Sunday, May 31, 2015

NINE...... 9 5+4=9 87-78=9

YEP you got it RIGHT    MY BROTHER.....  Frankie FARTer is  9 years old today...
     And he has a few Gray Furs to so it...      It is Official    my Bro is an OLD FARTer fur SURE...
While we were at Sarge's house we had his PAWTY...     So Sarge could enjoy it TOO.... and we made it a Combo pawty.... celebrating Sarge's Gotcha Day...      I (Ernie)  planned the ENTIRE thingy.... ALL BY MYSELFS...


So here is how the PAWTY went....

   Sarge gotted this new WILD Squeaky Toy
 Both guys gotted a new BEAR and we had CHICKEN FEETS
 And Delicious TREATS from a BARKERY....
 Sarge LOVED his Pawt of the Pawty...
 He checked out his BEAR....

 And  I told him to SIT in the Chair fur his PICTURE to be stolen....  and FUR ONCE IN HIS LIFE he LISTENED to me....
 Frankie the Old FARTer....  checked out the Table decorations....   Balloons and a WESTERN theme...  with Banners and stuffs...
 THEN he Snatched a Snack and wanted to go GUARD IT WITH HIS LIFE  nom it down.
 THIS was the Table..... BEFORE the Guests of Honor got started....    That is a bottle of GRAVY to pour over our evening kibble....  
 THESE are the Soft and Chewy    Applesauce and molasses and Orange  Snacks....   One was Bone shaped   one a TURKEY... and the last was a PIG....  We FORCED THAT ONE ON SARGE Allowed Sarge to chews which one he wanted and he took the Pig Shaped one.

 OMD We DID NOM thingys down.... the chicken Feets and the Snacks were GONE in a FLASH...So Sarge's new toy was just Pawfect fur the pawty...       They each gotted a BEAR that had a squeeker and a CRINKLE head....    since Sarge has Bears in his yard ALL THE TIME...
 These are MORE of the Treats that we had....    OH YUM....   it was SOOOOOO good...
 Here is Sarge Playing on his outside cot...  with his NOM NOM thingy...
It was SOOOOOO loud we couldn't hear ourselfs Think...
      It was a GRAND PAWTY and   we had a BLAST....  
  Now fur SUPPER TODAY.....  I am going to have mom fix Frankie's Favorite.....
                                        Slammin Sammin  !!!
AND Guess who ELSE has a Birfday????    our furend   ARTY will be 3 Today!!!   Happy Birfday   ARTY...

BUTT WAIT!!!!   THERE's even MORE....
   Look at what FRANKIE gotted in the mail...

 A BIRFDAY CARD from Amber Da Weenie and Crew....      I had to cover up Pawt of her picture beclaws LOOK at what it said on the BACK.....
 THIS is the Front of the card....          This dachshund is a bit more MODEST than that AMBER is... Just sayin....
Frankie Loved the Card and the SPECIAL pic of.... that hussy CUTE Amber....    
now you may be wondering why I (Ernie the Attorney) am writing this post....   THAT is beclaws FRANKIE.... the OLD  Birfday Guy.... is out with a FRESH... Smoked Beef Bone...
   GUMMING    GNAWING away... in the Shade...      THAT is how he thinks he should spend his Birfday.    Just sayin.


Cowspotdog said...

Happy Happy Birthday - you sure do know how to celebrate in style.

WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!
Really, now that you have accumulated a whole nine years of wisdom, you should tell that young Ernie to show a bit more respect.
Toodle pip!
PS Sarge sure knows how to throw an excellent party.

Finn said...

Happy bark day buddy! Those orange molasses chews look delicious!!

easyweimaraner said...

wow what a pawty!!! happy Happy Birthday!!!!! 9 is a lucky number... it's 3x3 and because all good things are three, triple good things will come to you :o)
easy rider

Lovable Lily said...

Happy Barkday to youuuuuuuuu Frankie! What a wonderful pawty you (and Sarge) had. Some pretty pawsome prezzies and munchies too. Wishing you many more healthy years ahead.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Idaho PugRanch said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!!! What a lucky dawg you are , enjoy your day and gnawing on your bone!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Zoe said...

Woo Hooo! Happy Super Duper birthday to yu Frankie!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om

Frankie, you look just fine fur your age and don't let that little bro' tell ya udderways.... you sure did have a supery dupery pawty when you wuz with Sarge!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Patrice and Higgins said...

HAPPEE HAPPEE Barkday!!!!!!!


Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Bark Day Frankie,xx Speedy

My Mind's Eye said...

HAPPY HAPPPPPPY HAPPPPPPPPPY 9TH BARK DAY FRANKIE...YOU ARE 9Xs more handsomer than you were yesterday. looks like you had a fab pawty last weekend with Sarge.

Ernie you did a fine job on this post...we know you love Older Frankie Farter to bits!
Hugs madi your bfff

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ernie, can we hire you to plan our next birthday parties? You did a fabulous job!!!

Happy Ninth Birthday to you, Frankie.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We hope you have the bestest Barkday EVER Frankie!! Arty says it is the coolest day of the year!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

LBJ said...

Happy Happy Birthday - What a glorious day!

Abby Lab

rottrover said...

Happy, Happy Birfday, Frankie!!

Your palz,

-Ruby and Otto

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, it was such a great party! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY TO YOU, FRANKIE!! Sending you wishes for an amazing day and a fabulous year! Have a wonderful Barkday today.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge and Staff

Murphy said...

Happy Birfday Frankie! Somehow we got that date wrong and were off a week BOL! So you are 9 years old now?? Wow, that is just wonderful cuz we know you don't look a day past 5 no matter what Ernie says. Looks like you had a most excellent pawty with Sarge too! Dang, Ernie sure knows how to throw a pawty!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Mara said...

Happy birthday Frankie! It looks like you had a fantastic party. I hope you didn't overeat though!!

Miss Oswin

Kismet said...

An attorney is writing something for somebody. Hold on to your wallet.

Brinley Westie said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie!! Chewin' on a treat sounds like a pawsum way to celebrate!

Cookie's Comments said...

Happy, happy barkday Frankie. Mine comes in exactly two months!!! I am a bit younger than you, but I still thinks you is really handsum.

Look forward to a dance with you on Tuesday.

Toodle pip


Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy birthday, Frankie! And Happy gotcha day, Sarge. What a great party!

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! You boys sure had a great party.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hap-Pee Yap-Pee Birthday, Birthday Boy. I'm 11 years you like OLDER women??? Now you didn't mention anything about cake! So I know you're saving that for when we can have it together! Just Sayin'


Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie! It sounds like you had one very special day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You aren't going to believe this, but SHE remembered Frankie's birfday last weekend, but knew that a card wouldn't get there in time. So SHE decided on a birfday post BUTT, SHE abandoned us....left us all alone for 2 days and one night, so SHE could go to Sydney for dinner! AND THEN, FORGOT all about Frankie's special day! Sheesh!

Great pawty you organised, Ernie. Happy Birfday, Frankie!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Happy birthday Frankie. Maybe for this one day you shouldn't be called Frankie the Farter

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy, Happy birthday dear Frankie!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Happy Barkday Frankie

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Frankie.

xo Cinnamon

peesss:What kind of gravy was that on the table?

Sully said...

Happy birthday Frankie, looks like you had a great party.

Aroo to you,

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Happy Barkday Frankie! Looks like your had a PAWSOME day!!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Happy Birfday to youuuuu,
Happy Birfday to youuuuuuu,
Happy Birfday
Happy Birfday
Happy Birfday to youuuuuuu.

Mr Frankie, I, Stella am sending you 9 love filled kisses and Rory sends you 9 slobbery paw shakes. Wowza and yaahoo, you had a wonderful day with Sarge and Ernie and your peeps. So glad you all had fun. We love the bears.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Kinley Westie said...

Yappy birthday Frankie!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I nearly missed out. Happy birthday, Frankie. Sure hope you had a good one and it sure looks like you did. BUT ..... icecream, mate. Ernie ..... did Frankie get any icecream for his birthday?? You GOTTA have icecream on your birthday. Better get onto it, aye??

Ruby said...

OMD!!!!! OMD!!!!!! OMD!!!!! ♪♫ HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY FRANKIE FARTER!!!!!!!! Ooops...I meant Frankie FURTER!!! BOL!!!!! OMD, you gots to get up on the tables?!!! YOu lucky doggie you!!! Ma doesn't allows me to do that! (okays, well, mostly cause she thinks my big fat arse would BREAK the table...pffffft! meanie) Anyhu, your pressies and treaties and look AMAZIN'!!!!! I can't believes I forgots your Burthday was todays! Bad bad bad Ma!!! (see, I blame her for everthings!!! hehehehe)
I sure hopes you had a most FABulous Burthday Frankie! And I will lift my margarita glasseseseses in honor of you!!! ☺
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

Happy birthday Frankie my friend! You may only be nine but y ou are a perfect 10 in our book! Were your ears burning yesterday? My mom got to meet Miss Sydney from Chewy and we were discussing how much we LOVE y'all! ♥♥ Have a blessed new year!

Unknown said...

What a pawsome pawty! Happy, Happy Birthday Frankie!!
Now, about Amber...will we be seeing you spinning her on the dance floor tomorrow???
Wally & Sammy

Scooter said...

WOW!! You two made a Haul!!

Happy Birthday !!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Belated Birthday Frankie and Happy Gotcha Day to Sarge. We know they appreciated the party Ernie.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a happy birthday and a happy gotcha day for Frankie and Sarge. I wish I could drink that whole bottle of gravy, plus rip off the bear heads and see what's crinkling in there....

Love and licks,

stellaroselong said...

Happy Belated Birfday Frankie, it looks like you and cousin sarge had a fangtastic birfday an gots lots of presents, and treats....Nine is the new 3 didn't you know that!
stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, what a fangtastic barkday pawty!! Happy happy 9th to Frankie!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD Happy Birthday Frankie!! What a great celebration. Ernie is pretty good at fixing up partys. I might have to use him sometime. I hope you had a great day and I love you!!!

Loveys Sasha

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! What a great party and yum yums. (We had BBQ chicken feet once a long time ago. Very yummy!) Happy belated birthday. (Our ghostwriter is just catching up on the doggie blogs today.)

The Army of Four said...

Happy belated birthday, Frankie!!!
(I TOLD Mom we'd miss important stuff! She's been slacking off and now we're SO far behind reading and commenting on everyone's blogs!)
Hope you enjoyed your party!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday frankie and menny happy reeterns!!! nine yeerz old that is how old mama and dada think i am maybe spicoli is rite and i am a dachshund after all and then we cud almost be brothers!!! ha ha ok bye