Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Meeting with FRANKIE....

As you will remember.....    ROXY found a Find in one of Frankie's Desk Drawers (as opposed to finding it in his Tighty Whitey Drawers)...

 So after I CLEARED my MIND....
I told Roxy that I KNEW what that DATE   August 21, 2010 was all about...   that was the day Frankie MARRIED...  Ruby and Penny...      so I looked in the folio...  and  there was Frankie's copy of their Marriage License...  AND....       a PRE NUP...    OMD
    ROXY,  Look at THIS !!
Should we, Ernie????   It says  PRIVATE and PAWSONAL...   
   I'm Frankie's BROTHER and ALSO his ATTORNEY....    YEP... I'm gonna LOOK..
OMD   ROXY..... go to the Girrrrl's Blog and see when they posted last... and how many times they have posted in the last year...
     OK,    They last posted on September 26th..  and only have 20 posts in the last 15 months... 
I was afraid of that, Roxy...      According to their Pre Nup...   they need a good reason for not posting for 5 months or more...     It says UNTIL NON BLOGGING DOES US PAWT.     and in that situation...   the pawties are free to consider themselves Legally Seperated..   

OMD Ernie....  honey, what is Frankie gonna say... and DO???      Will he be OKAY???
I'm not SURE, Roxy butt I fur SURE need to give this to him and see if he wants to talk about it.       
 I called Frankie and set up a time to meet fur Lunch... At the FAMOUS   Blogville... Road Kill Cafe

Hey there Ernie....  I got here early so I took the liberty of ordering us  Milkbone Burgers with FRENCH  MADE... FRIES...     since I know that you have had FRENCH THINGYS on your mind lately..   BaaaaaaWaaaah.     

Thanks Frankie....   now I need to have a little talk with you...   While my French MAID Roxy was cleaning out your desk....  She came upon THIS...    I hate to bring up anythingy that would make you feel Sad... butt I think you should take a look and decide how you want to pawceed..
OMD  this is our PRE NUP...    
YES,  and as your attorney.... I felt that I had to take a look at it...     I asked Roxy to check on their blog posts...       I really HATE to say this butt they have broken the Pre Nup rules...
         I know you LOVE Ruby and Penny with all your heart and do NOT want to divorce them... however under the Pre Nup... you could go fur a Legal Separation...    and that would let you ESCOURT some of the lovely ladies of Blogville... to events and stuffs...  
   Have you TRIED to contact them Frankie.
{{{SIGH}}}   YES,  I have sent them Emails and they don't reply...       I don't know WHY.    I don't know if they are ANGRY with me... or if they have ...  well, I just do NOT know .    I don't know why they have not posted in so long...    I don't know ANYTHINGY...   {{{SIGH}}}
         I guess I will just take this back to my office and give it some thought...   
AND ask our FURENDS....  to see if ANY of them have heard ANYTHING from Ruby and Penny.
       OKAY,   you do that Frankie...  now let's eat and think about somethingy Else fur a bit...  while you Digest all this...      I am really SORRY, Brother.  
   Thanks Ernie,   I am sorry about this, too.   {{{ SIGH}}}


Julie said...

Oh dear Frankie, your pawsonal lifes in disarray! Has yous been a judging and not a wooing? Are your wifeys feeling neglected whilst you persue milkbones rewards?
Mmmmm, there's a story brewing here!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

It is always so sad when blogging buddies disappear with no sign of them ever again. Very hard to take. She could at least send a good bye email.

Unknown said...

Oh no where have they gone? How sad for Frankie. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Mr Frankie, we hope this is just a misunderstanding and your wives will contact you asap. Maybe they are going to surprise you with a visit?? Take care. No worries and love Stella and Rory

easyweimaraner said...

I've got leaky eyes while reading...I hope nothing happened to them that they can't answer your mails...and I cross my paws that everything is ok with your wifes and their furmily...You were always my hero, to have two girls is like winning the jackpot and I hope so much they will send you a sign of love soon...
easy rider

Linda said...

Oh my what can we do to find them?
I gooogulled and fayced them but came up with nothing. Maybe we can snail mail them. Hope you get some answers asap.
xo Cinnamon

Unknown said...

OMD Frankie...you mean you haven't heard from the girls in forevers? What could possibly have happened? I sure hope they are okay but now you have some difficult decisions to make. Of course, if you choose the bachelor life, we can hang out more often (me being a bachelor myself)! Think of all the fun we could have.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh Frankie, don't give up!! Your ladies still love you, I know it!

My Mind's Eye said...



My Mind's Eye said...



stellaroselong said...

We did not know that they had disappeared from your life Frankie, we faught they were still talking to you and visiting..do you fink that Puddles is wif them?
Hugs....stella rose

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
OMD this is just terrierbles; my heart is thumping for you Frankie. You know, sometimes folks just have their own life so all wrapped up and tangled and all that sort of thing, that it takes a direction away from us. All you can do is what you say and keep remembrance of Love in your heart; if the gals are true to you they will at least let you know they are okay and perhaps release you...

Crikey, this has struck at aunty's heart.... Stay strong guy and know that your bro Ernie is there fur ya... as are the whole of Blogville! double hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kismet said...

If Frnakie married Ruby and Penny on that date-he's a bigamist.

Noodle4President said...

OMD! This is so...SAD! We were all expecting juicy, funny gossip. This is not funny. Frankie I am so sorry :(

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Frankie dude this is awful nuws, wee has not herd from yor wifeys an wee all hopes yoo heres from dems soon deer furiend

Uji, Izzy, Ziggy, Missi, Hiro n Da Momster

Two French Bulldogs said...

We have a feeling they ....sniff......sniff......found someone else.....
Lily & Edward

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

BOL! :-) missed you guys. Hope you are doing well and had a PAWsome Easter.

Piappies World said...

Waaaaah! Oh no! We do hope that they are well and may be are just busy at the moment. We hope there is something we can do to help.

Maybe they are travelling with Puddles?! We miss all of them.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Little Miss Titch said...

Aww poor Frankie,this is so sad,xx Speedy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, we are so sad for you. Ruby and Penny are just so nice, we are sure it is just some sort of misunderstanding. We also hope all is well with your special girls.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh my Dog, so dramatic! It is better than a soap.
Mum says wish she had thought of that pre-nup and she would have been free now - free as a bird, bwahahahahahaha!!!
Dip and Elliot x

Idaho PugRanch said...

It is so hard when they just disappear out of blogville. We noticed that Frankie was on his own at the last pawty. Hope they are OK, but maybe it is time to move on - if they are no longer around
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Murphy said...

We have thought about this, over and over, and it seems clear to us that your wives have moved out of Blogville and now it is time to let the pre-nup take affect. We were thinking that the standard pre-nup actually annulled everything so you might have Ernie carefully go over that legal wording stuffs. Anyway, we are sure your lovely wives would want you to go on with your life. They did not seem to be the jealous type and would not want to cause needless suffering. The reality is that people leave Blogville for reasons we will never know. We are sure there are lovely ladies in Blogville who would be fighting at the chance to spend some quality time with a gentledog of your caliber. Bottom line our furend is that life is full of changes so it is time to move on. Your future need not be a lonely one.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

M. K. Clinton said...

Awww, I am so sorry for you dude. Girls can sure play tug o' war with our hearts, can't they? I don't know these gals, but I say it is their loss. You can find another girl, but paws-off my Emma. Heeheehee!

Scooter said...

Well...Frankie..id say they broke the pre-nup and I agree with our mayors. They moved on and you need to move on also and it should all be annulled. Too bad that they couldnt least let you know what is going on with them. As they say.....there are other fish in the sea. I say Move on and date AGAIN!!


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Frankie....we can only imagine what a tough decision this must be. We agree with the Mayorz also...and think it might be time to move on....
Smiley Hugs!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well, Frankie we believe you should get out there and start havin' some fun! If the girls get in contact with you, sort it out then.
C'est la Vie! (That's for Ernie, too.)

Duke said...

There has to be a reasonable explanation. Maybe they are buried under a huge snow pile and it hasn't melted yet! It has been a very tough winter for some many.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

Wow, Frankie I'm sorta sorry to hear this and sorta relieved too! I wish they had stuck around...they are such lovely girls and made wonderful wives. Butt, life is too short and moves pretty fast. If you wait around, you might miss it. BOL Seriously though, I'd take it as an opportunity to branch out with the other lovely ladies of Blogville. If your wives ever come back, you'll still be here. Move on buddy and enjoy company of our female furiends!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Cowspotdog said...

there is more that one dog in the dog park Mom always say - if they are willing to let a fine pup like you slip through their paws - well all the best for some other girl

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

We can find you girl dogs, no problem. Just let us know and we'll send a bunch your way.

Millie and Walter said...

We're sorry to hear that Ruby and Penny seem to have vanished. We hope you hear from them soon. You must be so sad.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Both of your wives have disappeared, Frankie? This is not good. Do you need a box of tissues? We do. *sniff, sniff*

Ruby said...

Oh dears! Well Frankie, I thinks maybe you must let the pre-nup stand. If they won't answer your emails or your peemails, then I thinks you have to move on. YOu've had some FABulous years with your wives, and they are amazin' gurls, butts sometimes thingies just don't work out. No ones fault.
Plus, there are lots of gurls that would just LOVES some of that FrankieFurter LOVE!!!! BOL!!!! OMD, I crack myself up.....
You are gonna be the hottest Bachelor in Blogville!!!
Sorry, sorry...I'm already taken!!!! BOL!!! BOL!!! omd, I thinks I better cut myself off the margaritas....
Ruby ♥

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I have been wondering about them for a while. I hope everything is ok. If you are a bachelor now, I know that ladies of Blogville will be lining up for a chance with you.

Loveys Sasha

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ...... 'until non-blogging do us part!!' Seems to me Frankie's already legally separated ..... like it or not, aye?????? Time to stop with the sighs, mate, and move on. Just remember Enid's taken!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Frankie, we are sorry. We knew something was wrong when you attended the Doodz Valentine's dance solo. We hope you hear from your wives soon.
Wally & Sammy

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh dear... I wonder what's up!

The Army of Four said...

Sounds like you're in it deep, Frankie.

JoAnn Stancer said...

oh no I hope frankies wives are ok.