Wednesday, September 3, 2014

LUNCH anybuddy?

Anybuddy HUNGRY???

How about a Chicken Sandwich and some FRESH home made SALSA in Scoops?
 MOM made the Salsa... with fresh picked... From... OUR garden... tomatoes, green peppers, Onion, and Parsley....    she choppered everythingy up...  and added some apple cider vinegar and some Cholula Hot Sauce...  and mixed it all together...   then spooned it into the crispy Scoops thingys...
WE are not supposed to have ONIONS... so we sort of spit those OUT...
    Help yourself...       To a COOL REFRESHING..... SUMMER Lunch.      We have PLENTY fur EVERYBUDDY...   TRUST US....when we say PLENTY.

REMINDER:::::     Saturday Sept. 6th.  is the Second Annual     XOXOXOXOXOXO  Hugs and Kisses Day....      This was one of the thingy's that Angel Benny had on his Bucket List...   and Lily and Edward want to keep the Tradition going...          SO get those HUGS AND KISSES and CUDDLES Pictures READY for posting...    

 It will be AIRED here on  Channel 87    WFnE  TeeVee...  
 OMD    THAT Stage looks.....  SO OFFICIAL...    


Julie said...

I'm hungry, nice bit of chicken will make a tasty change from the tissues and flippy flops I keep chewing !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

WEll since you asked yes indeedy I'd like to order 2 plates with a side of salsa. Gorgeous plate of yummies
Hugs madi your bfff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness that salsa made me drool (I don't take onion either so will join the spitting party on that one) - you can keep the 'chook' (&*>).

what a lot of thingies are happening; thanks for keeping us updated! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Frank The Tank said...

I love chicken! Yummy!
So many things going on around blogville, I have my Momma puckered up ready for Bennys hugs and kisses!
Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Wow what a yummy Summer lunch. We might try that as we have just harvested some veggies. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome paw-shaped meal!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD there will be tacos at the debate? It doesn't get any better then that! Mommy has a friend who makes her homemade salsa and she is crazy for it. That looks so yummy. Was it spicy? I bet it would be great with tacos.

Love Sasha

P.s. Friday is cheese pizza day, please stop by!

Zoe said...

Brite an colurful! Looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

that looks great! I think I come over when the Elephant Skater has new wheels ( hope the wheel-guy will fix it in time). You really said plenty... right?

My GBGV Life said...

Okay, salsa looks good, but can I trade it in for a second chicken sandwich? I don't see the chicken, maybe more chicken on the sandwich,and actually you can skip the bun too :)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mouth-watering yum yums! Now why do I not see any of that good stuff on MY dish! All I get is diet kibble! BLAH!

Peggy Frezon said...

It's still breakfast time here, but come lunch time I think I'll have a scoop with some of that salsa, thank you! Kelly, Ike and Zeke would gladly help with the chicken sandwich. Especially Ike since he has a thing for stealing bread.

Sheltie Times said...

Cuddles I'm thinking we can do, but we are tricky when it comes to catching us kissing. We are due some privacy you know.

Matilda the Boxer said...

That salsa looks grreat!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy, now we are hungry. Thanks for the mention guys
Lily & Edward

C.L.W.STEP said...

That looks really yummy!We would eat it all even with the onions! Oh, Mom had to remind Dad not to put onion ends and peels in the compost bucket where. Joey dog steals them and eats them. Today he's munching on a great big piece of cauliflower heart. He's going to be extra gassy tomorrow!

Linda said...

Now you made me want some chicken for breakfast. Save me some I'll be by for lunch.
Your mom and dad sure do have green thumbs.

xo Cinnamon

Cowspotdog said...

the chicken sandwich looks good - Mom is allergic to peppers and can't have any food that has them in (she had never eaten any Mexican food) Dad on the the other paw loves it

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh yum yum yum. We've never gotten enough tomatoes out of our garden to make anything! Wahhhh!

Monty and Harlow

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD.....thanks for that most delish lunch guys!!!

We are starting to get nervous about the debate!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

stellaroselong said...

NOW you went and made our mom hungry she is leaving for lunch ....stella rose

WFT Nobby said...

If I was a drooly dog, I'd be drooling!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Jan is drooling. Fresh salsa! She hasn't had any in years and the "Mexican" restaurants around here don't serve it.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom has some salsa today with her lunch, we didn't get any:( But we bet that homemade, FRESH salsa was way better than Mom's.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Murphy said...

Maybe we can stop by for lunch sometime cuz that looks yummy! Oh, we better get a huggy photo!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz For All Paws
"Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Ok - us Beaglebratz will take the chikn sandwich BUTT we will let our mom haf the salsa an'chipz - our mom LOVEX that kinda stuff, egspeshally when it iz homemade.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

Idaho PugRanch said...

mmmm mm we love a good salsa!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That food looked great to us

Scooter said...

I really gotta come to your house for dinner. The food always looks so good. Now how far is that drive?? Lol

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, tell ya what...I'll munch on that chix sandie and my Mom will munch on those salsa scoops! BOL Not a veggie fan, but they look amazing. Your garden is simply marvelous and the produce is first-rate. YUM!
Grr and a Starving Woof,
Sarge, Chix Fan

Duncan said...

Do you have any leftovers? We missed lunch, but could probably be there for dinner ...

Anonymous said...

Whow, wait a minute run through all that again, WAAAAAAYYYY to much to remember!

The Mad Scots
Ok, OK, OK lets just eat and call it good for today!

Kinley Westie said...

Ya are makin me hungry!

Ruby said...

Oooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Let's see, I'll take 87 chicken sandwiches and some of that salsa!!! Ma doesn't put onions in her salsa anyhu (she be allergic) so she puts in green chilies, and lots of cilantro and jalapenos!! she won't lets me have the jalapenos, butts she makes me a special batch with just the other stuffs!
Okays, I have my bib on...garcon?
Ruby ♥

Wyatt said...

So many X-citing events coming up in Blogville!! Glad there is plenty of salsa for the events!

Wyatt and Stanzie

M. K. Clinton said...

That lunch looks like a paw! What exactly is XXOO Saturday? We post a photo of hugging and kissing? It's new to me but sound sweet. ♥

Duke said...

Oh no - We're a day late! Do you have any yummy lunch left for us, Frankie and Ernie?

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Garden foods are the yummiest. Also chicken is also the yummiest.

Love and licks,

marley said...


Unknown said...

Oh YUM!! We wouldn't mind a scoop or 87 *BOL*
Wally & Sammy

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay is it still lunchtime??? did i miss it??? is their ennything left in the fridj??? it duznt hav to be this i wil tayk enny leftovers wot involv cheez or ham!!! ok bye