Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Long time No See... Right??

 While we were away... to visit Cussin Sarge... in Pencil Vane E Ah...   We gotted a Super treat...

 Do you want me to HELP you with your I Scream, Frankie????
 They were Served with a Dollop of   MilkBone...      OH YUMMMMMMM...
 SO, Furends....   the REASON we were in Pencil Vane E Ah...  was beclaws we are going to MOVE there....         Yes, we are selling our house on the Ohio Hill....  and are gonna go to live Closer to Cussin Sarge.

SOOOOOOOOOOooooooo....   we are gonna be busy as Squirrels on Hot Tin Roofs...   and we need to take a rather LONG Blogging Break...   Maybe a post here and there...  or a Comment or two sprinkled in.... butt SERIOUSLY   our mom and dad are OLD and SLOW and they have like
 87 TONS  of Stuffs to sort and Pack...  and then there is the MOVE and the UN Pack and sort.. and stuffs...       you all know what this moving is like...  It will be about All WE can do to keep these ancient    elderly     SLOW MOVING Peeps...  on the go... to get it all taken care of...  
     We will MISS all of you somethingy FIERCE...       See you on the Back Side of THIS MESS.
F & E


Lovable Lily said...

You're really moving? OMD!! We're moving too. Tell your Mom it's NO fun at all. We've been packing and tossing out "treasures" for days and still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. We even had to get a portable dumpster. Mommy is soooo sore she can hardly move or walk. We keep trying to tell her it will all be worth it. Florida here we come!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Cowspotdog said...

how exciting - moving is stressful - we know - but once you get there and settle in - it will be pawsome. We won't forget you :)

Julie said...

That sounds like very exciting times fur you (hard work fur Mom and Dad!)
Butts, you'll get to see soooo much more of Sarge, how cool is that!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Wow! That is big news! If it helps you feel better, it is not as stressful as when we moved from Germany back to MN. My mom has moved so much, she can pack up the house in no time flat. We love moving as it means a new place to explore! Good luck and stay in touch.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! We'll be missing you something fierce too but how exciting to be closer to Sarge and Lori. Old folks like our Mom need help getting around sometimes you know. Hope your still gonna be able to have a garden.

Prissy is doing wonderful and doesn't seam to have any problems from her adventure in eating.

Mommy's girls

My Mind's Eye said...



Samantha said...

Oh a big move!! My mommy and our family are moving too. Xxoo MaddiethePug

WFT Nobby said...

Oh my goodness this is dramatic but exciting news. But how nice to hear that the family will all be close again. We are sure it will all be worth the upheaval, though a wrench to leave the Hill.
Frankie and Ernie, you are in for a busy time supervising the move. Will you be transplanting the milkbone tree?
Toodle pip!

Zoe said...

Whoa, big news! Big changes! Whut 'bout all yur garden goodieness? Yu gonna pack that up an move it too?

Argh, whut is it with our old folks? We is gonna be movin too! Daddy is gettin tired to wurk (retire) an we will move to My farm thingy in Colorado!
Mommy is Not lookin forward to packin an movin heavy things.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness, that side-swiped me... what an enormous decision, but totally understandable. Golly, think of all the things you will have to tell us about when you get back to the keyboard!!! Really miss seeing you on your rounds of Blogville, but it is very sensible to put the shingle 'out for shifting' up... then if you do manage a post or visit here and there, it will be all the more appreciated! Look after the peeps though,guys, coz it can get bit overwhelmifying... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....We share your pain. Take notes on this movin' thing because me and da pack might need some good advice.

PeeS....Did you get any cake with that I Scream by chance?????

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Will it take about 87 of those moving trucks to move the snowfreaks to Pencil-vane-ia?

We are eggcited about your move. Good luck. Don't furget to take the milkbone crop with you.

Unknown said...

Great Dog Almighty, Furts and Turts! You are moving???? No more O-Hi!-O? What about your milkbone garden??? Who will take care of it when you are gone? I think it would be pretty pawesome to move closer to Sarge. Then you all can play ALL the time!

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I've been watching for your big announcement! YUP, IT'S OFFICIAL...we're gonna be so near each other and it will be wonderful! We are all so excited we can't stom wiggling and wagging and smiling and clacking our claws with glee. BOL It will all be worth the work. Think of the grand adventures and fun. No more 6 hour voyages to hour will be wonderful. Ahhhhh, we can't wait.

BWAR HAR HAR to our furiends' comments about packing snowfreaks and milkbone trees. Your toy collection will need its own truck. BOL

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

easyweimaraner said...

Oh I hope you will find a wonderful new house next to Sarge and I also hope the house on the hill finds a good new owner (maybe one with dachshunds?)I bet you will miss your kingdom on the hill and I wish I could hep with the moving-stuff... I'm there and I will wait fur ya... and if you need me, send an sos, then things will go Easy :o)
easy rider

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh No ~ You are not going to be OHIO peeps anymore. I won't be able to say we are from the same state. We sure understand wanting to be closer to Lori and downsizing. Lee would love to move. Since getting so sick last October it has really been a struggle everyday to keep our place going. Sounds like you already have a place bought.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are gonna miss you during the move, but we understand. Lady and Man did it nearly 3 years ago and it is crazy. Give us an update when you can and know we will be thinking about you!

Kismet said...

That sounds like drastic action. I guess Sarge doesn't have a telephone.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, what an exciting adventure! I've never moved, but my kitty sister has and she said it's grreat -- there's boxes everywhere to play in, and crinkly paper to lie on, and all sorts of new spots to investigate as stuff gets moved around. You'll like it, don't worry. Good luck in your move, and we'll see you when we can!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Gosh we have been missing you and now we are gonna miss you more! But that is very exciting news to move closer to Sarge and his peeps. Lots of work to move so we understand. Hope you will keep us posted now and then on the progress!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Jans Funny Farm said...

What stunning news! We are going to miss you like crazy but we sure understand that you need some time to pack up and set up a new home. What an adventure! And you'll be closer to your dear cousin Sarge. Make sure your folks don't overdo, though. Hope they will have some help.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How exciting!!! We knew something had to be going on. That is going to be so awesome for your pawrents. Ours are still hoping that one day they will get our human brother here, our two sisters are here already. At least he is in Texas now instead of California. We hope the house sells quickly and all goes really smoothly for the whole process!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

One more thing - are all the snowmen going to be moving too? Hope they don't melt on the way:) BOL

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Two French Bulldogs said...

Holy crap! Fantastic. Mom loves Pennsy. Will you become Amish?
Lily & Edward

Cookie's Comments said...

Oh, Frankie and Ernie -- so excited for your news. Mum said she KNEW something was going on when you weren't posting for a couple of days.

Neither me nor Sixpence or Tigger III know what it's like to move -- Mum had Cody and Alpha and Omega when she moved here. But I heard that Cody did a runner the first time the new apt door was open -- a maintenance man had to chase her for about 87 minutes in 87 degree August weather!!!!

Pity we don't have time to set up a function to help you move your Milkbone tree and all your toys, but I'mm sure nothing will get lost on the way.

Hope to hear from you very soon.

Toodle pip


Murphy said...

OMD! OMD! OMD! This is such SHOCKING news! BUTT we know that you will be VERY MUCH happier living closer to your cousin Sarge! Hopefully you can find a hill in Pencil-vane-ya to move to where there is enough room to plant milkbone bushes. BUTT, there is going to be a lot of stuffs on the "TO DO" list so we hope your pawrents remember that they still need to give you your treats and pets and the impawtent stuffs!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

stellaroselong said...

Moving!!! We have been missing you but understand what a grand time you will have moving closer to Sarge, see you both on the flip side....stella rose

Scooter said...

WOW!! what a shock.....your moving!!!
Youll like being closer to sarge and think of all the new places you get to sniff out.


The Army of Four said...

WOW, how very, very exciting! We're sure going to miss you around Blogville, so PLEASE check in from time to time so we know you're ok. Your parents aren't going to put you two to work, are they?
Our mom was born in that Pencil place and even went back there to graduate from some Nittany Lion thing. I'm not sure. Anyway, she said it's a pretty wonderful place!
Be safe, don't work too hard, and try to keep the bipeds in line!

Bocci said...

What big news! Congrats to you all! Is it possible we could meet in a park before you go? We've been meaning to do that again for so long...and now...

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! Moving off your hill??!! We can't believe it! But, if you go to Pencil Vane ya, there'll be lots of new critters to chase and stuff! Patty the Post lady won't know what to do!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...This is a big undertaking for your peeps...Even with FOUR of us it was hard to keep Mama and Daddy on track for all the packing and moving...and unpacking!!

You will always have your house in Blogville, and we'll see you as soon as your settled in PA!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Sully said...

OMD this is very exciting news!!! Hope everything goes well and hope to see y'all soon.

Aroo to you,

Kinley Westie said...

Just make sure dey pack your toys!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here - so glad I stopped by so we will know this. Make sure to take some breaks while you pack - maybe it wont seem such a huge task; Bet you will be happy to be closer to family.

Also wanted to thank you for your prayers - I am sure they are working;
Mom Kim

Unknown said...

OMD, that's big news!! We hope your new home is going to have a big garden, we so love reading about your vegetable garden and harvesting. Mom sat nodding while we read her your post, she helped Grandpa and Oumie pack up their home when they moved into a smaller place. They'd been living in their place for 20 years, mom says there was A LOT of stuff to sort through.
We're keeping our paws crossed that the packing and moving goes well. We will miss you while you are busy but can only imagine how excited Sarge must be to have you moving closer.
Wally & Sammy

Duke said...

Congratulations! We can't wait to hear all about your new adventures in PA!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Charlotte said...

OMD! We're gonna miss hearing from you guys! (it's only for a while, right?) We are very excited for you....especially since you will be so close now to your cussin. This is gonna be an adventure!!!

(((Hugs))) to you and your peeps!!!

Anonymous said...

This is super-exciting news, F and E. Best of luck in your new home! Get ready for some new and amazing smells. We'll miss you, but we'll be waiting right here when you get settled in.

Love and licks,

M. K. Clinton said...

WOW! That is the biggest of news! We would love to move but when Mom and Dad think of packing up 24 years of stuffs, they always chicken out! Bravo for y'all. Stay safe and we will be waiting for updates. ♥

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Pleese makes sure wee has yor nu address guys so wee can sends yoo some housey warmer giftys , good lucks wivs da move its will so nice to bee nearer dat Sarge n famly

Lovs yoo lots
Uji, Izzy, Ziggy, Missi, Hiro Pest n Momma Tea

Poodle At Play said...

Oh Wow, moving!? That's big news for sure! Someday in the future here...maybe about 2 and dad are planning on moving in together...finally. Just needs some financial stuff sorted.

LBJ said...

Moving is a lot of work. But being closer to family is great. Mom's looking forward to a director position opening up where she and Dad lives so she can transfer without a pay cut. Yay!

We're glad you will still post once in a while as I would miss you.

Your friend,
Abby Lab

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow that is super duper crazy exciting news!! It will be so fun to see you with Sarge more often. I hope you get all your toys packed up and don't leave any behind. Good luck and check under sofas and in corners for toys or treats so they don't get left behind.

Ziggy Out!!

Unknown said...

Fink you need a blogging break guys. Hum, just as I come back you go... never mind catch up wiv you soon... Bet Sarg is jumpin up and down to fink your gonna be around a lot more.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Millie and Walter said...

That is huge news. We hope your transition to your new home goes smoothly. We sure hope you will still have a garden to play in but maybe the boxes of snow freaks could fall off the moving truck. BOL!

Patrice and Higgins said...

OMD, I could only imagine my peeps trying to move....I feels your pain! We will right here waiting for you to come back! Leave lots of pee mail at your old house!!!!!!!!


Finn said...

Well, congratulations on your big decision to move! We will miss you but we will see you on the other side. Can't wait to see your new digs!

bichonpawz said...

Wow! There are so many peeps in Blogville that are moving! We wish you the best of luck with all the packing and stuff involved in moving and we look forward to seeing your new home! Stay safe! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Idaho PugRanch said...

Just stopping by to say HI! Hope the packing and all is going well.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Ernie. Wowza and yaahoo. How fabulous you are moving closer to Sarge and his peeps. That is going to be soooo good for you all. Phew, moving house? Mum says it is the pits with a Capital P. We will keep you in our thoughts cause mum says moving is very stressful. Don't forget to enjoy lots of cuddles and keep on snoopervising mates. Take care.
No worries (especially for the move) and LOVE, Stella and Rory

Noodles said...

I am missing you something fierce. Hurry back.
I seemed to have been dropped from your following list. If I sign in with Google Plus it usually shows MOLLY's mug not mine.
This is weird.
Good luck with the move.
Love Noodles

LetterstoAndrew said...

Oh my, I never thought your folks would leave the hill. Best of luck you two!

JoAnn Stancer said...

How very exciting for you all, good luck with the move and enjoy your new adventure.

marley said...

Wishin yoo all da luk Frankie my pal....iz good to haz change but we shure gonna miss da tales from da hill....see yoo down da rode my pals...

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh noes!!! mooving??? trixie and tucker and trouble and pooh bear always yoozed to speek of mooving in hushd tones i do not think they liked it wun bit!!! probly becuz it mayd the hyoomans all krabby!!! stil how fun wil it be to be kloser to sarge??? lots of fun i bet!!! best wishes for a smooth moov and we hope to see yoo agin soon!!! ok bye

Unknown said...

How exciting! Pennsylvania is beautiful, we have a lot of family there. Enjoy your move and everyone will be here to see photos of your new place when you return :)

Unknown said...

Furts and Turts...I cannot take much more of you being away. You have been gone for like 87 days! I sure hope all this moving to Pencil-Vane-EEEEAAA gets done and gets done right quick.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Happy Barkday Ernie!

Unknown said...

Hey guys sorry I'm just hearing about the move, I hope you are all settled in your new home by now. Hurry back! Love Dolly

Ziggy Stardust said...

I miss you guys, I hope everything is going good with your moving. I hope you got all your toys packed up safe and sound.

Ziggy Out!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I miss you guys and I hope all your moving is going good. Leave no toys behind!!

Ziggy Out!