REMINDER...... TOMORROW is FFHT day.... you can check the Tab at the top of Murphy and Stanley's Blog to get the INCLUSION...
AND did you not know that TAFFY is having a super contest... if you are gonna get IN... and tell about yourself Being GOOD... you better HURRY and get a pic to Taffy... beclaws the Dead Lion is LOOMING...
OMD just Two more Sleeps and we will have made it... to SANTA PAWS day...
HOPEFULLY that will mark the END to the Snow Freak NIGHT SQUIRREL that we have been living... BUTT until Then...
I gotted GRINCHED.... Like MAX...
These are our Stocking....
My WIVES sent this yard Flag Sign.... SEVERAL years ago....
SIGH..... ....SEE ????? this insanity has gone on FUREVER....
Do the snow freaks pack up the day after Christmas or do they stick around through New Year's? Hope they leave soon!
You got snow freak stockings? Goodness guy's!!
Lily Belle & Muffin
It's a nefur endin Nite Mare!
Maybe yu could jus be See Dated ofur the holidaze?
Oh dear! That reindeer doesn't look too cheery pulling the sleigh! Can't wait for Christmas!
OMD not long now and we are so excited. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Maybe da freaks will give you one lasting gift fur Christmas....da honor of dere PRESENTS until well into 2015. Just a warning.
I bet they even whisper in your ears when you are sleeping...we do like the picture of you wif the sleigh..i know that is not nice of us to say that.....stella rose
and just think - the whole starts over again next year
Even your stockings are snow freaks?? Doesn't that skeer Santa off??
We though we saw you flying by Frankie
Lily & Edward
Hey guys, you might even get new snow freaks in your stockings, you never ever nose.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X
Wahoo two more sleeps until Santa Paws is here, it's been crazy busy here, especially with the snow freak invasion we have going on! Have a wonderful Christmas! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX
Ernie? Was you in Pasadena yesterday? Mom swears she saw you!!
Wow, you guys must be the best behaved kids in the world. Those Christmas stuffies in the photo would be "goners". Was the sleigh heavy? We think that you deserve extra treats for that one.
Frankie and Ernie, I know Santa Paws will reward you for all of your misery with snow freaks. Have a very Merry Christmas to you and your family from me and my family.
Loveys Sasha and the Mommy
BOL! You was Grinched! You know what, maybe I do need to mail you a hairdryer so you can melt away all those snow freaks? They does seem to be even more out of control than normal! Yipe!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, you make the cutest Grinch Max dog ever! BWAR HAR HAR OMD all of your furiends are getting a chuckle out of adding to your snowfreaks. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm
OMD Frankie! Now I can't sleep at ALL because you reminded me I have just 2 days to get ALL MY STUFF DONE for Christmas morning.
Merry Christmas to you, Ernie and your 'rents.
Love Noodles
Thank you for your Christmas wishes, I will definitely pass them on for you but MY Ernie needs some potp at the moment as the one side of his face has fallen, he went to the vets for testing but the results won't be back until after Christmas, he is fine in himself, he is eating well, drinking as usual, acting like a furry fool as always but he is drooling and slobbering because of his droopy jowls, the vet said it could be neurological but are really not sure! Poor My Ernie, all droopy for Santa Paws! XxxxxxxxX
Yay! it is almost here!
That first picture shows just how stressful it is at your house. All those snowfreaks sneakin' up on you. It's a wonder you still have furs on your tails!
We love Max. And you look least you're a reindeer and not a snowfreak.
Frankie, you look so adorable pulling that sleigh - much better than the reindeers!
Dip and Elliot x
Hari OM
Crikey, blimey and help ma boab, it is gonna take some heat to melt away all those freaks........ Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx
Sounds like it will be a life long thingie! We are supposed to get snow for Christmas so I will tell you if we do and you can play in the snow with us if you can come over. Mom is getting ready to go to a meeting with the mayor and other city peoples so we are crossing our paws!!
Merry Christmas to everyone at your place!
Your pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Hey, see you aftre the Snow freaks are over....and Merry Christmas Commodore Frank and Cap-n Ernie...see you later Gators!
The Mad Scots
That first photo is very concerning, Frankie. Do these snowfreaks follow you wherever you go?!
Love ya lotsā„
Mitch and Molly
Wishing you the bestest and Merriest Christmas ever!! We know Santa Paws will have no trouble finding you guys!
(((hugs)) your friends
Crikey ...... I thought I was safe down here in Australia (no snow)but I had a FREAK encounter this morning. I thought they were all at your house but not so, aye??
Merry Christmas Frankie and Ernie. We got a toy that looks just like you two....we took it outside and showed it around the garden...(now it is in the washing machine!)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Somehow I think you may have to get used o those freaks...maybe hypnotherapy or somethin'?
Good Luck Smileys!
Dory, Arty, Bilbo & Jakey
My momma keeps puttin antlers on me too.
You got grinched!! We feel very sorry for you boys. Those are a whole lot of snow freaks (and we hope for your sake they won't stay around much longer!).
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