Sunday, March 2, 2014


TODAY we celebrate   all thingys DR. SEUSS...      Like    the Cat in the HAT    and stuffs..
     This is my MOM's Shirt...  One Fish Two Fish...      Red Fish Blue Fish...
      She would wear it to School  sometimes...    Butt on Dr. Seuss day   she would wear Black Pants a Black Shirt that she Sewed a White Patch on...  along with the Red Bow Tie and the HAT...      and she would read the Cat in the Hat to ALL 900 of her library students...   BUTT not at the SAME time.. hehehehehe.    It took her an entire WEEK to get it all done...    and EVERY DAY she wore the same thingys...  (BUTT SHE WASHED THEM Every Night)  Just Sayin.

SO HERE is OUR tribute to the Grrrrreat Man who did so much fur children's literature...
 The Cat in the Hat
CHASED what he THOUGHT was a RAT.
It turned out to be a SQUIRREL
Which made his fur Curl.

Now fur ERNIE's
Thing One and Thing Two made a MESS of a Shoe.
Their furs got all Sticky beclaws of the GLUE. 


Unknown said...

LOL guys epic odes in honour of Dr.Seuss. Have a serene Sunday and get some big easy in today.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

GREAT! I know some guys like thing 1 and thing 2, hahahaha. I would like to sit between 900 kids when your mom reads Dr. Seuss!

GOOSE said...

900 kids!!! Oh my buddy Bert would be in heaven. I bet Dr. Seuss would have loved to have the two of you helping him write his cool drool stories for all the little peeps.

Unknown said...

BOL! You both wrote great tributes to Dr. Seuss! I think everyone loves Dr. Seuss and his memorable rhymes!
*high paws*

Sketching with Dogs said...

Our human brothers used to love Dr Seuss.
Happy Dr Seuss Day!
Dip and Elliot x

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo Frankie and Ernie! Love love the shirt...your mom was for sure a fine and fun teacher!
Great poems too
Frankie and Ernie
I heard you had a yearni' For squirrels
Madi your bfff

Shawn said...

This was a great tribute for Dr. Seuss!!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi guys, thanks for the little read. My dad remembers loving those stories and how a librarian made a huge difference in his young life. that's why he still likes librarians and what they do for peeps so much. Sam I am and I like ham.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Lovely post for the wonderful Dr Seuss. Your mum will have made a huge difference to the children.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cowspotdog said...

you posed the prose perfectly guys :)

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Dr Seuss Day!

The Florida Furkids

Ranger said...

BOL. I liked Frankie's da bestie.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yay! Bravo! Roxy is rollin' on the floor at Ernie's rhyme. SHE can nearly quote "The Grinch" and "Horton Hatches an Egg" because of all the kids SHE's read them too. They're still on our shelves.

Great work boys. Don't know why the good Dr didn't include a story about chasing squirrels.

XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

WFT Nobby said...

Super job on the poetry chaps! And we are so pleased you told us about your Mom washing the outfit every night. That was VERY IMPORTANT...
Toodle pip!

The Army of Four said...

I'll bet that Dr. Seuss guy would LOVE your poems!
Play bows,

Murphy said...

We can see your mom doing that!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bocci said...

Chears for Dr. Seuss! He did accomplish wonderful things for children's literature!

We haven't been hit too hard yet, but still under a winter weather advisory through tomorrow's all supposed to start shortly...yikes!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

Duke said...

What a great tribute to Dr. Seuss! Mom has a couple of his books around here somewhere.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Good work boys!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Great tributes to a writer who wrote for kids, but didn't like them. Lady thinks that is funny! We think we would like green eggs and ham!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Superb poems from both of you - you know, Dr.Seuss was from the same city in Massachusetts where our Mom was born - and there is a cool museum there in his honor now.

Mom said she should have reposted the photo of the twins as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from when they were just little babies.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby said...

FABulous!!!! Loves your Moms outfit! Ma would probably just wear that as regular clothing...she gots no sense of style ya know!! BOL
I loves your poems guys! Dr. Seuss would be mighty proud!
Ruby ♥

Mollie said...

We lub'z Dr Seuss. we have just seen yesterdays post with all that snow you have coming. We wanna see you build a snowman :) Keep nice and warm guys xxxoxxx

Mollie and Alfie

marley said...

I likes to reed Cat in da At to Willium when he was a tiny any Frankie my pal….is a fun storee fur da yungsters….in fakt we like all da Zoose books...

sprinkles said...

I loved Dr. Seuss as a kid!

LetterstoAndrew said...

Your tribute was Pawesome!!