Tuesday, July 15, 2014

WE are BLOGVILLE..... from the HILL in Ohio

OKAY.... somehow we seemed to have missed this one....    Probably beclaws FRANKIE had MUD ON HIS NOSE or somethingy...    Butt    MURPHY and  STANLEY   are runnin a BLOG HOP thingy... sort of like doing a Blogville CENSUS ...   to see who all Lives in Blogville and where they are from and stuffs ...  
    YOU can Click the link above and get YOUR info out there.....  you DO wanted to be counted as being a BLOGVILLIAN don't you?
     We live in the Country....  8 miles from the Closest LITTLE town.
We can be SERIOUS
 OR WE CAN BE........................
 Butt we ALWAYS love our FURENDS in Blogville....
Did you know that I (Frankie Furter) was the FURST MAYOR of Blogville?    AND that I got to Chews the NAME fur our special "TOWN".            I could only be Mayor fur two years beclaws that is the RULE... strict Term Limits...        Diva Cougar Cat... MADIson...  is now on her second year as MAYORESS of Blogville.           Wonder who will be running fur Office of BLOGVILLE Mayor, come October and NOVEMBER... when we will have Election time?????        Mayoress Madi has left some BIG Paw Prints to follow.     BUTT it is a FUN job...  RIGHT Madi????    


My Mind's Eye said...


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We see that Most folks are putting a MAP up... showing where they live...We were in such a HURRY to get our post ready...(well I ERNIE was...Frankie was goofin off)... that I didn't take time to do a MAP..
We live in South Eastern Ohio... about half way between Zanesville and Athens... and an hour from the eastern edge of Columbus.
Interstate I-70 goes Through Columbus and Zanesville. It takes 40 mins. to get to the interstate from our hill.

Noodles said...

What an amazing community, huh? I think you put Blogville on the MAP as mayor and Madi is making it SHINE.
I cannot believe she has already served 2 years.
Love Noodles

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz were kinda in a hurry tue plus mom had tue help finish our post at werk cuz our stoopid 'puter at home iz all bonkerz-wonkerz butt we got sumthin'out there; hope we due it agin - this wuz fun!
Shiloh, Lord of the Manor an' Diva Shasta

Scooter said...

WOW!! YOU are out there huh??
Hopefully we can get ours up


Cowspotdog said...

Hmmm I think me the Reilly dog should be the next Mayor - we do actually have the town of Dogville sitting in our front room - choo choo

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are always wonderful whatevery you are :)
Dip and Elliot x

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow Frankie, we live in the country now too and don't know how you all do it!! We have to drive THREE hours just to get to a JC Penneys.... but we do live in a small town, so we have grocery stores and stuff!

We made Mama update our bloggie so we took part in the census!
Dry, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys are very special in our hearts and to Blogville
Lily & Edward

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Hey there dachsie-dawgs... It is so much fun going round all the places we don't usually get to!!! Enjoy the 'sniffings'. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, this is such fun! I don't think you missed it...I don't think there was advanced notice for this one. What a cool idea and I love your post today!
Grr and a Proud Woof,
Sarge, Blogville Citizen

Lovable Lily said...

We're happy that we too could get in on the action today. We're off to make some new furends in Blogville.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Two fun-lovin' guys, keepin' the heart in Blogville. We're glad we found you. ('Specially, Roxy).

Duke said...

You guys are the cutest clowns! We just adore you!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Braeden and Seth said...

Hey FnE! We love this bloghop and we tried to set ours up. We got it there, but when you click on our link at Murphy and Stanley's it says we're a "possible phishing site" BUT WE AREN'T!!!! Can you or someone else help us? We don't know what to tell Her to do!

Braeden and Seth

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Ernie. Isn't this just the best. We're gonna have fun today reading about all our furriends and where they live. See ya soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Yup, you're definitely the cutest clowns I've ever seen!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Thanks for telling me about this. I have to get on this soon. Of course I want to be counted as a member of the greatest community EVER!!

Loveys Sasha

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We didn't know it was we are blogville day until this morning and did a second post this evening to participate (Lady said she had to go to work instead of doing an extra post this morning. We would be mad but she said if she works lots we get extra treats).

We want you to know how glad we are that you are part of Blogville. We love your blog and comments. You guys rock!

Idaho PugRanch said...

this was a big surprise this morning but we see lots have joined up. We are so glad we are part of the great community of Blogville and to have met you dear friends
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Jans Funny Farm said...

We just learned about the blog hop and it's already after 7 pm. We added our blog to the list and hope that is okay with Murphy & Stanley. If not, they'll remove it.

Kinley Westie said...

Glad y'all are in Blogville!

Anonymous said...

Blogville is one big happy place, and with pals like you.........well, you know, oops got a tear........

The Mad Pirate Scots

Braeden and Seth said...

WOW assistants çan be so dumb! We didn't even leave a real postie! We absolutely LOVE reading your bloggie. You make us laugh and we know of at least twice she had Coca-Cola escape through Her nose! Thanks for being part of Blogville!

Braeden and Seth

Idaho PugRanch said...

the list keeps getting longer!!!!!!!

Ruby said...

OMD, this has been just FABulous!!! Lookie at all the Blogville loves coming out!!! I thinks you guys are the BESTEST, and Frankie, you must be sooooo proud of the community you helped build!!!
Nows, Ernie, where is that FLEASA card??? I gots to pay for all these margaritas!!!!
Ruby ♥

Millie and Walter said...

We love your silly sides the best. Thanks for making Blogville what it is.

Daisy said...

Since I was just born last year, I did not know you were the first mayor! You really picked a great name for all of us.

marley said...

Hmmm…not sure if i do be in BLoggville Frankie my pal…but yoo shure do make me feel like I iz….

Anonymous said...

no matter if you are serious or if your are clowns, you are the bestest dachshunds of OHIO!

Unknown said...

I've been following Blogville puppers & enjoy getting to know everyone, actually decided to try the blogging thing ...
Scout & Axel, the Sheltie Boys

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am trying to be a part too,, but I think I am too late

The Army of Four said...

Well, we sure missed that one, thanks to Mom!!! Geez, she is the one who got so busy and now we're the ones missing out! :(
Sorry you guys that we've been sort of MIA. We're trying VERY hard to catch up on everyone's news!