Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Rachael Ray.... DISH Review

As you may recall from YESTERDAY....   WE discovered that the family who started making DAD's Dog Food...   which is what they called it....    live in Meadville, Pencil Vane E Ah... which is REALLY close to OUR  Cooperstown, Pencil Vane E Ah...       and NOW they also make the foodables for Miss Rachael Ray.      
   Now a tiny bit about DAD's ...    we don't mean   OUR dad makes it.   THAT is just what the Ainsworth folks Called the Foodable that THEIR Dad (Granddad) developed to feed the Family dogs... and then started to make it available in Stores...         OKAY...OK that is enough history... let's get to the EATING of  

RACHAEL RAY's   NEWEST variety of Kibble...    called       dish

dish ????   That is an interesting name fur a Kibble.     Isn't it?

So What did we think of     dish ???
    FURST   we had mom put some    dish    in our dish....    Check out the carrot slices and the peas and the chunks of goodness mixed all together....     
THIS is what the  dish   package looks like....   when it comes outta your CHEWY.COM box which you can have Delivered RIGHT to     YOUR    front door...      We did not get paid to do this REVIEW....   Chewy.Com simply Sent the bag fur us to TRY and then give you a Fair and Truthful Review...  so that YOU will be able to get your OWN bag of     dish    just by Calling Chewy.com...       
 Ainsworth and Rachael Ray   Give you a GUARANTEE of QUALITY...
   And they list the Ingredients right on the bag...    The Flavor we did Chews was called  BEEF with Brown Rice Recipe with Veggies, Fruit & Chicken.  
U.S. Farm-raised feef is the #1 Ingredient  (NO poultry by-product meal, fillers, artificial preservatives, Colors or artificial flavors)    chicken meal, Dried Peas, brown Rice,Brewers Rice, and there are Apples in there, too.     AND there on the bag it says...  dish is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the Assoc. of American Feed Control Officals, dog food nutrient profiles for ALL life Stages...

Mom DID switch us over SLOWLY from our usual kibble....   and this is the picture of our furst      dish    only  supper...      

Hey FRANKIE.... come on... check this    dish   stuffs out....    it smells Delicious...  hurry up... I'm NOT gonna wait fur you....  and then have to lissen to you WHINE when I eat it ALL UP.

OKAY Ernie...   I'll give it a Snifffffffffffffffffffff      OMD   you are RIGHT fur a change    it DOES smell Super GOOD...        Let's Tie IN...
 Crunch   Crunch   Munch Crunch Munch...   gurbol  shovmty  bprcm...    OOOPS SCUSE me.... fur talkin with my mouth full....       OMD OMD   This    dish is just DELISH 
    WE really REALLY do LIKE this Rachael Ray    dish !!!
And NObuddy Paid us to say THAT...
Pee S...   Mom says that it does not make our Breath smell bad, it doesn't make our poops Icky... and we have had NO intestional issues at all.     THAT makes her very much happy.   
And fur    US...  we are supporting a LOCAL manufacturer.        If YOU will give    dish  or any of Rachael Ray's line of foodables... YOU will be doing our area a Boost Also...   
        AND     listen to this VALUE ADDED statement on the bag:
Rachael's Rescue helps pets that might not have someone who loves them as much as we love ours.  Rachael's Personal Proceeds from NUTRISH ( dish) will go to pet charities and other organizations that do good for animals...
    It is a WIN   WIN   thingy...    WE get Good SAFE Foodables... and Miss Rachael will help the less fortunate ones.   
     SO give CHEWY.COM   a Call  or order On Line....  and get YOUR own bag of  Nutrish  dish  in either Beef or CHICKEN flavor.


easyweimaraner said...

oh how great that it works on efurry front... not only the input is impawtant, the output counts too, right? Dig in and enjoy efurry piece Rachel made just for you!

My GBGV Life said...

My sisters might be into that. I'm not a fan of carrots, which means I would need to spend precious eating time picking them out and lying them on the floor. I'm funny that way. I hear the Rachel Ray food is good stuff, though.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh that is wonderfurs foodables methinks!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Cowspotdog said...

that sounds like a great food

Sheltie Times said...

Locally sourced food, how cool. Glad you are enjoying it.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, this is one of the bestest Chewy.com goodies! Gotta love local stuff. And I love my sample of Rachel Ray Dish too.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Unknown said...

Oh, Furts and Turts, that close up of your new Rachel Ray foodables looks like a DELISH Dish! BOL I am so glad you both liked it (and it seems Sarge liked it too and it has veggies in it, which we know he usually won't eat). Oh my...and if you keep eating it you will be supporting your local community AND pets in need of furever homes. It is definitely a win-win food. Now, when will you be meeting Miss Rachel Ray in the furs?!?

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm glad you like it! Do you guys eat out of the SAME food bowl?? You're lucky your little brother isn't a HOG like my little sister is, Frankie!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're taste testing some RR Dish too and we also like it.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We jut love all the Rachel Ray does for Pups, and it look like she has a big hit with Dish!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

My Mind's Eye said...

Well you know me...I don't like technicolor food but my mom is about to climb in the monitor...she says it looks delicious!!
Great review guys
Hugs madi your bfff

WFT Nobby said...

Love the sound effects!

Lovable Lily said...

We've tried her soft food and really love it! We've not tried the kibble yet. We will surely try it now that we know you like it.

Great review!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Robin + Christmas said...

Bow to the wow, that looks grand!

Your pal,

Sully said...

Dish looks delish in your dish.

Aroo to you,

Noodles said...

Local is PAWfect!!!! And it looks tasty too.
Love Noodles

stellaroselong said...

Did you know your cousin is eating the very same food. stella rose

Kismet said...

You eat the dish also?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet you both licked the "dish" clean:) That food looks very yummy. Ms. Rachel does nice things too.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Army of Four said...

That looks yummy, you guys!

Murphy said...

Nice review! We are glad you liked Dish. Now, do we understand correctly that your mom LIKES your poops?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Duke said...

Look at all of those yummy extras in there! That food sure does look delicious!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Boy that looks yummy

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! Your food is made right outside of your town. That is almost homemade and the Dish looks DELISH! ♥

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

A win-win, that's a fangtastic outcome! We think it's pawfect and looks scrumptious, too.

Idaho PugRanch said...

how cool you eat food that is made near your home Are the carrots hard and crunchy??
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Ohhhh - that food lookz really really yummy. Butt mom just changed my kibble so will hafta wait tue try this.
Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

C.L.W.STEP said...

That looks very yummy!

Talking-Dogs said...

Mmmm, that looks good! Got wipe up Rudy's slobber :-)

pilch92 said...

Nice review, my cats love Rachel Ray's Cat food.