Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A BLAST from the Past....

The other day I was thinkin about WAY BACK Before ERNIE's Time.... I (Frankie Furter) got to go on a FUR REAL Train Ride....     Sort of like Bertie does...   except that this is an OLD TIMEY like our mom and dad Train... VERY HISTORIC ...   so I thought I would share this with you...   I just hope that since I Copied and Pasted all of it from that OLD POST... it won't be TOO wide fur you to read the words...  

Here is the post......   As you will see... this is a RE POST of a RE Post....    hehehe  Waste not want not.. right?    

I keep furgetting that some of you are NEW to Blogville. I put up some of my TRAIN RIDE '09 pictures on Thursday. You wanted to know what was up with that.. SOOOOO here comes the story... and it is 100% TRUE too.
Last year for Labor Day weekend we went to my sister and cussin Sarge's house. On the way we stopped at a Hunting Fishing and Dawg stuffs store that we really like. This place is about an hour away from Sarge's house. I am allowed to go in this store. While I was there some people from near Canton, Ohio came in and we got to talkin' and they petted me and stuffs like that. They said they were going to their summer home which is about 2 hours from this store thingy. OK... Now Flash Forward two days... Lori her husband and my mom and dad and I drove to Oil City which is about 45 mins. from their house. We went to ride on the Scenic Railroad. NOW... beclaws I (Frankie Furter) am very much special... the conductor guy said... you get to ride in a train car with NO other passengers. Pretty cool, right? BUTT wait.. it will get better. This picture is Conductor Guy... getting MY train car ready for me.

This is a picture of ME... taking my dad on board. He was all scared and nerfus and stuffs.. I had to practically DRAG him on.. with his Walkin' String. That's what I take him out and about with.. just to keep him all safe and stuff.
Now this train has a REAL Post office on it. In Fact... it is the very LAST mobile Post Office in the ENTIRE United States!!! COOOOOOOLLLLLL.

You can REALLY mail stuffs from there and it will have this TRAIN as the Cancellation Stamp on it!!!

Soooooo we kept stopping at lots of places to let other peeps on... BUTT I was the ONE and ONLY DACHSHUND on the Whole TRAIN.

Here I am lookin out the window at the forest and stuffs.
WELL now here comes the Amazing Pawt... We stopped to let EVEN more Peeps on.. and I guess it was gettin really crowed and stuff in the Other Cars... Butt Not in MY PERSONAL PRIVATE... JUST FOR FRANKIE FURTER CAR... And the new peeps were all complaining about being all squished and stuff and they could look into MY car and only see 4 peeps sitting in all that room. Conductor Guy kept saying they couldn't come in MY car beclaws it was fur DACHSHUNDS ONLY... when all of a sudden.... ARE YOU READY...
some peeps started yellin'... "Hey, Frankie, Frankie Furter!!! Remember US??? We met you the other day!" WELL, what was I supposed to do... they were my LOYAL FANS and all. Soooo I said to Conductor Guy... "Hey, I know these peeps, and I would LOVE for them to get to sit in MY personal Private car with me." Sooooo he let them on with ME. They were really really happy that they got to sit on MY Train Car and not be all squished and stuffs. They kept on sayin thanks for lettin us ride with YOU Frankie. We sure are lucky to know you and all like that.
Lori and Mr. Hand nearly FELL OFF OF THEIR SEATS... They just could NOT believe that I (Frankie Furter) knew these peeps. They were just stunned and they kept shaking their heads like they had ear mites or something.
      Finally my sister Lori (who is Cussin Sarge's MOM) said, "That damned dawg knows more people than I do. Even here in Pencil Vane E Ah... he KNOWS people." BaWaaaah What the heck did she expect??? I keep tellin' her butt she just doesn't believe me. I have Frankie Fans! Sooooo there you have it. My Train Ride story. 


Unknown said...

Fancy that. Now why are we not surprised you have a Frankie Furter Fan club. We bumped into some peeps from down under who knew one of our down under bloggy pals the other week. How strange was that. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bwahaahaa! You showed them who's the MOST popular!

Good of you to share YOUR carriage. Does Patty the post lady get the mail on that train?

We've never been on a train AND even if we were allowed, we'd have to stay in crates with the LUGGAGE!!

So Unfair.

XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

Zoe said...

Wow! Whut a great 'venture!

I gotta get out moar.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

That was a pawsome story. Were those peeps on the train wearing triple F shirts = Frankie Furter Fanclub

Lovable Lily said...

Wow, a real train ride! Our Daddy loves old trains and would be so jelly of you. We will have to show him your train.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh...a real LIVE train ride! How cool drool is that?

And I didn't think there was a peep anywhere who didn't nose the one and only FRANKIE FURTER!!!


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, that was such a fun day! I heard all about that when everyone got back to my place. Those peeps were from clear way out in Arizona and knew the one and only FF. BOL You definitely need a Triple F club like Lassie and Benji said. Triple F!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Sheltie Times said...

That's so funny that people knew you. How awesome you got to ride the train.

Anonymous said...

A post office on a train? that sounds great, we only have to add some big dogs with people on their back who wear the bandanas above their necks and who have that popping short sticks in their hand. what an adventure! I never was in a train and I'm glad you had your dad on the leash to drag him in that giant rolling house! Have a great wednesday!

Mollie said...

Oh Iz neffer been on a train and that one sure iz cool :) I wood'z like'z to bee'z famouz like youz Frankie :) xxoxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Two French Bulldogs said...

Frankie that was the coolest experience ever. Wonder why you didn't get hired on as the conductor
Lily & Edward

Matilda the Boxer said...

Being on a train sounds SUPER pawesome. I don't know why your sister was so surprised to see your fan club. You ARE the one and only Frankie, after all!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh that's just too cool. II wish that I could do that. My dad was on a train that went from Newark (NJ) to Boston and he said that it was pretty boring. But then again, he didn't take me along.

The Army of Four said...

Oh, Frankie! How cool is that?!?! I think I'd like going on a train. I love car rides!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

The Daily Pip said...

Well, if there's one thing that Angel Pip always told me about you is that you know LOTS of people and if I needed any introductions, I should ask you!


Unknown said...

Oh, I am so glad you reposted this because I do not think I ever read about your train adventure! What an exciting trip...trains, posties and Frankie fans!
*high paws*

marley said...

Pawsome Frankie my pal….I nivver did ride da rails but yoo see da Clapton be doin it all da time….looks comy to me

LetterstoAndrew said...

That's awesome!! You are a celebrity! And you got the star treatment, which is as you deserve!

Cowspotdog said...

we are pretty sure you would be recognized all over the world now - and that the pupparatizzi would follow you everywhere. You are the most famous Frankie Furter in the WORLD and you deserve to have your own plane, car and train :)

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh we LOVE this repost of a repost! Frankie you are a pupular dude for sure. Mom's says her Daddy loved the old trains. When he passed away Mom's sister chartered a small steam train that went through the coastal mountains in California. Just the family and friends rode on the train no others. As the train moved slowly they scattered her Dad's ashes along the track. It is a special memory for Mom
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Poodle At Play said...

That looked like it was one fun trip. That was super nice and generous of you to share your private space like that!

Daisy said...

That mobile train thingy is the coolest! I bet you had a nose full of sniffs!!!

Kinley Westie said...

How cool! Da only trains I's ever been on are subways.

Millie and Walter said...

What a fun trip down memory lane.

Taffy said...

I remember this post! I know you had lots of fun on that train ride. I bet if you went now you would find even more people who knew you!

Murphy said...

Why was Lori surprised?? She knows you were the former mayor of Blogville. Of course you are famous!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - I wish we could ride a train.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said... are so very lucky Frankie, they took all the trains out up here in NorCal when they stopped doing so much lumber production!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey .... a train! You went on a train? OMD what a lucky bloke you are. AWESOME!! And people knew you? Crikey, mate ..... you ARE famous!!

Dandy Duke said...

We wouldn't be surprised if everyone on the train knew you, Frankie. You are that famous, ya know!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

JoAnn Stancer said...

You are a star, I would like to meet you some day.