Friday, July 10, 2015

Flash Back Friday....

THIS is a REAL Flash BACK..... WAY back to  November 6, 2012    I copied and pasted the LIST of MY   CABINET....     Here it is:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I would like to THANK...

Dear Blogville Furends...     On this...   ELECTION DAY...  I would like to take a moment to THANK THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED US SO FAITHFULLY.   
This is MY Feb. 5th. 2011 ... Blogville Cabinet member(s) list: In NO particular Order 
Bucky     Fire Chief (Ruthie's Brother)
Khyra     Streets and Sidewalks
Remington    the JUDGE
Pip         Chief of Detectives
Shasta and Shiloh      Social Networking
Wyatt        Sec. of Agriculture
Maggie Mae       Director of Nursing
Alien       Aerial Defense
Sarge      Chief of Pawlice
Zona       his Deputy
Levi Mac     Sec. of Security
Shawnee       Sec of Parks and Recreation
Mayzie         Sec. of Pawsitive Community Events
Ruby and Penny       Sec. of Health and Safety
Dr. Daisy          Barkaholics Counselor
Asta           Sec. of Arts and Culture
Tessa        Official Mail Clerk
Jazzi        Sec. of Squirrel Containment and Taco procurement
Ruthie      Sec of Holloween Activities
Sammy & Andy      4-Paws ambassadors
Sally Ann and Andy       Directors of Library
Mollie Jo and Bobo        Directors of Fashion
Slimmer Pugs       Sec. of Help and Humane Services
Twix  (Angel)     Chairdog of Seating arrangements
Benny and Lily         Gaming Commission
Mango (Angel) and Dexter     Sec. of P.E. and Mentals Stimulation
Minna Krebs and Lucy      Welcome Wagon
Tucker         Official Toy Tester
Sugar            Sec. of tasty Treats and Paw Crafts
Kresty Krew (and their Angels)    Sec. of Signs and Badges
Dachsies with Moxie (and their Angels)    Sec. of Veterans Affairs and Railroad Information
Road Dogs       Sec. of Travel and Tourism
Bouncing Bertie       Scientific Advisor 
It has been a Privilege and an Honor to serve BLOGVILLE with their help.      
Look at all the names.....  some have Crossed the Bridge and Some have just Moved away from Blogville....  BUTT look at those who are STILL with us...   or their Brothers or Sisters have taken over in their place...      
     A lot has changed in Blogville...   Some GOOD some SAD   some even BAD... butt BLOGVILLE Continues...      and that is what matters...        BLOGVILLE will be with us as long as we all stick together... and I know that will happen...      beclaws BLOGVILLE is the BESTEST PLACE EVER.
   Hope that you enjoyed this Flashback Friday Post....   


Julie said...

You said it F&E, Blogsville IS the bestest place evers and this little Princess, who still hasn't got to her Furst Blog Anniversary (!?!) is soooo glad to haf found such wonderful furfriends
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
PeeS Ummm, Ernie, do you do conveyancing as well as criminal cases? 'Cos I is finking of buying me a TOWER!!!!!

My GBGV Life said...

Blogville is like real life, there are comings and goings, happiness and sadness, but Blogville continues on no matter what. The only thing we really don't like is when residents disappear without a peep and we never know what happened to them.

Cowspotdog said...

the start of a fine tradition

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I second Emma's comment... Genuine furries (fins, feathers..) and their Folks make up the population of Blogville and, just as in 'fleshville', life moves along. I am so glad my 'travels' brought me here!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Samantha said...

I'm so honored to be a new member here in Blogville. Everyone is so sweet. Love, MaddiethePug

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Don't let our Grandma see the list with the Barkaholics Counselor. She would sign us Shelties up for counseling big time!

Noodle4President said...

I didn't know you guys then but I hope 3 years from now when you do another throwback, I'll be included. *ear licks*

Noodle4President said...

I didn't know you guys then but I hope 3 years from now when you do another throwback, I'll be included. *ear licks*

Noodle4President said...

I didn't know you guys then but I hope 3 years from now when you do another throwback, I'll be included. *ear licks*

easyweimaraner said...

that makes blogville to a special place... we lose friends we have moments we cry together and there are that moments we share funny things... think that's that thingy we call life... and it's a good life to meet friends whenever we turn our compawters on...I have no clue if the inventor of the internet knew what a wonderful thing he really invented :o)
easy rider

Matilda the Boxer said...

Blogville is the BEST! I'm so glad to be a pawt of it!

My Mind's Eye said...

That is one Hall of Fame list for sure.....we miss all who have gone to the bridge but we know they have found one another up there and are running and playing.
Hugs madi your bfff

stellaroselong said...

We agree with everyone, it is our home and our heart.
stella rose

Kismet said...

Sad to see how many are at the bridge in such a short time.

Cookie's Comments said...

I was not around Blogville then, but mum says that she and Cody read all of those blogs from that time. It was because of all of you Hall of Famers (including those who went to the Bridge and Cody met when she went there) that mum and I "moved" to Blogville. We have been members for almost 2 months and LUV LUV LUVS it here!!!

Toodle pip


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, I can't believe all of those furiends! It's sad to see those we have lost, but I'm wagging at how many are still enjoying our Blogville world.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful memories this brought back Frankie!! It is wonderful to see how much Blogville has grown and changed....but it is also wonderful to look back to when Blogville was a small and growing community!!

We have loved it, do love it and always will love Blogville!!!
Thanks for all you do to keep it the great place it is!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You had a wonderful cabinet, Frankie!!! Wish we could get everyone to come back to blogging.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Army of Four said...

That's quite the list! And though it's sad to see those who are no longer with us, it's good to remember them. Even though I never knew Mango, he was before my time, Mom has told me and Cam about him -- and guess what? I made friends with a Mastiff the other day at the vet's! Mom said he reminded her of Mango and so we thought about him.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Sketching with Dogs said...

Looks like you have more staff than our local council :)
Dip and Elliot x

Murphy said...

Yes, it will go on furever cuz the love and joy will never die!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

M. K. Clinton said...

I recognize many friends on the list! Blogville is such a wonderful place. ☺

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! That's amazing! We wish we had known about Blogville a long time ago!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ahhhh sweet post
Lily & Edward

FiveSibesMom said...

We recognize many names, too...Flashbacks are great to remember times and friends past...thanks for sharing! (You should hook up to our Flashback Friday blog hops! We'd love to have you join us!)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Mommy loves this post!! It makes her remember all pals, some who have crossed and many still with us. Uncle Frankie, I didn't get why they were called "butt barkers" but now I learned why. I was butt barking quite a bit and Angel Sasha was giggling at me. Your Mom and Dad named those like for a good reason. My butt was barking.

Ziggy Out!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are proud to be part of blogville!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Duke said...

Blogville is the absolute bestest!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

LBJ said...

I'm proud to call Blogville home and serve on its fine police force.

Abby Lab

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, we did enjoy it. We don't ever want to forget those who were here and left for whatever reason because they are part of Blogville history.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We were just noticing all the missing...... Glad there are a few left...and some new residents of Blogville.

Finn said...

Seems like so long ago! Time does fly.

sprinkles said...

I love looking back at old posts and the memories that come with it.

Anonymous said...

We love blogville.......then, now, and forever!

Hugs, Sammy

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for this trip down memory lane. We weren't around then but our mom remembers many of them well.