Sunday, June 22, 2014

Something CHEERFUL to share with YOU....


I have some super stuffs to SHARE with you.    You brought us through this scary time and I want you to share some of the Joy that came our way.  

 I gotted this SUPER card from Murphy and Stanley.....    

 THIS card came from Lili Belle and Muffin.....   I think Grandpa Bob put them up to sending it.
 Now MOM got THIS card from Madi's Mom....    
 Ernie and I LOVED it beclaws Miss Cecilia was POKIN OUR MOM's CAGE a bit....  
 It Cheered all of us up.     BaaaaWaaaah
 And I gotted THIS one
 From Stella Rose, Margaret and Angus Mac.                We call Maggie... Margaret and Gussie... Angus the way.   Our Mom's Mom's name was Margaret.  
 I loved my cards (and Mom's Too).    THANKS Everybuddy!!!      They are going in my TROPHY DRAWER...   So Ernie can't be messin with them.

   Now you all know that we live WAY OUT in the Country...    Kidlets on this road go to Crooksville Schools...    Our PHONE is a New Lexington Number... and our Mailing addy is out of Corning...
   So day before yesterday...  the PHONE rang and a lady told MOM that she had something to DELIVER to....   FRANKIE FURTER...    butt when she tried to find ME on her GPS using the Corning Addy...  it sent her to CROOKSVILLE...  and so she thought she should CALL and THAT was not a number for EITHER town...    BAAAAAAWAAAAAH....    We tell you that we live out in East BuFu.  Now you know what we mean.      
    So mom gave her directions and when she came....  
        THIS is What she BROUGHT fur    ME !!!
 BEAUTIFUL   GORGEOUS    WONDERFUL       FLOWERS....         FUR ME (Frankie Furter).
 THIS is the card that came with them......

OMD OMD OMD.....  Flowers from our BELOVED FURENDS at CHEWY.COM.     And what a lovely CARD that came with them...           THANK YOU Everybuddy at CHEWY...

Now since I love ALL OF YOU    I would like to Share my Flowers with you...      LEAN CLOSE and GIVE THEM A BIG SNIFF.....      They Smell as Fabulous as the Look...        Go ahead  help yourself...   Sniff as much as you like.  

Now this Pawt is basically only fur the Dachshunds out there....
     This Imbalance of the the three components of tears...  is something that dachshunds are more prone to have than other breeds.      It is almost always INITIALLY diagnosed as an eye INFECTION.. and only fully diagnosed when the Symptoms come back after treatment for Infection.     SO...   if your dachshund has a lot of "EYE BOOGIES" and or seems to have an INFECTION.... ASK about the tears...         This thing CAME on FAST.    Just sayin.  

        TOMORROW we PAWMISE that we are going to have INTERESTING and Good stuffs to show and tell...        
      THANK YOU ALL..... 87 BAZILLION times over fur your calls and emails and comments and flowers and     LOVE.                       


Cowspotdog said...

what wonderful cards.....isn't it pawsome to have such great friends and you got the same beautiful flowers Mom did....we can sniff ours for real :)

Ruby and Penny said...

We love your cards & those flowers are gorgeous.

Love ya

Love Ruby & Penny

Pees - mom calls our eye boogies, eye cushies.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Frankie you my handsome brave Doxie are deserving of the wonderful cards and healing words! Be sure your mom shares a few sips of her shakes...
Sniff sniff yes indeed the bouquet from Chewy is most fragrant and beautiful. MOL we are glad the lady found you.
Madi your bfff

Zoe said...

We're jus so Happy yu are doin better an got things figgured out.

Yur cards an the flowers! Fun an purdy!

Unknown said...

Wow Chewy is the best. We have never known such a thoughtful company. Way to go with all the cards etc and well deserved you are one brave pup. Have a serene Sunday. Have some big easy today.
Best wishes Molly

The Florida Furkids said...

What wonderful flowers and cards! We're so happy to hear that Frankie is going to be fine. Our Angel Sniffie had a tearing problem and got drops every day. She would jump up on Mom's lap to get her drops and never fuss.

The Florida Furkids

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad you got your flowers. What wonderful cards you all got too.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Frankie I am so happy for you!!!!! Love your flowers too!!!
Glad you are all better!!!
I don't know about the rest of your followers but I learned something from all this---Sorry you had to go through it tho!!!

Anonymous said...

The cards are wonderful and you even got such wonderful flowers. And the good wishes will help your eyes, I'm sure. It's great that boys can get flowers too, that's because they call it eMANcipation.

Two French Bulldogs said...

all beacuse you rock!
Lily & Edward

Murphy said...

Wow, those are beautiful flowers! Of course you deserve them!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Beautiful flowers and lovely cards. So kind of everyone.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Frankie...I just know you really feel the love that surrounds you. Your cards are sooooo cute and the flowers are so pretty. And they smell good too. I'm just so happy that your eyeballs are going to be ok.

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, those cards and flowers and stuff are all SUPER but of course you are SUPER too, so what else would we expect?
Toodle pip!

Ruby said...

Oh, those are just FABulous Frankie!!!! I loves all the cards and the flowers are just beautifuls!!!
Ruby ♥

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such beautiful flowers, Frankie. And how nice of Chewy. But we have a suspicion they are really for your mom cause she's been through the wringer with worry. :)

Poodle At Play said...

All your cards are super sweet...Momma especially likes the one about the rainbow! BOL Those flowers are just gorgeous, too!

Idaho PugRanch said...

There is no doubt how much you are loved!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

you know Blogville loves you Frankie! What a lot of great cards. AND flowers from Mr Chewy--fangtastic.

We'll tell our friend Millie about the eye boogies.

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow frankie those luk like a lot of skarry treetments wot yoo got but i am verry glad that yoo ar feeling better!!! and at leest yoo got lots of kards and pritty flowers after all that trouble!!! keep on feeling better!!! ok bye

Duke said...

How wonderful of Chewy! They are just the bestest and so are all of your beautiful cards, Frankie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kinley Westie said...

All dose cards and flowers are pawsome!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome cards and flowers.

Scooter said...

Those flowers are beautiful!! Its great to get cards too.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Very SWEET Frankie. Lots of blogger were thinking of you. Oh Chewy is so nice. Golden Woofs

sprinkles said...

What lovely cards and beautiful flowers! I love how Blogville takes care of its own!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...those are such beautiful and fragrant flowers ever!!! We are ever so glad efurrything turned out for the best Frankie!!

Happy Smileys!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo rocks!!

The Army of Four said...

Those are all so wonderful! You are so loved, Frankie!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

What lovely cards and flowers