Tuesday, September 30, 2014

LOOK at what WE did....

We believe today is Arty's Gotcha Day.....     Enjoy your special day buddy.

NOW then.....   right before we went on Vacation....  we saw a field MOUSE... run into our garden... and WE went after it ....   with a VENGENCE...     It Ran into the Concrete (cinder block) Block that helps to hold the FENCE that the tomatoes WERE growing up....

FRANKIE   HURRY it is getting away....   are you gonna help me or NOT?

 It's OKAY mom....  we are all over this...     don't worry...  put your feets up and have another cup of coffee... and watch some PAWFESSIONALS  at work.
 I think I will start digging HERE and tunnel UNDER the Concrete Block...
 BUTT .... wait...   We confess.... LOOK at what we did while we were working on our Plan...   We Pulled out 4 WHOLE Tomato Vines... and Scattered RIPE and Green Tomatoes... EVERYWHERE...     YES we did do that...   we DESTROYED 4 tomato vines...   Butt that is the PRICE of Pawgress.  
                   THAT's OUR story and We are sticking with it.
 OKAY FRANKIE....  I'll haul this big long VINE outta your way... You just keep Digging.
 That is Grrrreat Ernie...   OMD...  Look at this ROOT thingy...   I'm gonna have to YANK it out... so I can dig more...   you can haul this off Too, Ernie.
 UGH.... this thingy is DEEP...   Guess dad put a LOT of Epsom Salt in fur it...  Wow the root MAY go clear to CHINA...        Ugh   TUG   Pull   UGH
 HEY ERNIE....   help me Yank this out...  
WHAT????????    What's that you say, Ernie???            OH     Squirrel Butt Fart....    Ernie just said he saw the Field Mouse Take off fur Pawts Unknown.        

Ummmmmmmm    MOM?        Could you PLEASE not mention this to Ol' Sure Shot... ????


Katie http://myminipetpig.com/ said...

Vines are irresistible! Hope nobody really wanted tomatoes anyway :-)

Julie said...

Its not your fault the vines got in the way!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

Oh no squirrel butt fart it got away. OMD if that was my peeps she'd be shouting and cussing at me. Next time dudes, next time. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

guess your mom will be making lots of salsa and fried green tomatoes :)

My GBGV Life said...

I guess the vermin was a smart one! We almost caught a wabbit in the yard last night. Bailie and I were running and yelping like mad dogs. Maybe we will get it tonight?

Ziggy Stardust said...

Nice job you guys, you really tried hard. I am sorry the little trouble maker got away, but I bet you scared him plenty. He won't be back. I hope you don't end up having to go to your room with no snack over this.

Love Sasha

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

All dat work fur just a field mouse??? What would you guys do fur a tree rat?

Unknown said...

Oh dear dawg...that field mouse surely got you two riled up (as it should). I would've helped you dig to China just to get a chance for my teethers to wrap around him and give him a terrier shakedown! But what to do about those tomato vines?!? That is a bit of a shame that the field mouse MADE you take out 4 vines. Did you eat any of the ripe tomatoes?

Anonymous said...

probably you heard that Field Mouse through the tomato vine, huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh lads what have you done..mum must be well pleased with you...not....oh well security coms first I suppose..better get the sauce bottle ready ;) hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

Matilda the Boxer said...

Um... you were just... uh... aerating the roots. Right??

C.L.W.STEP said...

The Miscellaneous Mousie Mob is quite a collection of cowards. They'll sneak out of a crime scene any way they can!
Good job, though, fellows. If that was Joey dog and me, I would have done the digging, while Joey ate all the tomatoes to hide the evidence.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Between the two of you, that mouse is as good as dead. Just like the tomato plants!!
Lily & Edward

Lovable Lily said...

Another pesky critter gets away! Dang it all... Better luck next time.

Lily Belle & Muffin

stellaroselong said...

Wowzer you guys have LOTS of tomatoes....we had one. Dad is not a good food grower. Apparently. We may not show him this post.
stella rose

WFT Nobby said...

You totally scared away that mouse. Surely old SSh will be pleased?
Toodle pip!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Well we Beaglebratz KNOW u an'Ernie meant well an'u DID NOT MEAN tue mess up thoze vinez - they wuz just in the way.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh goodness me boys gotta do what boys gotta do to protect and defend their turf...a few 'maters vines is the price of victory.
Hugs and OMDoxies we have missed you 2
Bet you had a fine time.
Madi your bfff

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oops. Humans like their tomatoes. We hope ol sureshot doesn't find out and ... Naw, he wouldn't.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Ohhhhh dear. If that was us, mom would have come running out like a ninja! Maybe you could blame it all on the field mouse?1!! BOL!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Crikey boys, that was some rooting around you were getting up to and then for the little critter to get away from you... You had holidays on your minds... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
aaatrgggghhhh blogger ate my lengthy comment. Short version? You were just tilling the ground for next year's crop. Right? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Anonymous said...

You had a great adventure and hope your mom had some super fried green tomatoes for dinner.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well, we've heard that while you're away the mice will play.....

Great job, though, bet that mouse is in Timbuktu by now!

Guess your mom will be canning some tomatoes for the next few days.

Duke said...

You saved your family from mousie cooties by destroying the vines that could make them sick! We're sure you'll be getting extra treats for this, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

Those vines were in YOUR working space! Glad you boys are back. We were lonely without you!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Braeden and Seth said...

Oh No! We would be in trouble for certain! But...it's fall and those tomatoes would not have lasted much longer. We know you were just helping!

Braeden, Seth and puppy Riley

Pees. Was it wearing a snow freak costume?

Sweet William The Scot said...

Why look at all those wonderful green tomatoes. This time of year Lee love to have fried green tomatoes. If it had been early summer and you did that I bet you would have gotten a serious finger in your face talking to.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Millie and Walter said...

Good thing the growing season is almost over so you won't get in too much trouble for messing up those tomatoes.

Alien said...

Did someone say Salsa? I'll bring the chips and cervesa.


Kinley Westie said...

Ya let da mousie get away??

Anonymous said...

Mention what to who? Didn't see a thing....especially any mouse!

The Mad Scots

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We didn't see anything wrong here at all, but the Momster is drooling over all those tomatoes that she would love to have on her counter to ripen:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Jo's World said...

How could your pawrents ever grow such a wonderful garden without you guys taking care of things like this?? You deserve a medal or an 87 dollar reward
for putting in such hard work!

Your pal,

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! A mousie??!!! Oh how fun!!!! Looks like you guys would have gotten it if those darn tomatoes weren't in your way!! I would have come overs and eaten them for you, so you could have had a straight shot at that intruder!
Ma stopped me from gettin' a rat that has been comin' in my yardie at night, she said that she didn't want to clean up my 'mess' at 3 in the mornin'....whatevers. Peeps have no sense of priorities!!!
Anyhu, better luck next time guys!
Ruby ♥

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! A mousie??!!! Oh how fun!!!! Looks like you guys would have gotten it if those darn tomatoes weren't in your way!! I would have come overs and eaten them for you, so you could have had a straight shot at that intruder!
Ma stopped me from gettin' a rat that has been comin' in my yardie at night, she said that she didn't want to clean up my 'mess' at 3 in the mornin'....whatevers. Peeps have no sense of priorities!!!
Anyhu, better luck next time guys!
Ruby ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the good wishes Frankie!!
Those mice are sneaky little rodents!!

Scooter said...

I know nothing!!!

Unknown said...

Pawrents need to start understaning: no pain...no gain!
Wally & Sammy

Mayzie said...

Well, field mice are tricky little beasties. They're even MORE tricky than evil tree rats. So it's not YOUR fault that it got away. Plus, it wasn't all a waste. I mean, you helped your mom clean up her garden. That's worth lots of treats, if you ask me.

Wiggles & Wags,

Sweet William The Scot said...

Lee and I went to the Farmer's Market and got green tomatoes to fry for dinner. Your post made us have a craving.
Sweet William The Scot

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Better luck next time guys

Anonymous said...

Mice are quick and speedy. Plus tomatoes are delicious. I think less chasing, more eating.....

Love and licks,

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Oh that darn vermin. Sorry, but you all did a terrific job

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie and Ernie. What fabo pawsonal security you have at your place. Your mum and ol' sure shot must feel very safe. Bet that old mouse won't be seen again. Take care mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

We bet that mouse won't be back anytime soon.

Daisy said...

You two boys better get lots of treats after all the effort you put into keeping your yard rodent-free! I'm always so impressed with your gardening skills!

M. K. Clinton said...

Oh dear! Maybe your can make some fried green tomatoes. Mice are not nice!

marley said...

I am sensin sum ishyoos for yoo my pal....i ope pop was not toooo mad