da-mayo, Bwahahaha!!!

Nubbin wiggles,