Monday, June 22, 2015

WHAT?????? WHAT is going ON here???

AwwwwwRoooooooo    clang clang    AwwwwwRooooooo      WHOOOOOOOO   Wooooooooooo      whhoooooowwwwww
     weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee       Clang   Clang

What the SQUIRREL is going on???    Sirens are Blaring and Blasting ALL OVER Blogville...  I see Fire and Emergency vehicles and FLASHING LIGHTS and Pawlice cars... and the Helicopter is circling ...      I'd better call Cussin Sarge...
Commish. Sarge here....  
SARGE????   I can hardly HEAR you over all the racket...  WHAT is going on???
Are we under another SQUIRREL ATTACK?
Frankie....  no time to explain....  just get yourself to the Court House...  FAST...        and be CAREFUL....  there are first responders   coming in from EVERY DIRECTION....  headed to the  Blogville....  HILTON...         JUDGE... you have a RUN AMUCK    JURY...    "click"
    OMD OMD    I just KNEW this was gonna go Bad....   


Yes, your Honoratable....  butt I Do sort of Have SOME information...    since the Alternates were not on the same floor as the Jurors...  they did manage to get a call out...  Benji and Sweetie and Tasha and Snoopy and Anna say it is BAD...  REALLY BAD....       Benji says that  Denny TRIED to get thingys settled down....  butt then WALTER pulled the SQUIRREL ALARM...  and    there was so much noise after THAT ....          I'll see what I can find out.... and Call you with an update.
FINE....   Just be CAREFUL of all the TRAFFIC !!!   

FRANCINE....     LOCK the Door when RAZ goes out...   
     THEN Call   ROXY and ERNIE and have them contact their CLIENTS.... and say that COURT    WILL be in SESSION in 87 minutes....  and to be HERE...
         YES, Your ON IT NESS....      

OKAY,,,,,    as you are all aware.....   we have a SITUATION at the Blogville Hilton....    the Kitchen Counter Suit Jurors....  have...      GONE ..... WILD....  or Somethingy...  and  at this moment... I have no idea what is going on....            OTHER than ....     it seems that WE are the ONLY ones involved in this HORROR....  Willing or Able to make it to Court...       Blogville's Finest are WORKING on restoring order and When or IF they succeed...  we WILL get back to this Trial and Tribulation...         I will have Francine call you with any updates..   SO keep those Phones CHARGED and Turned ON....    Is that clear???
BUTT JUDGE....      I was wanting to do some shopping at Victorious Secret...  can I still do that?
YES, ROXY....   go ahead...  you can take Ernestine with you....    BUTT Don't tell FRANCINE....    I need her HERE!!!
Can I take Easy over to the park to .....   BLOW OFF SOME STEAM???
Sure Ernie....    that might be a GOOD idea...   take his PEEPS TOO....    Just Keep them Outta TROUBLE...      

Grumble mumble... I'm probably gonna end up Constipated before THIS is all WORKED OUT...  


Julie said...

OMD, what can be going on???
The jury's run a muck!!!!Will they all need baffs befores the trial can continue?
Oh this is sooo exciting!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Wow, this is a lot of chaos to handle on a Monday morning! Hope things get sorted out!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh my dawg. Shiver, shake,pee. What is going on. Why is it so noisy? Mr Frankie, Mr Frankie? Aroooooooooo, aarrrrooooooooooooo. Rory, shut up mate. Why do you always have to howl whenever a siren goes off. C'mon Rory, we'll go wait somewhere quiet.
No worries and love Stella and Rory

My Mind's Eye said...

All that clanging and banging can only mean one thing.. my mom was at your house. My mom is absolutely the loudest cook ever when she gets in the kitchen everyone knows it.
Hugs madi your bfff

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

{Yawn} Aren't Moandays meant to be napdays to recover from a long weekend of napping?????

The sirens are keeping me awake...where's my earplugs???

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
huh, gnuh,schnortle frumph..... whassat????? WHAT'S GOING ON OUT THERE???? This old juror was trying to get a decent amount of rest before the resumption of trial......What is the ruckus you lot? If you are all creating havoc HIZZONER is gonner get FIZZY... and no doubt I'll be the subject of the same thwapperation as the rest of you just because of proximity...
(mumble mumble mumble...) YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

oh boy... I guessed it... it always happens when the staff pops out somewhere... bet they are the reason for that horrible noises... maybe a failed DIY project... whatever .... run for your life ... oh and wimmen first of course... because Victorious Secrets will close in 87 minutes...
easy rider

Linda said...

OMD, I can hear all the noise way over here in Seattle.
What is going on? All this commotion and pandemonium
must mean someone fell off the kitchen counter!
Please keep us informed we are busy watching golf today,
but can teleport if you need me.
xo Cinnamon

Cowspotdog said...

Reilly head juror ere stttaaaatic ########********roblem ith ############@@@@(***** that arn Easy ##3#******* send HELP !!!!!!!!!!

Cookie's Comments said...

Cookie's Mum here:

Cookie has been smuggling messages to me all weekend (I know, I know she was not supposed to!) so if you will come to my blog, I will see if I can figure out (between all that noise in the background) what she was trying to say. I may have to wait till later to do it tho, as I have a doctor's appointmet in a couple of hours, and it take some time to translate from Blogvillese to the blog!!!

As Coookie would say

Toodle Pip

Kismet said...

I'm calm. It's the dogs who aren't. Birds live in trees where there are squirrels and we tolerate the stupid creatures and don't go bonkers when we see one. I'm NOT GUILTY in this one.

Scooter said...

Hey Your Honorthwapperness!
Wow, this is really bad! I'm sorry to report, but there's a serious ruckus going on and I'm not sure we can even contain it. Oh, this is surely bad. Can I borrow your thwapperator...maybe that will help over here. The jury has gone wild. I think all of the squeaker toys and energy treats were a very bad idea. OMD Gotta go...gosh, I can't even arrest or detain because these are jurors...oh, what to do, what to do.
Grr and a Stressed-Out Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Two French Bulldogs said...

Every buddy is going mad!
Lily & Edward

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, it's kerazy!! I have every confidence our Blogville Police will get the situation under control soon.

stellaroselong said...

Its a kerzy day here in blogville that is for sure, I better wake gussie up so he can come help make it even more crazy.....stella rose

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Sweetie is hanging on outside of her room window- using her sheets! Snoopys is trying to get Tasha and Anna out of harms way, but this jury has gone squirrelly over the weekend- we think something was put into the foodables. Seems that a few beer barrels made an unexpected appeareance over the weekend and the jury overindulged in beer and cheetohs. Just sayin.

FiveSibesMom said...

Wow...seems Blogville PD was rolling out on some crazy weekend calls! Here's to a quieter Monday! ;-)

Victorious Secret...oh, I love that store! :-)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh no! Sounds like a real crisis. Hope everything gets worked out soon.
Dip and Elliot x

Little Miss Titch said...

gosh sounds like everyone has run a muck,xx Speedy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD - what can possible be happening???? Hope the Blogville Police can get things under control. Our Dad is at the courthouse now waiting to find out if he has to serve this time for jury duty - maybe they are going to put him as an alternate for this case!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

WFT Nobby said...

I'm sorry, but we just KNEW things wouldn't go smoothly with that lot on the jury.
Can't wait to see what Roxy and Ernestine purchase at Victorious Secret. Will they get to wear it in court? I hope so.
Toodle pip!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, I am glad that I was not a part of the sea - questering. All that noise and loud alarms is a bit scary. I'm glad to have Hootie next to me. I'm sure his HIZZONER will let me know when to report to court. The hubbie and I will be watching all of the drama on BNN.
Sally Ann

The Army of Four said...

"Keep them out of trouble". Did you actually say that?!!? Oh... no.....!

Idaho PugRanch said...

What the heck !!???!!!!

Ranger said...

OMD........ I'm on my way to help.

Poodle At Play said...

OMD what is happening?! This is a crazy situation for sure!

LBJ said...

Wow - so much going on but given your last words I can't get this picture out of my head of the USS Enterprise instead it's labeled the USS Constipation and I can hear Scotty going -"Bu Cap'n - it Just wewnt GO!"

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Uh oh, we think taking Easy and his pawrents to the same park may stir up even MORE trouble! Don't know what's happening.....the traffic is at a standstill and Victorious Secret's been closed for emergency. Hey, is that a squirrel in a French Lace Camisole, Ernestine?

Duke said...

OMD - it sounds like riotous behavior to us!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Daily Pip said...

OMD! I leave town for a few days and all heck breaks loose!

Sweet William The Scot said...

I think you had better just call a mistrial with all this BUFFOONERY! Justice will never be served.
They say we have a great Solar storm of the G4 magnitude with supercharged auroras for skywatchers in northern parts of the United States. I hope it comes as far south as Cincinnati tonight.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Backcountry Brodie said...

Here I is away fur a bit and all kinds of shenanigans break loose! What has I come back to?!?!??!

Millie and Walter said...

Oh no! I didn't mean to pull the fire alarm. One of the toys I was playing with got caught in it and when I jumped up to get it out I must have pulled down the alarm by accident. Please don't put me in the slammer your Honorableness.

Ruby said...

Ruby ♥

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, your trial sure is in deep squirrel doodoo.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD....What the squirrel??? I have been so busy with paperwork, I didn't even notice anything until I heard the alarm ringing!!!!

Concerned Smileys!

Unknown said...

YIKES!! We did NOT see this coming! Those jurors are one brave bunch to be taking you on like this Frankie.
Wally & Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

Holy smokes!! The BFTB news wants the story. Grab the keys Pierre! Something is wrong with the jurors!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I've been a purrrfectly respectful and quiet juror, minding his own business in his luxurious suite at the B. Hilton. I'm wondering what the heck is happening with my fellow jurors???!!! Did they order pizza and the wrong toppings came? What?

Hugs, Sammy

LetterstoAndrew said...

Dear Dog! Someone took the idea of Monday Mischief very siriusly. I hope you get it all sorted.

marley said...

OMD Yeronner.....wot haz o-cur? Mebbe is lak of fresh noms at da Hill-ton....dat shure to be summing to do wiv it...i ope fur more noos later...good job we haz Sarge onnnit