Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Love HURTS...

♫ Ring Ring....   ♫ Ring Ring...
    Hello,    vonSchnitzel, and Associates...  How may I help you..
Hi Roxy... it's Frankie...   could I talk with Ernie?
     Sure thing, Frankie...   Are you OKAY?
I've Been BETTER, Roxy.
   Sorry Frankie....  here's Ernie...
Hey BRO....   what can I do fur you?

SIGH....  {{SIGH}}    I have reviewed the Pre Nup that my beloved Ruby and Penny and I all three signed on our Wedding day...     August 21, 2010....       it clearly states:   Until NON BLOGGING does Us Pawt...    ...       in that eventuality...  the pawties may invoke the...
                                                     LEGAL SEPARATION claws....    
 I have SO many BEAUTIFUL memories of my wives...   {{{SIGH}}}  Whine Whimper
I still TRULY love my beautiful Brides....
 They are LOVELY .... and I love THEM...       BUTT they seem to have .... furgotten about me...
 I will NEVER furget THEM....  and  my heart is HURTING....
                                                                butt I am LONELY...  

If I haven't heard SOMETHINGY from them by the time Blogville has its next big bash...  I guess I will consider myself FREE to ask one of Blogville's ladies to accompany me.   
I miss the companionship.    
   I must tell you, I consider this to be the most DIFFICULT Decision I have ever made... 
   I would rather have 87 court decisions hanging over me.
I    HOPE that they will find it in THEIR hearts to come BACK to me.   And Back to Blogville. 
I am going to ask you, AS MY ATTORNEY,   to FILE our Pre Nup... with the Clerk of Courts... 
Just in case...
Sob     Sob     Sniffle  Sniff    Sob  Sob...   

BUTT, I think you should wait until  the  Paper Dries out...   

All Right Frankie,   I certainly understand...    I'll send someone over to pick it up right away.   I will Sign off on the Pre Nup...  as your Attorney... and Roxy will file it for you today...   
As your Attorney AND your BROTHER...   I must say.... that I HOPE that they DO come back.
SO do I, Ernie.   SO DO I !!!     


My GBGV Life said...

Love can be painful. My sisters are always breaking hearts in our neighborhood. Somehow we girls don't mind crushing the hearts of the boys. Hope the ink dries and you are able to move on.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Frankie....bless your little heart as if one broken heart isn't bad enough yours was broken twice. I think you have made a wise decision to carry says there will be a line of women 87 miles waiting to go out with you!!
Sending kitty kisses and mom hugs...
now I'm sniffing and my eyes are leaking. Hugs madi your bfffff

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh NOSE!!! My wittle teenie weenie heart is breaking fur you, Fwankie! I hopes dey comes back. BUTT if dey don't, the line forms around your house and down the driveway! Take your pick!

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I know that this must be a difficult decision - harder than any you have to make in the Court of Fleas. I hope they will surprise you and return to Blogville.
Your pal,

Unknown said...

We agree with Oz and we have our paws crossed that they will get in touch.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm a romantic at heart. I know that true love will prevail!!

Duncan said...

Oh no. But it sounds like you have come up with a well thought out plan. Gurls will be lined up for the chance to go out with you when/if you're ready. Hang in there buddy!!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Hope the Wimmen come back to you soon!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
(sssnnuuggfffllele;eaaaa......cough..ahem..) Oh Frankie, your honourableness, I'sa had a crisis here jus' now... I was pouring liquid right there with ya until yez made me squiggle with laughter at your closing line... "wait till it's dry..." brawywywyw - oh guy, that is the right way to start getting better of a doubly broken thumper; make with the funnies.

Don't get me wrong. Totally sympawthetic here, but I think you have made the hard decision and made it well. All warning posted, fair is the game.

Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

Oh boy... love really hurts...I think I rather be a single... but I hope so much for a happy end... I mean that's Blogville... there is always an happy end... right?
easy rider

Murphy said...

I remember when Taffy was sent off to the convent awhile back. . . Sometimes love does hurt but you are responsible for your own happiness so you must move on. We don't want to sound hard but since the pre-nup is a legally binding contract between all parties we really don't think you have a choice here. You must file it with the court. We know your mom will help heal your heart. You will smile, laugh, and dance again!

Your Pals,


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, I totally agree with you and all of your pals...time to move on! You'll miss them, but they have an open door to return. Meanwhile, look out ladies!! Frankie's available!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh poor Frankie. We are so sorry those darn women took off on you.
Lily & Edward

Julie said...

Oh Frankie how sad butts, yous a cute fella I is sure there is the pawfect girlie out there waiting for your call. Be brave, haf a little chat wiv Ruby, I'm sure she knows just the right paws for you
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

We feel so bad for you, Frankie. We sure hope that Ruby and Penny get in touch with you soon. This is just so sad.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Oh dear! Poor Ernie! We know you'll have the companionship you crave real soon:-)

The Army of Four said...

This is just so sad!!!!!

Little Miss Titch said...

Awww mate I am so sorry,I hope they get in touch with you soon,xx Speedy

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Frankie I do believe you have grounds, why wives should be around for the important dates. I have never been married but having a long time girl friend and having her leave for the Rainbow Bridge I know about being lonely. But now Bella is feeling that hole in my heart.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Cowspotdog said...

Sadly many such relationship have been broken with the act of non blogging - it seems to be a growing trend

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Frankie, love bites sometimes. hugs!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is so sad Frankie, we hope you find love out there in Blogville somewhere.
Dip and Elliot x

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, *sniff, sniff ... hand us the tissues please* we're so sorry, Frankie. We hope they are okay and they come back to you.

Noodles said...

Ummmm. I'm Single.
Love Noodles

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sad, Frankie. We hope that only the very best comes out of this for YOU!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Idaho PugRanch said...

We hope everything works out for the best, Frankie. We see one single lady is already knocking on your door!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...


It'll work out way or another.

Anonymous said...

Oh my....we just caught up with this story.....Oh Frankie, hang in there will find you!

The Mad Scots

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are so very sorry Frankie...but we just know Ernie and your Mama will halp cheer you up!

Unknown said...

OMD this is heart breaking!!
Wally & Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

I can't imagine any girl leaving you and Blogville of their own free will. Are you sure there wasn't a double decker dog napping?

Scooter said...

Im sorry Frankie but they are non blogging!! As hard as it is, now you can move on with life and oh the girls will be dying to go with you .


Anonymous said...

I hope they come back. This is a sad story!

Love and licks and paws crossed,

JoAnn Stancer said...

OH no you poor thing.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Sigh, that is sad Frankie mate. Don't rush into anything new until you are ready...