Thursday, November 27, 2014


To ALL of Blogville......    we say.....     WE are TRULY Thankful fur your furendship...

 We Love our Blogville furends....  the Nearly 387 of you...      WHY????  
    Well let us say beclaws you are so Open and Loving and Caring and Accepting...
Like how you always welcome in our Cussin  Francine and her little Ernestine... when they come around...  Which Thankfully isn't that often... beclaws Francine drives Everybuddy Crazy... fussing over little Ernestine.
AND we are Thankful fur how you all gather together  when one of our Blogville furends is in need of Somethingy...     POTP...   a Kind Word...  Cheering Up...   Advice...   and even green papers when times are truly tough...

    In Blogville we are HERE fur EACH OTHER.... ALWAYS...      butt we also Have FUN...  we wish that it was Wall to Wall fun every day... butt we KNOW that really isn't PAWsible...  so we TAKE THE FUN when we can... and work through the other thingys TOGETHER.

WE on this hill are THANKFUL that YOU have taken us into YOUR lives and Shared your Wealth of FURENDSHIP.       

About 87 years ago WE  wrote this poem.      It pretty much says it all....

When Miss Ann did our Blog Make Over...   she very Thoughtfully put it on our Side Bar... fur our furends to see every time we put a post up.    


Julie said...

That poem says it all Frankie and Ernie.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all
I am very thankful that you guys are my furfriends !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, I love that poem and have read it a few times... it is an amazing place and proves that we do not have to be physically together to feel the power of Love with the capital 'ell'... open hearts shine even in 'the cloud'. Blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Little Miss Titch said...

Love the poem,Happy Thanks Giving,xx Speedy

My GBGV Life said...

Blogville is an amazing place and we too are so thankful for all the friends and support we have! That is a beautiful poem you guys wrote too! Happy Thanksgiving!

Cowspotdog said...

That is indeed a pawsome poem - have a wonderful thanksgiving guys - enjoy your day

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie and Ernie!
Blogville is a wonderful place and I am thankful to have you as my furiends, for all of my friends in Blogville and all the fun we have and the kind support we get each day from eachother! Happy Thanksgiving and I hope that you have some turkey! Love and licks from your furiend Frnak xxxxx

Unknown said...

That is a very special poem and so true, every last word. I am so glad you two loonies are my good friends. My life would be boring and dull without you. Happy Thanksgiving

Golden Daily Scoop said...

What a great poem! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Lovable Lily said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We too are blessed with many friends and all the love and support that comes with having so many.

Lily Belle, Muffin, Kim, Rolf & Grandpa Bob

Linda said...

Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for your friendship.
xo Cinnamon

Zoe said...

We're glad we met yu 2 wild an crazy dachsies.

Happy Thanksgivin to yu all!

Murphy said...

You are one of the special parts of Blogville and although we know you don't want to hear it, a few of us have an unofficial fan club with your name on it! Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sheltie Times said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

The Daily Pip said...

I am thankful that I am now able to drop magic cheeseburgers from heaven to all my friends …and speaking of magic cheeseburgers, here's a yummy turkey with cheeseburger stuffing. Read, set …CRASH! Don't worry it still tastes good even though it split apart on landing.

Happy Thanksgiving Frankie and Ernie.

A.P (that's turkey dropping Angel Pip)

Ranger said...

Happy Thanksgiving Dudes. I am Thankful dat y'all are my crazy cousins from another Aunty and dat we get to play & pawty together.
You two are da funniest dude in Blogville and I'm thankful dat I get to go along on da ride.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDoxies...not only are you lovely furiends, thoughtful,and kind to all creatures great an small you are Poets!
I love your poem.
87 million kitty and mom hugs to all those under your roof
Madi and mom your bfffs

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hey Frankie and Ernie, Happy Thanksgiving, full tummies from your Canadian friends.

Kismet said...

Enough already. Let's eat! :)

easyweimaraner said...

that's true, the poem says all! I sometimes read it when I visit your blog and I always nod in approval after the first two lines. Thanks for being the bestest Ernest from Schnitzel and the bestest Frankie Furter Price from the Hill. And thanks to your wonderful furmily for being such good friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Easy Rider

Teddy said...

Great post! We thank God for all our blogville furrends who get us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Marley & Lady

Braeden and Seth said...

Great post Frankie and Ernie! We are so thankful we are friends. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get lots of turkey!

Braeden, Seth and Riley

Duke said...

Your poem is brilliant, Frankie and Ernie! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your peeps!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

C.L.W.STEP said...

Happy Turkey Day to you and your wonderful family and thanks for showing us around Blogville when were just starting out!

WFT Nobby said...

Gail and I are so thankful for all of Blogville, but Frankie and Ernie we especially want to thank you, who have done more than most to make our precious community such a wonderful place with such a special set of values.
Toodle pip and Happy Thanksgiving!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

What a beautiful post.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend!

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Sketching with Dogs said...

Awww, we love you Frankie and Ernie. What a sweet poem, we are very thankful to have you as friends.
Dip Elliot and Lynne x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Beautifully said!

We love Blogville. It's a fantastic community....full of love.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Health and happiness. Happy Thanksgiving x

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie and Ernie, we love Blogville and we love you all too and are thankful that we are furriends. Happy Thanks Blogville to you. NO WORRIES AND LOVE, Stella and Rory

The Army of Four said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Frankie and Ernie! You two are a big part of what we love about Blogville!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Thanksgiving
Lily & Edward

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on your hill. We love being in Blogville and just wish sometimes that we could all get together in person. We sure would have lots of fun then too.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wonderful Poem! Blogville is such a wonderful place and you guys were among the very FURst furiends we had in Blogville. And we are so grateful! We have read almost every post since your wedding, Frankie. Now waiting for the next wedding.... :)

Wishing you a terror-ific Thanksgiving and lots of turkey!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome poem. U always make us smile. Happy Thanksgiving.

sprinkles said...

Your poem says it better than I ever could.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We are thankful for your friendship

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a very beautiful post and you said every word,,, with meaning.
We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving,,,
And were thankful for all of you to be in our lives and for helping me.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

We forgot this Blogville posting was today so we're going to be late, as usual.

Ruby said...

Oh dudes, that poem just makes me water every time...*sniff, sniff* gots a snot rag??? Thanks.
Okays, better nows, Guys that was a most lovely postie! I am soooooo happy that you two pawsome dudes are the heart of Blogville! I don't thinks Blogville would be the same without you guys! I thank you from the bottom of my furry little heart for you furiendship and kindness and loves.
I hopes you and your family have the most FABulous Thanksgivin' Day evers!!!!
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

What a beautiful poem, it makes us smile when we read it. It is just like you boys, y'all always make us laugh. We are especially thankful for your friendship. Paw Slaps ~ Bentley & Pierre

Taffy said...

I agree wholeheartedly! That poem was penned perfectly and from the heart! I am so very thankful to have you and Ernie (and your peeps) as my furiends! I hope you enjoyed a "Twixerrific" Thanksgiving yesterday!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just love that poem...and we love you all too!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Sagira said...

That is a great poem. So happy we have met you and your peeps.