Thursday, December 18, 2014


      We are Sadly Wishing Sweet Kyla a Fare Well... Run Free and Fast.... til we meet again.

You had better get a cup of Warm Milk or Consomme ....    this is gonna be a LONG one... Like DACHSHUND Long...    like 87 yards long...    We'll wait fur you....

OKAY  so you are back...     we are just going to say that we have some wonderful furends here in Blogville...   We can hardly hold back the sniffles and tears...   GOOD ONES.....  over this...
     Over the last few days... we have received some Pressie Packages...  and they are EACH a true Treasure...   we want to share and show them to you... in the order they arrived...

     SO we followed instructions on here...   when we got to THAT pawt...   WE refused to Look...
 BUTT there WAS stuffs that we WANTED to look at ...
 FURST there was about 87  CHRISTMAS COOKIES specially fur US..  and they are DELICIOUS..
    We ran off to MUNCH some... while MOM looked at the next thingys that came from the box...
We HEAR that there was a SPECIAL Snow Freak card that was EMBROIDERED with a Snow Freak....     She went wild over it... of course...
 AND we hear that there was a Snow Freak.... Decoration thingy...  that we MAY or May NOT have ...   ummmmmm   Deaded insniffigated...     and   BLUE and White Socks fur HER to sleep in...  which is good since her feets FREEZE US when she puts them on us at night...    AND   this GRRREAt TOWEL that has a DACHSHUND Embroidered on it..       WE even like THAT since there was NO freaks involved...
 And the CARD had Mom and Dad's name on it...        and it was from........  AMBER DaWeenie and Max, and the REST of the DaWeenie Crew... Including Autumn... and the other Seven..
 NOW we are getting to the GOOD stuffs...    THIS was in the Box TOO...  
 OMD   LOOK....  ALL ten of them are on the card...     Can you even BELIEVE that?   We made it BIG so you all could see our Dear Furends...
 BUTT WAIT... there's MORE.... there were these COOL DROOL outlines of US...  with our NAMES on them....   and Miss Linda MADE them  JUST FUR US...  
 AND   there were TWO NEW TOYS... that were NOT Snow Freak thingys...    and we are very proud to say that we LIKE them SO much... we have ALREADY pawformed Two  HOOFectomies on the Crinkle Cow... and That super squeaker Dachshund now has a TINY SHORT TAIL...   SEE we told you we LOVE them...           THANK YOU   Miss Linda and Mr. John, and Amber and Max and Amber and Bailey, Holly, Shelby, Annie, Sarah, Jennie, and Pepper...       
         THANK YOU so very much...      We are all 4 Crazy about EVERYTHINGY.    
 The NEXT box to arrive was from OZ.... Remember OZ is the one who sent us the Half Eaten bag of Snacks beclaws we wrote a Half A$$ed Limerick and THAT was our Booby Prize...
   Now ONLY OZ is allowed to call us this Special Nickname thingy...
   Oz calls us  FURTS and TURTS...   hehheehhe
  So ANYWAY... Oz TOLD us that there was a box coming... and Knowing how ornery OZ is... we figured it would be a TOTALLY empty Treat Bag this time... butt NO...   he wasn't Poking our cage this time at all....     Look... another Christmas card to add to our GROWING LIST...AND two ....
 PRESSIES....      He said we could OPEN instantly and so... Once Again...we followed instructions...
 OMD OMD   it was a BACON Flavored   Lickety Stik....    Do we need to say... that it was and is DELICIOUS???
 BUTT WAIT... there was MORE...  there was a BIG canister of    Honest Kitchen's....Winter Warmers   CHICKEN Consomme.         and TRUST us... we DEMANDED asked mom to mix us up a nice Warm bowl of THAT good stuffs to have along with our Supper...  and we drank every delicious drop...         THANK YOU  OZ....      this was a Delightful Pressie Package...  and we will Savor the Flavor(s) fur DAYs and DAYS to come...  You are the best,  Furts n' Turts
 WAIT......  don't go....    THERE's MORE>...
    The NEXT pressie package... we Also Knew was Coming... from our furends Murphy and Stanley...    They sent their Christmas card...    which is ALSO a much NEEDED Calendar...  that we can Use Daily throughout 2015..     and   there was a COOKERING BOOK...   in there...   YEP a Cookering Book... Written by   Chef  BUTCH Waddles...       and there are some WILD Recipes in there...    you may have noticed on Amber and Max and Autumn's Card it was addressed to Lana(our MOM and    BUTCH... OUR DAD
     YES our DAD goes by the name BUTCH... even though his real name is Ken...
   OMD    this is Pawfect...   WILD Recipes...  like the Wild Foods that Dad (Ol' Sure Shot) SOMETIMES brings to us...
 WE Can't WAIT to get Mom and Dad together to cooker up some of these FABULOUS recipes... FUR US...       THANK YOU   Murphy and Stanley....    We think this will come in VERY HANDY... we are gonna read ALL the Recipes... Cover to Cover to decide which to start with.   
 NOW you ARE still here aren't you...??????    We HOPE so beclaws we have one more pressie package to show you...      and it came all the way from.......
 OMD OMD      Look at this Grrrreat Wrapping paper... Perfect for a pressie from LONDON  ENGLAND....        Now we didn't know if these guys were gonna let us open the pressie package EARLY or not...    So we though...   HEY we are on a ROLL and let's just GO fur IT...   We HOPE that MOLLY isn't cross with us fur opening before Christmas.... butt darn it we are DAWGS and we Dawgs get TIRED of Waiting... so we think Molly might be OKAY with it...
 So     .........    we had at it...
 And just LOOK at what we found inside...  
 Another Card fur our Collection.... and this one... even has the FAMOUS  London Ferris Wheel on there... at the back Right....     Isn't it an INTERESTING Card...???     It is 87 dimensional ...

 Inside the box there were FOUR Candles....  our mom set them on Fire... instantly...  and boy howdy do they ever smell good...    
 There was somethingy ELSE in there fur MOM...   in this lovely box...

 A Necklace with a HEART on it...  it is really Delicate and sparkles...      She can keep it in the pretty bag....
 BUTT WAIT.... there's MORE....      a BANDANA with BONES on it...  it fits BOTH of us... butt not at the Same time...   so we are gonna share it...   since it looks GOOD with BOTH of our FURS.
 And LOOK at THIS....   a ROYAL POUCH... fur putting our Letters to Santa Paws into... it can be Zipped so the letter doesn't get Lost...          WE are going to be Filling it... and sending it on the way.. VERY SOON...
 And then at the bottom...  a BOOK..... you all know that our mom is a retired School Librarian... so we have Mad love fur Books...
 OMD  we put a BOOK MARK in at THIS place...        Hope there are instructions fur DEADING THEM...
 AND look at THIS....  a Santa Paws ROPE toy... that we have ALREADY been playing Tug of WAR with...  
Now Molly just had to Yank our Walkin Strings a bit... by Including TWO OTHER THINGYS>>>>
and they are Pawfect fur ending our post with...

THANK YOU Molly....    We Love EVERYTHING ...   
   PeeS... your are the BESTEST Box Packer we have EVER seen...  You should give LESSONS.

OMD   Molly sent TWO Snow Freaks...    
We want to say THANK YOU AGAIN to ALL of you...    we are SPEECHLESS   beyond Thrilled with EACH and EVERY one of these BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL FABULOUS Presssie Packages.


Julie said...

Yous such wonderful furfriends you deserve to be completely spoilt ! Glad to hear that all of yous has had such luffly gifties.Enjoy!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Wow! Look at all that loot and it is not even Christmas yet! Love that letter pouch to Santa, so cute!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh you deserve a bit spoilings up there on the Hill... 'cuz you are great furiends in your turn! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Cowspotdog said...

woo wee - you two are being so totally spoiled - how lucky are you !

Zoe said...

Whut super duper coolio goodies yu got frum yur super duper pals.
That card fum Molly is special! Heck, even the rappin paper is special!

Fun, fun fur yu doods!

My Mind's Eye said...



Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, you all scored some serious loot! Amber's pack is wonderful and those pressies are perfect for all of you. I'm chuckling about Oz calling you Furt n Turt, BWAR HAR HAR OMD Papaw Pantslegs has his very own cookbook. Hope he makes some yummers and shares them with you. Molly is an amazing furiend. Great pressies guys!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HEY Check out Bloggers NEW thingy... to Prove you are not a Robot...BUTT guess WHAT??? You don't need to do THIS one either... just skip it and click on Publish your Comment...

Unknown said...

Wow guys you are doing super well on loot this year. So glad ours arrived OK as we were getting a bit worried. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

How wonderful! So many lovely and thoughtful pressies!

Unknown said...

Good one guys. Thoughtful or what.

You sure are snow freaks.
If you have that snow over your side, can you please send some of it to me.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Oz the Terrier said...

Great Dawgs All Mighty, Furts and Turts! You got a TON of pressies from all over the world! Amber sent you some wonderful things...I love the little ornaments (cut-outs) that look like yous! And OMD...Molly is too funny sending you MORE snow freaks! She got you good! I am so glad my package arrived and that your Lickety Stik and Soup wasn't confiscated by the post man! BOL Have a very Happy Holiday, my pals. We loves ya!

rottrover said...

F & E, you boyz and your mom are truly loved!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

rottrover said...

F & E, you boyz and your mom are truly loved!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

rottrover said...

F & E, you boyz and your mom are truly loved!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

rottrover said...

F & E, you boyz and your mom are truly loved!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! What fabulous fun and presents!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful bunch of friends there are in Blogville!!! Great pressies guys!!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow...dat's a lot of stuffs! You guys are luckee pups...furt and turt! BOL

PeeS...And Christmas isn't even here yet! You'll be busy the entire year next year!

:) :) :)

easyweimaraner said...

that was really a Dachshund post, as long and as beautiful like Doxies are. Specially Amber and brudder Max. Your post brought a smile to my mommas face today. and that's a miracle. not even my dad's card what he offered her with a heavy heart worked today with all the sad news we read.Many thanks to you and to the wonderful peep&pets of blogville :o)
Easy Rider

stellaroselong said...

You truly are loved by all of blogville...hugs stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Say whaaaaaaaaat! It's not even Christmas yet
Lily & Edward

Idaho PugRanch said...


Sketching with Dogs said...

What great stuff you got off your friends, we love everything!
Dip and Elliot x

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie and Ernie,
It's quite simple. You are your family have fabulous friends because you yourselves are all such fabulous friends to so many folk. Those wonderful presents are no more than you deserve.
Toodle pip!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Christmas has come early to your house! We can't wait to hear about Butch's white sauce! Bwahaahaa!

Those number thingys must have realised that we're on to them, because now you only have to click that you aren't a robot.

Murphy said...

Blogville is such a wonderful place to make furiends! We hope you figured out that you are all well liked and loved by all of us!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - A new POTP page will be announced tomorrow. You can follow us at

Kinley Westie said...

What a pawsome bunch of presents!

Anonymous said...

Thats so much stuffs....hey did Molly have Sarge fly all that over the BPD C130 Cargo Plane....noway all that came postal....I loved every bit of it (Except the Snow Freak Me Outs)....but bites fell asleep twice, even banded his head on the keyboard!,,,,gots a knot now!

The Mad Scots

Sweet William The Scot said...

Those snow freaks are coming down in my Nati town today! I got a lovely angel from Max and Amber. We don't have our tree up this year so we hung the angel on the light switch. Wonderful gifts from everybody.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Charlotte said...

OMD!! What paw some prezzies you all got!! And you guys so deserve a few treaties....(well...cept the snow freaky things)....


Duke said...

Wow! What supernice gifts and so very, very thoughtful!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

OMD, You knows how much I loves Amber and her Brudder, now I just loves them more! They are just amazin' furiends!!
And lookie at all the pressies you got!!! OMD, that is just showin' how much you two dudes are loved, loved, loved!!! Nows, is there any of that lickity stuffs left???? That looked goooooood!!!
Ruby ♥

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD, I am dizzy with all the excitement. There is so much love in Blogville, it is hard to imagine sometimes. Our pals who don't know Blogville just don't get it, how lucky we are. You guys are the best and I am so happy you got all that cool drool stuffs. I bet Santa Paws is gonna be real good to you also.

I love you all

Loveys Sasha

Duncan said...

Well deserved loot boys!!! You're on a roll and we can only imagine what Santa is gonna bring!!!

bichonpawz said...

What wonderful pressies you got there guys! So happy for you! xo Chloe and LadyBug

M. K. Clinton said...

What awesome pressies! That special 87 dimensional card is incredible! I know Santa Paws will be so good to you both. ♥

Millie and Walter said...

You all are very lucky and very loved. Great pressies from all your friends.