Thursday, February 12, 2015

Case # 87-5 Oreo vs the Peeps...The Verdict

Before we get to Court.....  we wanted to tell you that we have noticed that for the last few days... BLOGGER seems to be HOARDING some Blog Posts....     the other day we got 9 posts from ONE of our furends... all at ONCE...  the furst one was 8 DAYS LATE in popping up...
SO if you don't hear from some of your furends...  it MAY be that they are not getting your post ... In a timely fashion...   Just sayin.

 ALL RISE....    Court is now in session...

Are all the pawties present, Ernie?

THEY ARE, your Bossyness.
 I would ask the Defendant to Stand, but he is Obviously too Weak from hunger...  You may remain stretched out  Seated Mr. Oreo.
rhunbgo ryouv rcus..
WHAT?  What did you client say, Ernie..?????????
     I don't know your Judgieness...  he is nearly... out of it.
OH, I see.   I guess I will need to get the Judgement read into the court report then... so you can get some MUCH NEEDED foodables into him.
     I have reviewed the VIDEO and the testimony ...  and I have reached a verdict..
 I find in favor of OREO...  who showed that he is not only Food Deprived, BUTT also the victim of excessive LAUGHING...   I don't know which is worse.. butt BOTH situations must Cease and Desist.         I am sentencing Oreo's Peeps to 87 hours of HAND FEEDING him... ON DEMAND...
   and to do so with a SERIOUS Attitude... AND to make an aPAWligee to Oreo.
             CASE CLOSED

Ernie do you have any FURther cases to bring before the court?
    We Do your honestl...           FOXY could you please        {THWAP}  Ernie I have WARNED you about this use of NICKNAMES in my courtroom !!
  Sorry,   ROXY could you please read off the Pending Cases?
Of Course, Ernie...     We have Case 87-6  PRINCESS LEAH tiara Which will be a ROYAL Case             and we have Case 87-7   Wallace  (another International Law case)     and      Also   Case 87-8  tiara I get to wear my tiera AGAIN  MOLLY the Wally....    which is Also an International case.  
  THREE International Cases in a row???      I guess I will need to Wash and Wring my Judgy Wig
     You all realize that these cases will be tried under FORMAL conditions..
    YES, your Nobleness...     Psssssssst... Erniekins.... ask him if I can wear my tiara !   we will come dressed appropriately..     Pssssssss....    does that mean that I have to wash YOUR wig and put it in FURLERS, Ernie...   You know how I love to   
    ERNIE, Is your Paralegal addressing the COURT???
Ummmmm ahhhhhhhh ,,, NO Your Noblesome.   She was just ...   Thinking out loud.
   Fine... Court is Dismissed... now get poor OREO something to EAT.
      {{THWAP}}  Darn I love this gavel...  


Julie said...

Yay, Oreo won!!!! Get that Pup some foodables and treats and thingys!!!!
Oh and I'm next, how exciting!!! Wonder if I'll be allowed to wear my tiara as well and oh I do luffs Roxy's glasses!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

What a relief. Hope Oreo starts perking up soon once he gets some foodables in himself.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Another win! OMD, I am getting really excited for my case!
Wally (and Sammy)

My Mind's Eye said...



Lovable Lily said...

Great job! We just knew that Oreo would win his case.

We sure hope he get's some steak!

Lily Belle & Muffin

p.s. WHN is in the hospital again! Might be gallbladder this time.

Unknown said...

Pawsome verdict by the honourable judge and we look forward to those formal international cases. Oreo will starve no more. Result. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Wow, congrats to Oreo and our Judicial System! YIPEEE and BRING ON THE FOODABLES. BOL He'll be perked up and energized in no time. Excellent job by VS, K & D and by HizHonnor.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Cowspotdog said...

an excellent judgement for sure

WFT Nobby said...

I trust that Oreo also gets to choose exactly what type of food will be hand fed (with no expense spared)?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Bravo for the Deadum team!!! quite the backlog of cases there though...

Not helped by the blog-gobbling - I did have a couple not show up till after the fact (as it were), which is a darned shame cuz there are some impawtent posts coming up!!! (word to the alert - MEnUs at my place Friday (which means Thursday for some of yez))... keep up the good work your legalships!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kismet said...

I don't know. The judge was very lenient.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Poor Oreo! I hope his peeps respect this judgment.

Scooter said...

Thanks for winning my case. Mom,said WOW!! That was harsh!! She is talking about the feeding by hand, really???
I said Yup, really Mom!! And here is the food we can get started ASAP and remember a good attitude too!!!


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

I hope tiara's get to be worn in court.

easyweimaraner said...

BRAVO!!! YAY for the judge and the attorney! Congrats Oreo, that'worth a new box of that tasty cookies, right?
easy rider

Murphy said...

Wait a minute . . . no prison time for the hoomans? We thought fur sure they'd be thrown in the slammer!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fair judgement to me. I hope Oreo is feeling more like himself!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, 87 hours of hand feeding! Hope we have something to complain about soon.
Dip and Elliot x

Anonymous said...

This was outta we need to form a lench mob?

Quik, get and IV going in poor Oreo before he goes blank!

The Mad Scots

Idaho PugRanch said...

My goodness, I am so glad Judge Frankie that you found in Oreo's favor and he can get foodables right away! The dance is only a day away and he needs his strength to dance the night away!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Poor Oreo. We hope he gets fed ON TIME from now on....and no laughter.

Blogger does that to us, too. Sometimes we get a new post say, just put up 87 seconds ago and it already has 20 comments! But often up to 9 in a row.

Sheltie Times said...

Justice is served.

Unknown said...

Yay for Oreo!!! I knew the Honorablest Furts would decide for the correct party in the case...and in this case being for poor, starving Oreo!

Duke said...

Oreo is going to be a happy pup once again! Great job, guys!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

LBJ said...

Way to go Oreo. It's time for treats!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh very interesting!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

I knew Oreo would win!

Two French Bulldogs said...

And a big big bowl of kibble
Lily & Edward

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Oreo ...... how good is that???? Handfed, aye??? Demand icecream Oreo ..... it's the BEST!!!

Millie and Walter said...

We are so glad Oreo can get some more food now. Good job Ernie.

Millie and Walter said...

We are so glad Oreo can get some more food now. Good job Ernie.

M. K. Clinton said...

We can only hope that poor Oreo is given life sustaining treats and extra special foodables! I cannot believe so many international cases on the docket! You may need to buy bulk mop heads!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Oreo. Justice prevails!

Love and licks,

marley said...

Fank dogness dat justiss was dun Frankie yeronner my pal