Tuesday, September 2, 2014

WagFest #4

The Debate will be carried on   CHANNEL 87    WFnE  TeeVee...        you will want to be HERE fur SURE...        Just Sayin.

Like we have said..... WagFest takes place in a big PARK...   butt there were No Trees really close...  and it was a HOT HOT day...    butt don't worry.... Mom had our bottle of ICE WATER fur when we were thirsty...   and    the grrrreat WagFest folks... KNOW how to do thingys RIGHT...   Look at these pics...
COME ON ERNIE..... Last one In is a    HOT DOG.....      

 OMD  LOOK at US....  Ernie has been WANTIN to go Furry Dippin fur AGES...  and so we didn't even BOTHER with our Zoom-O's....      
 Look at the WATER.....  we were having SUCH a grrreat time... butt BOY HOWDY was that place ever dirty...  
 We sat in the COOL... butt Muddy water fur like 87 minutes... it felt GRRRRREAT...         These Cooling Stations were located in SEVERAL places around the area....   they were under TENTS so it was nice and SHADY...
When we FINALLY consented to getting OUT...  there were peeps that emptied the pool... and filled it back up with CLEAN water fur the NEXT swimmers.      THAT was very nice.
        We came home from WagFest 2014  with a BUNCH of Snacks and TONS of Samples of different types of Kibble... and some CANS of foods... and some TOYS and BAGS to carry everythingy in.       Our DAD called WagFest....  TRICK OR TREAT Day fur US...   Butt we didn't have to do any Tricks to get all those TREATS.  
     We can't wait for WagFest 2015 now.        We just HOPE it is a little Cooler.


My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and Ernie I bet you had to have 87 baths after that soaking. BUT but does it look like fun.


Zoe said...

Yikes guys! The furst piccie of the swimmy pools, the water ain't too durty. Then yu guys got in.
That had to been a different pool, I can't beleeve yu guys were That durty!

Cowspotdog said...

those folks really know how to treat the doggies well and all those goodies - it must of felt like Christmas without the snow freaks

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What bunches of fun! Bet it was pretty neat skinny dippin in the furs! :)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
WHAT WHAT WHAT...BIRFDAYS OF DOXIE-MOTHER????? All the very very very best of love and wishes form over here!!!

...and OMD can't wait for the debate; am sure it will make much more sense than all the gumph which is going down this side of the border...

Now, are we supposed to think all that dirty water came about from your furry dipping??? Nawwwwwwww surely not. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

You two went skinny dipping in that pool.

Sagira said...

Boy, you guys sure had a great time. Mom said she got to see you and it was great seeing you and your folks. :)

Unknown said...

We so like daddy calling it your trick or treat day. Pawsome dudes. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Ranger said...

Who is coming up wiff da questions for da debate? I've got a few dat I'd like to send in.

Scooter said...


OMD the Debate will be super and I can't wait to see the candidates in action. WOOOHOOO
Say, FnE, that water looks a little like you two might have been doxie-digging before your dip. Just sayin'. BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Sheltie Times said...

You guys were pretty dirty. We are glad you got all cooled off.

We love all the give away goodies when we go to places like that. You're right it really is like trick or treating for dogs.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dat grapevine's talkin again! Just heard dere's a DOUBLE birfday goin on over dere! I didn't nose. If I did, I would have packed myself up in a nice UPS box and mailed myself to you. GOT CAKE??????

Hap-Pee Hap-Pee Birfday to your Mommy and Daddy! Next Years I won't furget!

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY Doxies...yesterday was your PaPaw pantsleg's barkday we did not know that. Happy Happy one day late bday to him too!!
Hugs madi your bfff
This calls for a bigger part-ee

Unknown said...

The water was clean...then you two get in there and it looks like a muddy river! WTD?!? WagFest sounds like a pawesome event! I hope you will be telling us about some of the stuffs you got. Oh, and I hear it is your mom's birthday?!? HAPPY BIRTHDAY and lots of Cairn cuddles for her!
*high (dirty) paws*

stellaroselong said...

Happy Birthday to bof your parents F & E. I wish we had a wagfest close by our house.
stella rose

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Momma!
boy, you have the same water like we have here. It has the same color when I sit in my bathtub... isn't that great? we are far away but we have the same water, that's fabulous

Matilda the Boxer said...

That looks like fun times! You and Ernie sure got that water dirty!!

Happy barkday to your momma and daddy too!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Oh my dog! Sarge said it's your peeps birthdays! Happy Birthday to the peeps!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We know that muddy water is not from you
Lily & Edward

Cowspotdog said...

We just saw there is double birthdays going on - happy birthdays !

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to mum and we so hope your special day is a good one. Sending virtual hugs.
Best wishes Molly

Anna the GSD said...

Is all that mud from you two?!? THAT IS AWESOME! Having fun, you guys were doin' it right!!!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We love that dirty water because Boston is our home

My GBGV Life said...

Oh, that is water in the pool? I thought it was ice coffee...yucky dirty! As for politics, you know, a Great Pyr won the mayor race in a town in my state recently ;) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/13/dog-elected-mayor-minnesota_n_5674905.html

Idaho PugRanch said...

Bravo for Wagfest! We wish we had one here.
AND we want to wish your MOM & DAD both a very happy birthday!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow you guys, is that like one of those mud baths, I have heard about? Did your furs feel all tingly and refreshed? I am glad you got to cool off. Even I might have tried the mud pool, if it was so hot. I am glad you got so much free stuff. Mommy wishes they had one of those here.

Love Sasha

Anonymous said...

We missed it, gone for the holidays, but back now!

The Mad Worn Out Scots

Ziggy Stardust said...

I was just visiting Sarge. Happy Birthdays to your wonderful Mommy and Daddy!

Love Sasha

Backcountry Brodie said...

OK, so I has to ask.... was that water like that before you guys got in or did you two make it like that? Either ways, muddy waters trump clean waters any day! Blech, clean water. And....
♫ Happy Birthday to You ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to You ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to Mamaw and Papaw ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to You ♫

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bet the peeps wanted to get in those cooling water places....bwahaahaa!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

What a great time you guys had!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow, they're really considerate to you doggies there.

Duke said...

You sure brought home a lot of souvenirs from Wagfest! What a great time all of you had!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, those pools looked cool. Glad you had such a grreat time at Wag fest and thanks for taking us along too! No worries, and love Stella and Rory

Murphy said...

Looks wonderful! We jump in the pool to cool down all the time too. Wait . . . stop the presses . . . what is that we heard???? Can it be true???? Yes, it is a credible source!!! HAPPY BIRFDAY to your mom and belated BIRFDAY to your dad!! We hope they have most wonderful birfdays!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz For All Paws
"Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

The Florida Furkids said...

Wag Fest looks like fun. Happy Birthday to your Mom

The Florida Furkids

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


and Ummmmm, you got in that water on purpose???

Needless to say we are not too fond of water BOL!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duncan said...

Happy Barkday to everybuddy over at your place! Wagfest sure looks fun. I am going to have my assistant do some research to see if there is anyway we can get there next year or find something similar near us. TOO. MUCH. FUN. !!!!!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Did you guys got a bath afterwards? It's getting cooler here. Golden Woofs

Scooter said...

WOW!! YOu guys were a couple of dirty dogs!!! LOL
Happy Birthday to Mom and Dad!!

Kinley Westie said...

Happy birthday to your momma and daddy!

Unknown said...

There is nothing like a refreshing dip in a cool pool!
We cannot wait for the Mayorial debate!
And last butt not least HaPpY BiRtHdAy to your mom & dad!!!
Wally & Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

Wow! What a cool place to go soaking! Treats and swimming sounds like a great day!