Saturday, March 15, 2014

Here is the Loot Haul we Scored...

OKAY are you ready to be AMAZED by our Shopping Skills????  

See those Tan Puppies???   ERNIE... took a leg off of his... in LESS than 87 Seconds...   AND do you see what he is DOING in this picture???    HE is trying to  FOLDING  the new Fox Skineez... butt he had to wait fur the Tags to be taken off before he could REALLY fold it and run around like the berserker that he IS the house trying to find the right place to HIDE it...
 We gotted a Dinosaur Stuffie too.... ERNIE was trying to TAKE that... INSTANTLY...   And see the Blue Buffalo... BLUE BONES... dental thingys???   AND did you see the COW hoof ↑ up ↑ in the other picture... we got TWO of those also...
 Ernie threw one of his fits in the store INSISTED that we needed the Blue MONKEY Crinkle thingy... butt I think he only wanted it beclaws he wanted to rip the fuzzy fur off  it's Head..
 So Amber and Autumn and Max SAID that we were to get Toys... AND  Treats... so THIS is what we FINALLY settled on.      We had to compromise on this... beclaws as Roxy and Bella told us to say.....      MOMMA don't 'low...  no FIGHTING 'round here.    
OMD   we BOTH truly LOVE     SAMMIN.      
     THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN     Amber, Autumn, and Max fur the SUPER SUPERIOR Pressie Package.      YOU are the mostest Kind and Generous furends that Anybuddy could ever hope fur...

Remember the other day when We were whimpering beclaws we had not heard from some of our LONG TIME Furends?????   WELL GUESS WHAT...   Finn and Charley left a post fur us sayin that they are really bizzy and stuffs..BUTT OKAY.    AND Oskar put up a Post about his "BOY's" Birfday....    AND   we got an Email from LORENZA...   SHE and her Mom and Grandma and Grandpa are FINE... butt they have had some sickness in their family ... and her MOM is really bizzy helpin out... and also Workin.         Isn't THAT all super to know?    WE LOVE OUR BLOGVILLE FURENDS.   
   Now TOMORROW we will be tellin all of you about Somethingy ELSE we gotted in the mails...
DON'T furget.....     The big Birfday Bash... and DOGTONA RACE
    and Monday is St. Paddy's Day...    and     Mollie and Easy want you to SHOW US YOUR KNICKERS on Wed...     PLUS...  Mayoress Madi is doing her Spring Fling...   thingy on THURSDAY.    


Cowspotdog said...

That was a terrific shopping trip and you scored big with all you goodies .

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Great stuff you two got dere! Happy Saturday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

PeeS Max likes to destuff everythin' too...*sigh*

My Mind's Eye said...

Whoa what fun... We can nearly see you two running all over picking out your favorite toys.. Our fave commercial is the Dachshund leaving a pet store w his new BoB in his mouth.
MADI your bfff

My Mind's Eye said...

New Bobo not Bob...stupid auto correct has it's own agenda

Unknown said...

We agree you scored big time on your shopping trip dudes. Enjoy.
Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! You are the shopping-kings. Mom is green with envy that you have a much better paw for fabulous things than she ever had! I love the cow-hoof, how is the smell? Have a super saturday and enjoy all those wonderful things!

Idaho PugRanch said...

wow you guys really scored big on the shopping trip! We saw you in the stands at the big races today!
And we will see you at the after PAWTY later!
Greta (junior race winner wahoo!)
Hazel (senior racer)
Baiely (race fan)

Murphy said...

Yous did a great job gutting those toys. We like those crinkly things too. Good to know about all those furiends who are not currently blogging. Lots going on these days. We're pretty tired for driving those fast race cars!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD...You fellas sure NOSE how to shop! That's a lotta loot there. You needs to give my Mommy a lesson in econ shoppin'. Her goes to PetsMart and comes home with ONE bag...usually food. Food is good, BUTT toys and tweets are better!

And I's stickin' to it!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Wow, you guys cleaned up at the store. Happy eating and dead-ing!

Sketching with Dogs said...

OMD, you lucky dogs!
Dip and Elliot x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We just came from the BIG race! What an event! AND we were happy to hear from some of our friends.

You sure know how to shop. Roxy would love a good de-stuffing, de-heading session with Ernie. She pulled all the stuffing out of her RED fluffy, rope thing. Now it's FLAT.

XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

You boys hit the jackpot! We've had a couple of those fox skineez and they are FUN!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, looks like Amber did an amazing job shopping! I like the dino toy and I think you did a great job with the amputations. BOL I'm so glad you heard from some of our furiends and they are all okay...sure do miss them.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Ruby said...

OMD!!! You guys just made out like BANDITS!!!!! Holy Cows!!! Lookie at all your STUFFS!!! WOWSA, I had that Skineez Fox too, and I broke all the fun noise makin' thingies!! BooHooo.... Butts I knows that you boys take much better care of your toys than I do! hehehe
Now those SAMMIN treaties look mighty DEVINE!!! I sure hopes they stink and everythings too!! (the bestest tastin' thingies are those that make Ma gag!!!!) BOL
Ruby ♥

JoAnn Stancer said...

What a great shopping trip, some very cool items. Have fun.

Millie and Walter said...

You boys shopped great! Thanks for the updates too.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a pawesome shopping spree you guys had!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

sprinkles said...

Y'all know how to shop til ya drop! You sure scored big with all them goodies!

I saw Finn and Charley's post. I knew their mama was busy with something she didn't mention in the post, but didn't realize she'd been so busy with the company and stuffs too. Glad they're all doing well.

I'd been wondering about Lorenza. Glad she's doing OK too.

Kinley Westie said...

Looks like some fun stuff!

Sagira said...

Wow, you boys were busy busy shopping! Looks like you got some GREAT things. Have fun with all your new toys!

Oskar said...

Wow, what a pawsome haul!

Thanks for mentioning us. I think my mom person is coming out of her funk!

Pam & Oskar