Friday, November 28, 2014

FFHT Day...

Today is the Last fryday  FRIDAY in the month of November 2014... and that means that it is Murphy and Stanley's   FRACTURED Fryday Hairy Tails Day...    So here we go, dear furends..

THINGS would NEVER be the same after....

     Many years ago... (like 87 of them)  I, Frankie Furter lived ALONE with mom and dad on this hill..     by ALONE I mean that I did not have any brothers or sisters or even FURENDS here...  no buddy to PLAY with and stuffs...      butt then one day...
   I looked out the Sun Porch windows and saw....
    THIS GUY.... and his Brother....

 I was THRILLED...  
 I ran out and yelled.... don't HIDE... don't be afraid.... I won't hurt you...   I want to be your FUREND...
 And guess WHAT?????    We three DID become very much Super duper furends...    We layed around in the sun puddles together... and wandered the hill together...    I named them CHARCOAL and CHARCOAL...   beclaws they WERE Charcoal Colored... and I thought it was very fitting.   So The CHARCOALs and I had a wonderful time together ... until the sad day when Charcoal went to the ROAD and ....         After that I only had ONE furend... Charcoal...    Left...   and we became even BETTER FURENDS...    until.... one day....   a big dawg came to our hill and CHASED CHARCOAL AWAY furEVER...

I knew thingys would NEVER be the Same after BOTH my Charcoal Furends left me fur the bridge.

  Sorry that this seems like a sad story... butt REALLY it is all about Furendship...   and how differences don't Matter... it is what is the SAME that counts.... we three wanted and needed a furend... and  we were LOYAL and LOVING FURENDS... for a Long TIME...  over 18 months.  
    Furendships build MEMORIES...    and MEMORIES are a WONDERFUL.
  Remember that Differences don't matter....   if two Rabbits and a Dachshund can become furends... it is pawsible fur EVERYBUDDY to be furends.
      PeeS....  this is a totally TRUE story about Charcoal and Charcoal and ME.


Julie said...

Aw Frankie, you pretend to be all macho but you are a very big softie underneath. I luffs being furfriends with you and Ernie.
Hopes you had a great Thanksgiving day yesterday
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

WFT Nobby said...

That is a lovely story Frankie, even though sad. Friends are too important for it to matter where they come from and whether they are different from us.

Frank The Tank said...

That is a bitter sweet story for FFHT I do like the photo of you playing with the charcoal bunnies! Furendship is impawtant and differences don't matter at all, its all about the special bond we have with our fureiends, the love we share and the happy times we have! Love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh Frankie, you brought me to tears... with the news of the upheavals in other parts of your great country, this is just the BESTEST story you could have written... I love you for it because I am all about the sameness; when that is formed strongly, the differences become the decoration. Blessings, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Cowspotdog said...

Charcoal looks just like a bunny had many many years ago

Zoe said...

That is a furry cool story! That wuz one of those strange an wunnerful relationships.
Have a super duper day, Doods.

easyweimaraner said...

It sometimes happens that friends go different ways, like you and Charcoal&Charcoal. But let's hope that the one of the Charcoals lives a happy rabbit life in a forest or a park and he probably is the dad now of many charcoals :o) And the main thing is, that you are still friends, wherever Charcoal has his crib now.
Easy Rider

My Mind's Eye said...

OHHHHHHHHHH Frankie what a wonderful and loving story of Double C's and you.
I expect knowing them prepared you for having Ernest von Schnitzel come into your life.
Lots of hugs madi your bfff

Kismet said...

You never got to meet their sister, Charcoal?

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We remember the Charcoals so well and were so sad when they left. Seems they were a big pawt of Blogville too.

Duke said...

It's a wonderful story, Frankie, and we love it!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is such a bitter sweet story Frankie but what a wonderful boy you are to make friends with 2 little rabbits.
Dip and Elliot x

Taffy said...

Oh, Frankie! I think you and I came from the same place cuz I never want to hurt or chase anything either. Mom says I'm not a real doxie becuz of that but I know differently cuz one of my bestest buds, you, are just like me! I even kissed a bird once :0) Great post and a great message that needs to be spread far and wide!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We remember Charcoal and Charcoal and how Sarge couldn't even tell which Charcoal was which Charcoal.

Friendship is fantastic.

Kinley Westie said...

We don't got no charcoal bunnies round here, dey is all just light brown.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Frankie that sure was a lovely story. Thankyou for telling us about the Charcoals. How sad you must have been when you lost them. I'd like to have a bunny for a friend. They can run VERY fast, aye??

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

If we see a charcoal colored bunny outside, we will call him Charcoal.

Murphy said...

That is a pretty amazing furiendship! We bet you were glad to get Ernie!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - We got your card today!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! I didn't know rabbits were friendly like that. They always run away from me!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

If we met, like for real. We'd be friends forever too. We like you and Ernie because you guys are "cool kids".

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Charcoal and Charcoal will be waiting for you at the Bridge, of that we are sure

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We think that this is a beautiful friendship story Frankie!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Little Miss Titch said...

you are so right,and at least you have another bunny pal,xx Speedy

Millie and Walter said...

We remember reading about the Charcoals when they were on your hill. It sure is a great tale of friendship.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i am sorry both charcoals had to leev for the bridj but it sownds like yoo had a gud time with them for the yeer and a haff that they stayd arownd and yoo hav fond bunnee memoreez to keep with yoo!!! we had sum bunneez akross the street wunse but i never got to meet them and i do not no ware they went they just disapeerd wun day!!! ok bye

Sagira said...

We have some of those living under our shed. I want to be "friends" to! BOL