Wednesday, August 3, 2016

IMPAWTANT PSA ... Re: Pawlympics 2012 in Review...

OMD OMD     Our BELOVED Miss Sarah Ricca called and said that she would put up the SMILEBOXES that she put together for the   2012  Blogville Pawlympics...  

PLEASE Spread the WORD...   to see the HOSTS and GAMES from 4 YEARS ago...  go to           You won't BELIEVE all the furends you will see

there...    and all the FUN we had...

Now Miss Sarah says that she will ALSO put up one or two MORE of these BLASTS from the PAST for your viewing pleasure.    

When you go to the blog... be SURE to let Miss Sarah know how much you appreciate her doing this fur us...    

BTW...  she said that all the cards and notes that Blogville and Beyond  sent to her.  They REALLY Cheered her up.

THANK YOU MISS SARAH fur doing this fur US.
                     Frankie, Ernie, and MOM...


Kismet said...

Not me-I'm gonna win a farting medal at Easy' NOW. I don't look in the past.

Duke said...

It was WONDERFUL and so sweet of Miss Sarah to do that for all of us♥

Linda said...

Oh I can wait to see all the pals from the games.
Thank you Miss Sarah.
xo Astro

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

That was so nice of Miss Sarah to give us all those wonderful memories of years gone by. We look forward to the next Smilebox.

{{{{Hugs}}}} to all of you!

Robin + Christmas said...

It's fun to do throwbacks!

M. K. Clinton said...

She is amazing and I love the SmileBox!

stellaroselong said...

That is so very nice of hers. We are gonna go check that out. stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great idea
Lily & Edward

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Her post showed up in our readin'list last nite B-4 me an'mom went 2 bed an'we HAD 2 go c it. So furry much great mem'riez. Can't wait fer the next one.
Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Miss Sarah is soooooo sweet!! We went by and watched the pawsome smiley box of the 2012 Olympics. This was just the ticket to get everyone pumped for the Pawlympics!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo