Tuesday, June 2, 2015


WELCOME to BLOGVILLE......     Recruit A Pal  (RAP) Dance....     
    WE would like to Say Welcome to the New and Returning Blogvillians...   

WE Recruited    COOKIE  you can Click  HERE    to meet and greet Cookie.  So we get to ESCORT her to the dance and Introduce her to everybuddy....         and even walk her down the RED CARPET....                 
 And Speaking of Escorting.....  WHOOOOOOOOIE...... Yente Ruby fixed me up with the GORGEOUS   ABBY the LAB...             fur the big event...          
 She looks like a PRINCESS don't you think?
We are Dancin to the tunes of the Bad Dawg Agency Band....     

 and having some super foodables....
 OMD    Abby is so GOOD at interesting Conversation....   I am REALLY enjoying this...
 She has told me all sorts of exciting adventures and stuffs...     and did I mention her OUTSTANDING Sense of Humor???   OMD  Abby has had me in Stitches all day long.
 Would you like to Dance again Abby?
 THANK YOU ABBY for allowing me to escort you to this GRAND event..     
Before I take Abby out to Stroll the Gardens... in the Moonlight....  I want to be SURE that YOU   get to SARGE's Place    fur all the Fabulous  OTHER thingys going on...
   CLICK HERE        to get THERE !!!!   
This IS a Blog Hop.... and We DID try to set it up and stuffs.... butt you KNOW that we are not always very Techn savvy....  (Face it ... sometimes we just MESS Stuffs UP)  Butt if we DID it right there should be Blog Hop stuffs at the END of this post...   

NOW Ernie wants to show you HIS Beautiful Date....  the EVER Foxy Roxy...

THANKS Frankie.....   Look at my Beautiful Lady.....   Thank you Madi fur fixing up her pretty Flowers...              she looks even MORE FOXY... it that is pawsible...

 Roxy.....    I gotta sort of Behave tonight.... since Frankie and I are introducing our new furend COOKIE to Blogville...       BUTT don't worry.... we will sneak a few seconds... together...  here and there...  OKAY???
 Come on sweetie let's grab a Snack .....  we have to keep our energy up so that we are ready to Pawform...      We can't let Murphy and Stanley down....  BDA Band has a Good reputation and we want to keep it that way...        Right Sweetie?       CLICK HERE     to get to the Dance GIG. 
      There will be Songs about being FURENDS.... and stuffs...   don't want you to miss that...    
 Hey.....  let's have a quick DANCE before we go on stage...
 OMD OMD    Roxy....     did you see  Murphy and Ruby out there on the dance floor?   Those two can really Shake it...   

 Psssssst Roxy......  check it out.... there is no one looking and we can sneak off fur a quick CUDDLE behind the stage...          Follow me....   


easyweimaraner said...

what a cool idea to use the place behind the stage... I can learn a lot from you :o)
I hope next time I haven't to stay at home and I can try to find a girl too... shall I better wear a tie to attract the girls or do you think a hat is the better pick?
easy rider

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
OMD it's finally here!!! don't you all look spiffy? Frankie, I am so glad you got to meet Abby, she seems to be quite the gal and perhaps the heart will truly mend in her presence! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Cowspotdog said...

you both know how to treat your ladies perfectly and you do look totally pawsome together.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful welcoming dance!!! A great big howdy do from both of us!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Patrice and Higgins said...

OH man....I never thought about going behind the stage! BOL!!!! Thanks for bringing Cookie to Blogville!!! We had a great times at the dance!!!


My GBGV Life said...

Looks like quite the time! I especially like the foodables! A dog can never have enough of those!

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, you guys look great and your ladies are stunning! OMD you're lucky to have such fabulous dates. BTW: Your hop is there and working perfectly at the top of your post. This is so much fun and congrats again and thanks for bringing Cookie to us! She's amazing and we will all be great furiends. Hey, I'm ready to visit Sasha again for an eclare...wanna join me?!? Let's grab a table and visit a little. Then we can spin around the dance floor again! This is PAWESOME!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, R.A.P. Host

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my do you guys look fantastic. You obviously like tall women
Lily & Edward

Kismet said...

Somebody needs a chaperone.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Frankie you look terrific with your date Abby the Lab but just remember with those gorgeous long legs when you walk under her to carry an umbrella, why sometimes those leggy girls cause showers to fall on us short dudes.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

My Mind's Eye said...


Murphy said...

Frankie, you and Abby looked like you were having a lot of fun. We did NOT know you could dance like that. Maybe after dating the judge her mom won't try to illegally jail her again. She is looking most lovely. And Ernie and Roxy keep sneaking off. We KNOW what that is about!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

LBJ said...

Frankie - I'm having such a great time and you look so handsome in your new necktie! Thanks to everyone in Blogville who worked to get me out of Smellyjail so I could be here on time.

Hey - where die Ernie and Roxy go. . .why do I hear giggling?

Abby Lab

Cookie's Comments said...

Thanks for your intro of me, Frankie ' ernie. Higgins and I are having a great time dancing our little paws off.

Have lots more blogs to visit, so will catch up with you later tonite or tomorrow morning after my training class (if I have enuf energy -- don't think Ms Phyllis will accept my being out on the tiles as sufficient reason to miss class!!

Toodle pip


Duke said...

It looks like you guys are having a wonderful time!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are having such a blast - meeting new friends and celebrating with old friends - can't get any better than that! Frankie you and Abby look like you are have a great time!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie and Ernie, you are enjoying the company of three totally stunning gals tonight!

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a great time everybuddy is having!
You two look very handsome tonight.
Dip and Elliot x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a wonderful dance..♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ernie ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥... I'm still on Cloud 87!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

You guys look fab!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

This dance is great. You did a wonderful job setting it up. Who wants to twerk with us?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a grand time we are all having!!! We thing Frankie and Abby look great together!!

Watch out you and Roxie don't get caught Ernie!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie you are Ernie are looking especially handsome tonight!! Your dates look beautiful. I am so glad Yente Ruby found a very special date for you Frankie. What an exciting and wonderful event. I will see you on the dance floor.

Loveys Sasha

Sully said...

Everyone looks pawesome!

Aroo to you,

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Frankie ..... how was it mate? Like ... you've been married forever and now you're back on the scene. that's a bit frightening isn't it? Looks like you managed ok. Abby seems nice, aye??
As for Ernie and Roxy ..... crikey ..... have they no shame????? Behind the stage .... OMD!!

Ruby said...

OMD!!! You guys look FABulous!!!! I knews you would have a GRAND time at the Dance togethers!!! She is one funny chick, I tell ya! Hey, did you still smell the deaded thingie in her furs??? BOL!!!! OMD, that was one pawsome story! Anyhu, I thinks I pulled something tryin' to do the Madi Twerk...not as easy as it looks!!! ouch....
I thinks I need some Ice...
Ruby ♥

Unknown said...

OMD! We had the pawsome time yesterday. Frankie, how are your paws this morning, we saw you and Miss Abby cutting up the dance floor something fears!! And Ernie...where did you and Roxy disappear to for like 87 minutes???
Wally & Sammy