Monday, January 26, 2015

Case # 87... Doods vs. Pawrents...

ALL RISE.....  Hizzonor Frankie Furter Pawziding:

BE SEATED...     

The case before me today is     The Doods vs Pawrents...   #87     
   Are the Partiers all PRESENT?
They are Your Honor...

All Right then Ernie...  present your case..

THANKS Frankie
    {{THWAP}}....ERNIE !   You will address me as   YOUR HONOR   or JUDGE...  
Ooops   Sorry  YOUR HONOR...      
   While my Para Legal... MISS ROXY prepared the Exhibits...  allow me to present the case:
  It seems that the Misters Murphy and Stanley have ALWAYS been pawmitted Bed Privileges.  Until their Mom had a sudden Brain Fart
{{ THWAP}}  Language like that will not be tolerated in my courtroom...  if it happens again I will FINE YOU, Ernie.

 Sorry AGAIN your Honor...
 As I was saying....  the Doods ... have suddenly found themselves living BELOW EXPECTED STANDARDS...       
     I would now like to call them to the witness stand to tell the story in their OWN WORDS...
Call Murphy and Stanley to the stand....

GENTLEMEN.... Please tell the court , In your Own words,  what has transpired...
Witness Testosterone      to follow:
Something very disturbing has been happening at our house.  First of all I have to tell you how it USED to be.  Then I will tell you what has happened.  Now if I start sounding all legal or something, it is because I am sending this information to my furend Ernie the Attorney.  I hope he will consider our case as being worthy of hearing at the Court of Common Fleas.  

This is how we have been sleeping for nearly 3 years:
MISS ROXY....  would you please display  Exhibit A??
   Exhibit A...
Thank you Miss Roxy...   
Gentlemen Please continue....

As you can see, Stanley has to move around so he doesn't get a cramp and I am tight against my mom, where I SHOULD be!  BUTT mom decided that since her acid reflux was not getting better that she needed to follow a dumb doctor's advice and sleep with a "raised head".  What the dog is that anyway?  So . . . dad said he can't sleep with a "raised head" so mom said, "Fine, we need a new bed that I can adjust."  So they bought a split king adjustable bed with a memory foam mattress.  

Me and Stanley were fine with that.  Our old bed was a king size memory foam so we thought these changes would NOT affect us.  Then we started hearing mom talking about her wanting to "sleep on her side" and then she accused us of "hogging the bed".  These words burned my heart!  Then when we thought it couldn't get worse she did this:
Exhibit B

Oh My Dog!!!  What is she thinking?    So we tried a couple nights with the "new rules and new bed".  I took a little nap on the quilt and it wasn't bad was horrible!  So Stanley tried balancing on the tiny edge of the bed that mom was allowing (cuz SHE was hogging all the space AND making the bed tilt so we'd slide off) and Stanley didn't sleep a wink for fear of falling to his death!

I spent all night staring at mom BEGGING her to move over so I could cuddle her and hear her heartbeat.  She said I could sleep on her other side BUTT that isn't MY side!  I tried balancing on the inch she left open on MY side but I couldn't even squeeze in there!

THANK YOU GENTLEMEN.... this is a very Disturbing situation indeed...
     Your Honor...         The Defense wants a nap  RESTS...

     I will consider the evidence and testimony and give you my VERDICT tomorrow...


Julie said...

Oh I'm all in suspenders, what's the verdict gonna be!!!!!!
Isn't this Court of Fleas exciting!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Bailie likes to sleep in bed with Mom. She almost always has her butt towards Mom and often kicks her in the face during the night, but Mom would never kick her out. The cats are worse, they sleep on top of her so she can't even move. I sure hope those guys win their case!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness, this is all officialdomness... I think you make a pawfect judge Frankie-sir; your preparation, Ernie-sir, is thorough. What a great asset for Blogville! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my we are on the edge of our basket all excited. When does court commence again your honour? Have a Marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

we can hardly wait to find out the results

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We hope justice prevails.

My Mind's Eye said...

Somebuddy needs to be a quarter in the swear jar. MOL MOL MOL mom cracked up when she read that
Hugs madi your bfff

Scooter said...

Wow, this is a most interesting case before the court! Excellent job, Ernst and Roxy. Your Honor, you run a tight ship! I can't wait to hear the verdict and any sentencing. *gosh I hope I don't have to have anyone arrested*
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, I can't believe the Doodz's pawrents would do such a thing! How the heck are they supposed to sleep without being next to their momma?!?!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I sees only one possible outcome of dis trial. Make Mom sleep on da floor and gives her a pile of boxes so her's head will be raised! Dere...settled!

easyweimaraner said...

It's so great to sit in the first row of the audience... and this time as a fan and not as the culprit. that's just WOW! can't wait for tomorrow... if Frankie... pardon... His Honor needs a torture tool, give me a sign, I can send one of my mommas cheesecakes :o)
Easy Rider

Murphy said...

Whew! We were so nervous to give our testimony! We will be glad when this is all over and things are back to normal! Oh shoot, maybe we should have mentioned that mom doesn't allow us to bring toys and antlers to bed either. Poor mom, tough love is tough!



Kismet said...

This is a slam dunk. I'd consult with a dogtor and find out that if Mom stops eating, she wouldn't have acid reflex. Then everyone could go back to normal.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those humans should be found guilty
Lily & Edward

Sketching with Dogs said...

OMD, that is just inhumane cruelty to think they would sleep in dog beds!
Dip and Elliot x

Lovable Lily said...

We're standing amongst the pawparazzi waiting to hear the verdict tomorrow!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Dz Dog Mom said...

This is hilarious!! Awesome!

Duke said...

We can't wait to hear the verdict!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Ernie, you were MAGNIFICENT--that Frankie and his rules...YUCK! I could hardly control myself every time you walked by, I wanted to give you a sneaky smooch!!

Surely we have an open and shut case. The peeps are CLEARLY in the wrong!

WFT Nobby said...

It is inconceivable that the Doods will lose.
Isn't it?
Toodle pip!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Guilty as charged!!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Uh oh.....looks like the Mayorz Mama is in big trouble!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

stellaroselong said...

You all did excellent just excellent!!! Good luck!!!
stella rose

Anonymous said...

Bites understand this, cause he has been displaced also, with Dads back work he claims he needs all the bed so not to get in a bad position. Bites is thinking we may have to cahnge thss to a class action suit.

Ahhhhhhhh, Your Hizzonrness, you need a better hat.....I all mmost call you you Mopheadedness! Hehehe

Da Sus

M. K. Clinton said...

This is certainly a Hairy Mason moment! We are biting our claws in anticipation!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I'm NEVER going to do anything wrong, EVER, again!! I sure wouldn't want to have to come before his Honour and that thwappy thingoe.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

we think the humans are guilty, the humans should only be allowed 87 winks of shut eye the new way and then go back to the previous sleeping arrangement.

KB said...

Thwap!!!! Franky, you sure have that courtroom under control. I sure hope that the boyz win this one. They are being unfairly treated. Thwap!!!!!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD this is so exciting!! I can't wait for the verdict. I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. Ernie, you are doing a great job, they are so lucky to have you for a lawyer. Frankie, I know you will be fair. This may set a precedence for many sleeping and bed hogging cases to come. Please rest up everyone, you will need it.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. I will send over a protein packed breakfast pizza in the early morning and plenty of coffee and milk for Ernie

Kinley Westie said...

Da humans are guilty as charged.

LBJ said...

Perry Mason has nothing on your guys! I can't wait to hear the verdict. Honor will prevail, and bed-lam will be corrected.
Abby Lab