Monday, January 4, 2016

Love in the Air and ON THE STREETS of BLOGVILLE...


Fur all of Blogville.....   coming to a Screen near YOU...  BUTT FURST....   Who is going to CONFESS ????   Confess to giving Ziggy his FURST KISS....  when the Lights went out on New Year's Eve???         COME ON NOW.....    FESS UP...       it is driving Ziggy CRAZY wondering WHO it was...  (ERNIE SWEARS it was NOT HIM)  And it wasn't ME...   SO 
                   WHO WAS THE MYSTERY KISSER???    A guy wants to KNOW who his FURST KISS came from!!!   
                 NOW ..... On to the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:

WE are gonna have a PAWRADE in BLOGVILLE !!!!!

Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade     2-14-16

Co-Hosts:  Frankie, Ernie,  and     Beachnut & Shelldon    Click the link to find THEM.

Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.

·       Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates

·       Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners

Need Help??  If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear photo of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at  lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry.   Include your name and blog address.

No Help Required / Photo Ready??   If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at  frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade.  Include your name and blog address.

The 2-5-16 DEAD LION.... is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.

Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!

HERE is a BADGE fur you to SNAG and use in any way you wish... SARGE made it fur the Crabby Girrrrrls.   He does good paw work...   


The Daily Pip said...

Just read the news at Sarge's place. I'll start looking for my new red dress now!

Wishing you and your family much happiness, good health, and lots of fun in 2016!

Julie said...

Oh what a GREAT event, I luffs a bit of luffs!!!!
Er...what colour was the lipstick on Ziggy, do that give us a clue????
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Woohoo, I better start work on a float right away!!! .... As for Ziggy, I do hope the mystery kisser has good intentions!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My GBGV Life said...

I wonder if the parade will be at a snails pace with those two other hosts??? Sounds like another fun event!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mol mol mol Brudder Ziggy's head is spinning over the mystery kiss.
I am his adopted sissy I kiss him all the time so I WAS NOT ME.
But there was someone standing beside me when the lights went out. I heard them say
ohhhhhh your are Ziggy-a-licious and they had a nice accent too

Ohh I love love love a parade. My guy and I will be there for sure
Hugs madi your bfff

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It is gonna be fun. Hailey can't wait for Easy to be back so they can co-ordinate this.

Kinley Westie said...

Sounds pawsome!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, a Valentine's Parade?!? Sounds fun but what does one wear or do at a Valentine's Day parade? I'll have to see what I can come up with.
P.S. Sorry I haven't been around. The holidays had Ma in a craze so she didn't have much time to help me type! The nerve.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...this is going to be pawsome!!! We will start getting our dates lined up and parade entries ready!!

As far as Ziggy's kiss..hmmmmmm, I hear it was the Kitty Kissing Bandit!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, those crabby girls are all agog! They can't wait to get going on the parade entries. POL to Emma's comment and I think they'll be sure to have a spectacular and fasionable ride of some sort so they can keep up. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Murphy said...

We are very much excited about this!! This will be the pawfect thing to celebrate love!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sheltie Times said...

Sounds like fun.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh cool. We've sent in our photo for embellishment yo Sarge. Hope to meet-up with you at the parade.

Duke said...

It sounds like a very fun time!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wonder who the lucky lady is?
That sounds like a lot of fun - and romance :)
Dip and Elliot x

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ziggy had a kiss! Oh my word
Lily & Edward

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

The parade sounds pawsome.

marley said...

Dis sound lime pawsome fun Ernie my pal...I see iffens we can come along

Cowspotdog said...

we are in - we just have to find a girlfriend for the Denny - he is soooo picky

Matilda the Boxer said...

This will be very exciting! I'd better see if I can screw up my courage to ask that special someone!

M. K. Clinton said...

We did not kiss Ziggy either. I was busy trying to get a kiss from my sweetie, Emma. Pierre and Bailie never left the dance floor! Bahaha! Have you asked Mabel? She has declared her womanhood! ROFL ♥

Poodle At Play said...

Oh boy, I was right there new to Ziggy when it happened...but it wasn't me! My lips were too busy enjoying one of Ruby's delish drinks when those lights went out!

Poodle At Play said...

Oh boy, I forgot to mention how excited I am for this parade! I'm going to have to figure out what to do about that right away!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Nope! It was not me that kissed Ziggy, I was with Arty - but wait the lights were out - I don't think I kissed Ziggy - did the kiss taste like bacon?? No it could not have been me!

The Army of Four said...

A mystery kiss!?!? Oh, it sounds like one of those mystery shows Maggie likes to watch!

Millie and Walter said...

This sounds like fun. We will have to think about what our float might look like.

Sully said...

Sounds like fun!

Aroo to you,

Sweet William The Scot said...

Seventy-six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuo-
Sos, the cream of ev'ry famous band.
Sorry I got carried away with the thought of our parade. Why I will grab my gal Bella and be there.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

stellaroselong said...

You can count on us to send you a picture, our mom is trying hard to get back into blogging for us, we missed it so much, heck we even missed the new years eve party and u know we nevers miss much. ummmm i wonder where princess leah was during that kiss, i faught i heard her and maggie talking about kissing on the phone...stellie rose

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

This sounds like so much fun. We will try our best to pawticipate.

sprinkles said...

This is soooooo excitin' news! I'll have to work on getting decent pix of the chi's and get them sent in. I don't know how to edit them, so I'll need to hurry up and get them so that they can pawticipate.

Wyatt said...

Whee, we do love a parade! Photos heading your way!

Wyatt and Tegan

Patrice and Higgins said...

OMD, what fun!!!!! Mom is pretty good at editing photos so lets me get wit my girl Sammie Jean to see if she want to ride on my float!!!!!!!!


Collie222 said...

We sent you a couple pictures, we are just working on one last picture for you. We will email it this weekend.

Collie222 said...

Oops, we sent the pictures to Beachnut, because we are hopeless at photo editing!