Tuesday, February 24, 2015

WE have HAD IT....

WE have -12° F.  ACTUAL temperature this AM   with Wind Chill Factor of -20° F...     and Snow and we think this is Terrible...  so our beloved furends  are helping us GET OUTTA this Mess...
    Gussie did you put the CHAINS on the Tires?              THANKS Murphy and Stanley...  We really appreciate this...


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my dawg. It's the artic
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

Oh no. Have a terrific Tuesday and stay warm and safe.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

OH NO WE CANNOT SEE the photo...boooooo
polar vortex and frost quakes bring on an old fashion warm June day
Hugs madi your bfff

My Mind's Eye said...


My Mind's Eye said...


easyweimaraner said...

please be careful when you meet the polar bears...
stay warm and comfy, I hope there is no damage in your area...and your hill is a safe place
easy rider

Kismet said...

We might drop the top on the ScottieMobile today. Can't to it going to our destination but can on the way home (it messes up her hair).

marley said...

Sunnee an warms OTRB Frankie my pal...same evree day

Murphy said...

Ut oh, the photo is not there!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Scooter said...

we are all on the bus and outta here!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sorry that some of you couldn't see the picture.... we made it SMALLER now in hopes that would work... we could actually see it... big...
and did not know that you couldn't.

Bentley said...

Still not showing up.
But I saw it on Oreo's/ Jazzi post.

My Mind's Eye said...

I was able to see it on Oreo's blog...
crazy snow freaks ate yours
Hugs madi your bfff

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh my Dog! That sounds horrible.
Sending warm wishes from dreary England xxx
Dip and Elliot x

Ranger said...

OMD..... dat is really really cold.
I can't see your pic.... maybe a polar bear got it!

M. K. Clinton said...

I cannot see your photo, but I do not blame you for leaving. We are on our second day of ice and we are so done with it! BOL!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Brrrrrrrrr - I am on a road trip too and am in Edinburgh again... here the spring has REALLY arrived, with bulbs and shoots and efurthing.

BTW right clicking the image to open in fresh window reveals that there is no URL permission granted - maybe try downloading then uploading as if it was yours? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Our advice? Head SOUTH.....way SOUTH.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We couldn't see a picture either....but we have good imaginations!

The Army of Four said...

We can't see the photo, either - but we're LOVING these temps! Mom... not so much.

Cowspotdog said...

that is just way to chilly - but there is only 24 days until spring - seems a long time away

The Daily Pip said...

Can't see the photo, but if you are headed out of town to a warmer location could you pick me up on the way?

Anonymous said...

Well...we take it you left home...can't see no picture...don't need to...all we would be able to see is 87 feet of snow you gots!

The Mad Scots

Duke said...

We had pretty much the same temps this morning, Frankie and Ernie. We had to give up our 7am walkie and reschedule it for 12 noon. This extreme cold is really getting to be TOO MUCH!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kinley Westie said...

I can't see da photo, but I do know dat are nutso cold.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are with you. Coldest winter on record.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Brrr we are cold too. I think it was 5 degrees this morning. Compared to your negative numbers, we must be in a heat wave in nj.

LBJ said...

Mom has a dog walker that takes me out every day when she is working in Indiana. I really don't need to as I go out before she leaves for work, with my being older, sleep all day but it's playtime for me. She called the dog walker and told her not to walk me because it's too cold for both of us, but to just let me pee and then pay with me inside That was sooo much fun and Lissy appreciated as she's had SO many cancels with the cold. I love my Lissy's pet sitting in Indiana.

The Army of Four said...

Sounds good to us!

Ruby said...

If it's the same one that was on Oreo's bloggie, i saw it there, and you guys can come on over heres!!!! I'll mix up the margaritas, and we will lay in the warm sun and chase some tree rats!!!! I hear squirrel is FABulous cooked over an open flame!!
Ruby ♥

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I can't see it. I'll head on over to Oreo's, aye??

Fozziemum said...

Dang we can;t see it either guys..it's a WHITEOUT!! :) Stay warm sweeties or come visit us :) loves Fozziemum xxx