Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Post # 2784

WE are getting Close to ANOTHER big MILESTONE...  which will be Post # 2,787    THAT should happen on FRIDAY...  

You know you are getting OLDER and have Been Around a While when you get up to THAT many Posts...  RIGHT???

      We wanted to tell you that YESTERDAY  the LAST Daffy Finally Bloomed...  we have had at Least ONE every single day since EASTER SUNDAY...
 And we only have TWO   Two Lips  left...       We guess that means that Spring is almost gone...
IMPAWTANT....     if you are planning to attend the Blogville Awesome Retreat  (BAR... for Short...)    Please check below...

Arty & Dory with 2 hoomans
Murphy & Stanley with 2 hoomans
Yamini (Aunty YAM)
Pip's Ruby with 1 hooman
Casey & Jessie with 1 hooman
Frankie & Ernie with 2 hoomans
Sarge's Crabby Girls with 2 hoomans
Hailey & Phod with 2 hoomans
Stella Rose with 1 hooman
Jester with 1 hooman
Sydney from Chewy
1 hooman from A Day In The Life of Pugs with UNK # of Pugs
1 hooman from The Ok Dog Blog with UNK # of dogs
Shelle Pennington with UNK # dogs

If you are planning to attend, even if for only 1 day, please make sure we have your information!  A special welcome packet will be emailed to ONLY those who are attending so we want to make sure we have your information!
ALSO.......  it would be nice if you could help spread this info around... to help us ensure that everyone is Included in the list...
AND...   PLEASE   give us the name(s) of the Dog Cat Crab Bird Goat or Unicorn that is represented...     



My GBGV Life said...

Wish we could go, but it doesn't work into our schedule. I'm sure you will all have a blast!

Julie said...

The B.A.R sounds sooo exciting.....AND you've invited the Unicorns, wow that is sooo brave of you! They have quite a reputation you nose, its not all myth!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

Oh, such lovely flowers. I think Summer is right around the corner, boys! Oh, we wish we could go to the BAR but are just not able to attend. I expect a full report.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yup - have mentioned a couple of 'MIAs' from the list over at the BARbloggy... golly it is getting so close now........ I had a trial run at the packing yesterday. Trial run I said.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

I hope someone brings a unicorn stuffy to the BAR.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow! That's a milestone alright
Lily & Edward

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs you have been around the blog block a few times!! Congrats!!
Mom and Dad are so excited about the B.A.R.
hugs madi your bfff

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, congrats on that big upcoming 87 milestone! I recently had one, but not near that big. BOL. Oh, those flowers are so pretty. You know I peed on a few of those. Just sayin'.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

stellaroselong said...

Wow that is a milestone to be proud of for sure isn't it. All our spring flowers are gone, and the frost got our beautiful lilacs this year, we have had weirdo weather. I and momma are getting so excited about the bar. stella rose

Murphy said...

That must be a special post to have that special number! See yous soon and thanks for the shout out!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Murphy said...

BTW, we updated the list cuz we left off Madi & Oreo and corrected the count by adding Whitney & Jaxzyn.

Brinley Westie said...

Wow, ya still gittin' daffydils? Ours were done in March, da irises are done, and we're on to daylilies now....summer comes early here.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How awesome to still be seeing some daffy dills!! We can't WAIT to go to meet you guys at the BAR!!!
Dory & Arty(Flat Jakey & Bilbo too!)

Noodles said...

I thought SPRING just happened!!! Where does the time go?
Love Noodles

Kismet said...

Where is the retreat taking place?

Duke said...

We've seen tulips around in our travels but the daffies are all gone. It's really incredible that they've lasted this long!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Your garden is lovely. It has more flowers than ours. Isn't Oreo coming to BAR too?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Winter showed up today....EARLY. It's -0.2°C and SHE's not taking us for an EARLY MORNING WALK. We have to WAIT until all the kiddos get to school and it warms up. SHEESH! Can't wait for you MILESTONE **87th post!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet you will have some pretty blooms for the summer too. But those daffodils and tulips were so pretty to see.

Happy early milestone!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Idaho PugRanch said...

We hope spring hangs on a little longer except for less rain. We are not ready for the heat of summer yet
Mr bailey, Hazel & mabel

The Army of Four said...

That's a cool milestone! We are about at 3445 or something like that. Of course, that was our great-brothers and great-sisters for quite a while!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey 2,787 posts. You blokes must be ancient, aye?? I'll be seeing you at the BAR. I'll be in the FLAT but I'll be there!!

Anonymous said...

Spring flowers are the best when they come and the worst when they die off. C'mon summer!

Love and licks,

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! OMD! Y'all are going to have the bestest time EVER! I am so peanut butter and jelly that Sydney is joining you! Good Times!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, wish we could be there. Jan can't even get her act together to make us a picture so we can participate long distance.

We posted Monday on the closest we'll be able to come to participating in anything live. That was fun.