Monday, July 13, 2015

About those CANDY Peeps....

NOTE:  (not to self)....        Furends, this is the mostest BUSY time of our YEAR...  ..Stuffs are starting to come from the GARDEN...   and  we are in the middle of MONSOON SEASON....Which were should NOT be having at this time of year....    It is just Rain Rain and MORE rain... and the MUD... OMD the MUD...    What we are TRYING to say is.... we are gonna HAVE to take a Blog Break....   We will do what we can to READ butt commenting will probably not be happening....   We have a couple of posts all PRE Done... butt that will be about IT fur a week or maybe even a bit longer...    We can't even keep up with the grass... and FORGET the weeding...    They are growing Faster than Ernie's BUTT.      We hope you will all understand...

We showed you the Pay Tree Otic Peeps the other day...

 When our MOM was Little... about 87 years ago or so....      PEEPS were ONLY available at EASTER... and at furst only YELLOW Chicks....
Then they came out in PINK and White...    and years later Peep BUNNIES... in all those colors... PLUS BLUE...       Mom ADORED getting Peeps in her Easter Basket...  
      NOW....   they are available most of the year...   always fur HOLIDAYS...    Peep Jack O Lanterns...    Peeps Shamrocks    Peeps for VALENTINE's DAY....   and a few years ago they came out with......    {{{{{{{{{SHIVER}}}}}}}}}     Snow Freak Peeps...         THIS is the first time we had seen them fur the Fourth of July though.
      For those of you in other countries... you don't know what you are missing...   they are HORRID for the  I Scream Cemetery (as our furend Easy calls his mom's Behind)....    and the Teefs...   butt DARN are they GOOD...    
   We WILL admit that they may be an ACQUIRED taste....  like   Haggis and Vegemite ...
 So there you have it the LONG and COLORFUL and DELICIOUS  history of PEEPS that you CAN Eat...  


easyweimaraner said...

I hope you can manage all that work... you can with the help of eight paws, right? I never had such peeps, but if they are the horror of all dentists and like manure for the ice cream cemetery they must be GOOOOOOOOD!
easy rider

My GBGV Life said...

Hope you guys are able to get caught up on your work there at the ranch! We have a peeps store at the Mall of America, but Mom never goes to that mall, so she didn't see those peeps. They are a cult thing these days. See you after your break.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie. Those peeps sound delicious and mum even drooled a little. We remember all the goodies you grow in your garden and how good your mum is at preserving them. Have fun, stay safe from the weather and enjoy that mud. We are having a cold snap here and don't like it at all. There was even SNOW about 20 kms from our place on Saturday!! no worries and love Stella and Rory

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Frankie and Ernie we do truly understand you two have your paws full looking after the two leggers now you have to look after the crops. We know you will have lots of good eating to show us this fall.
Hugs to you all and remember to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks when out in the north 40
madi your bfff

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Are Peeps like treats? Mommy doesn't like them so we have never seen them for real, not even when the boys were little.

Sketching with Dogs said...

They are very cute sweets! Hope your garden is growing well with all the rain. It is the same here but we are used to it, BOL!
Dip and Elliot x

Samantha said...

Lol I hate those things, but my mom loves them!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Golly it sounds like you got your paws full fur sure... good luck with all that preening, weeding, harvesting, bottling and whateva....
Despite all the waxing lyrical, I have to say, I think I could say no to peeps.
If you had mentioned cheese, though..........
Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Unknown said...

OK...I did not realize they were now putting out Peeps for every holiday! BOL Ma loves her Peeps a little stale...she opens up the package and lets them sit for a day or two so they get a little tuff to chew. Then, she scarfs them down. Holy Moly, you have a lot going on over there with the garden and such. Take all the time you need to get things done over there. I will miss you, of course, especially since I was gone for the end of last week but I think I will manage.
*high paws*

Cowspotdog said...

Our dad loves peeps too - like you said - an acquired taste :)

stellaroselong said...

we remember the days of only yellow and pink...well our mom does.....good luck with the garden, it is super hot here.
stella rose

Kismet said...

Who's gonna handle the court cases?

Duke said...

That's exactly how our mom remembers the peeps - from her Easter baskets 87 thousand years ago!
We understand about being overwhelmed with yard work and garden work, etc, etc. Your mom will be putting up tons of good stuffs for all of you and you'll be enjoying it this winter!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We soooooo get it Frankie!! Hang in there and help your Mama keep those weeds at bay!!
Dory, JAkey, Arty & Bilbo

sprinkles said...

My mom always told me that I'm the only person in the world who actually likes Peeps. I haven't seen these Patriotic ones, but I want them now.

Can you send some rain my way? We've had cloudy skies and thunderstorms, but very little rain.

rottrover said...

We love your harvest!! Enjoy :-)

Patrice and Higgins said...

OMD 4th of July Peeps now!!!! WOW.......


Scooter said...

we understand that you gotta get the veggies taken care of. Those peeps are so cool!!


Idaho PugRanch said...

WE know how it gets - sometimes there is just not enough time in the day for everything that needs to get done!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

If you need help with that mud, we will be glad to oblige:) And Mom would work and you would only have to pay her in fresh veggies:) Send directions and we will be right over.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Daily Pip said...

My assistant is not a huge fan of the peeps, but she always looks forward to seeing the pictures and bounty from your beautiful garden!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE remembers those yellow peeps....or a fore runner. We know you'll be busy getting all your great foods ready for winter. Be sure to take some photos...while you work.

Hope all the rain hasn't ruined your Milk Bone crop. Still raining here, too.

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

OMD Mom is gonna loose her stuffs that she did not see these cause brother wuvs peeps.

Two French Bulldogs said...

You got to take care of business. Help the parents so they don't mess everything up
Lily & Edward

C.L.W.STEP said...

We have had way too much rain lately too. We hope you get some good yummies from your garden!

Murphy said...

We aren't peep peeps over here. OK, do the garden stuffs. Maybe we can stop by and help you eat!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Kinley Westie said...

Momma luvs da speshul flavored peeps - she had lime, orange, and lemon ones at Easter.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

We'll have to try some the next time we cross the border. We're close to the USA so it's on our shopping list unless your peeps have already bought up the inventory.

Millie and Walter said...

Sounds like you boys have your paws full with all that work on your hill.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Wowser, lots going on there on your hill. I bet that monsoon makes your garden grow BIG FAST. Keep high and dry my furrends - RILLY HIGH with your little leggies!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

U sound so busy.

Finn said...


Ziggy Stardust said...

Mommy told me about your milk bone garden and I hope it is going good for you. I don't know if I will be able to plant this year since I chewed up most of the catalog for seeds.

Ziggy Out!!

Sweet William The Scot said...

We love Peeps ~ we like to pop the package and let them get a little stale with kind of a hard crust and then we eat them. Peeps make wonderful smores in the summer.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

M. K. Clinton said...

We understand but we sure will miss y'all. Be good and happy gardening!

Unknown said...

Our Peeps are Peep converts thanks to Sweet William and Lee. They LOVE them...sadly though we do not get them here.
Wally & Sammy

The Army of Four said...

Our mom LOVES Peeps!!!!