Friday, March 28, 2014

A blast from the Past....

A VERY VERY long time ago....   like in 2009...   I (Frankie Furter) wrote a Story about a Goose Egg...       It is a make believe story about a Dachshund Named Oscar...(which is MY middle Name)...

BUTT in REAL life...  I (Frankie Furter)   Actually DID find a Goose Egg...   it was laying along the shore of MY Lake... BURR OAK...        and Mom DID take pictures of ME and of the poor sad Mommy goose... who's Egg Actually DID roll outta her nest...      I told Mom to come quick and see what I had found... and to HELP the Mommy Goose...      BUTT she could NOT do that beclaws the egg was ALREADY too Cold and it would not have made a Gosling ...    
Our furends...   Mitch and Molly   are having Egg troubles... and that reminded me of MY experience... and the Story that I (Frankie Furter) wrote.      I hope you don't mind that I am RE-Posting it all here.
       It was used as one of my writer group assignments... and I did it in pawt for Mr. Cottrill...   who is a local Sculptor...   and HE had sculpted some Geese.. in Brass...    I love them as you will see.   
    Mr. Cottrill read my story to a group of peeps who went to his studio for an OPEN HOUSE... Meet the ARTIST thingy.       I was too embarrassed and shy to read it MYSELF..    I sat on his LAP while he read it.        

 This is ONE of the THREE Geese that Mr. C. sculpted... for someone who eventually took them to their hunting cabin...    and has them mounted there by a big lake.
 THIS is the mother goose...  She had her nest on a Bank above the shore line...  
 THIS is the EGG that I (Frankie Furter) did find ...  

Oscar’s Egg Rescue
By: Frankie Furter Price
April 2009
Oscar and his family live in the country. He can run and play in his yard, but is never supposed to go to the thicket without his people because other animals make that area their home. Oscar’s people don’t want him to frighten them away.
One day Oscar was digging a delightful new hole when he caught a strange scent in the air. He knew he shouldn’t leave the yard but he couldn’t resist the urge to follow his nose.
He was very careful about where he walked. He made his way into the thicket and down to the edge of the brook. Normally Oscar would be running and splashing in the tummy deep water. Not this time. He was looking for whatever was making that strange smell.
It didn’t take long for his mighty dachshund nose to find the source. Lying right out in the open was the largest egg he had ever seen. Oscar moved closer and was shocked to detect the egg’s warmth. All the eggs that he had ever been around had come out of the refrigerator and were quite cold.
Oscar could sense fear in the air. He took several steps back. That was when he saw the largest bird he could imagine. He knew it was a bird but it wasn’t doing any of the things birds normally do. It was sitting down. It wasn’t moving a muscle. The poor thing was looking right into Oscar’s eyes and it was terrified.
It took several minutes for Oscar to think the situation through. He finally realized that what he was seeing was a mother goose whose egg had rolled away from her nest. She was truly frightened, but not for herself. She was afraid for her egg. Oscar gradually came to realize that the egg was warm because it had been in its nest until he had startled its mother. She must have moved just enough to cause the egg to roll away. Oscar recognized the situation and took responsibility for it. This was his blunder and he had to do something to fix the situation.
Oscar didn’t know anything about hatching eggs, but he did remember how his own mother had taken care of him when he was a pup. She would curl up around him and his brothers and sisters and keep them warm.
      (Staged Photo)....

Oscar slowly moved toward the egg then lay down and curled around it as he remembered his mother doing. He would keep the egg warm and safe until he could return it to the nest.
Oscar’s people didn’t see him and began calling. They called and called but Oscar didn’t move. The miserable mother goose didn’t move either. Oscar needed for her to fly away so that he could return the egg to its nest. He hoped that his people would come looking for him and that they would cause the goose to fly.
He hated not answering his people’s calls and whistles. Oscar knew they would be worried about him. Their calls were getting louder. That meant that they were getting closer. His heart was beating very fast. He watched the mother goose. She was beginning to stir.
Oscar’s frustrated people were getting closer. One of them suddenly clapped their hands very loudly. That startled the goose enough to cause her to fly.
  Oscar didn’t waste a second, he got up and began pushing the egg with his nose. He didn’t have far to go, but needed to work carefully. He had seen how easily an egg could be broken and ruined. Oscar saw that there were two other eggs in the nest. He only needed one more push to make it three once more. He gave it his best effort. That was all that was needed.
Oscar jumped away from the nest and ran as fast as he could toward the sound of his people’s voices. He wanted to look back to be sure the egg had not rolled away again, but felt that he had to get as far away as possible so that the mother would return to her nest.
Oscar’s people were so relieved to see him that they didn’t notice the goose as it flew to her nest. Oscar saw it though, and he was thrilled.
Oscar thought of the goose and her eggs every day. He wondered how they were doing. He resisted the urge to go to the thicket and check on them. What he did instead, was spend almost every day sitting on top of the hill that overlooked the area. He watched and he hoped that his efforts had been enough.
After days and days of keeping his vigil Oscar finally gave up. He went back to his long abandoned hole and began digging once again. Oscar made some progress, he was finally down far enough to be in damp earth making his frantic clawing easier, when he was startled by loud wing beats. He dropped to the bottom of the hole just as a large goose and three smaller ones flew directly over him. As they began to climb higher in the sky he could have sworn that their honking sounded as though they were calling his name.
********************************************************The END***************

This is a work of fiction based on a real life experience. In the spring of 2008 the author (Frankie Furter) did find a goose on her nest. She had actually lost one of her eggs. The author scampered back to his people and led them to the sad scene. He was quite interested in the unfortunate egg but did not go close to it. The author watched as his people quickly took a couple of pictures then left the nesting area undisturbed.
The actual event took place along the shore of Burr Oak Lake. The author’s people had beached his pontoon boat so they could fish, while he enjoyed some, on shore, exploration. Beach combing is one way the author (Frankie Furter) relaxed when he wasn't busy digging holes along the shore.
When the sculptor, Mr. Alan Cottrill, chose his goose for the author to base a story around, it seemed natural to meld a bit of reality with a touch of fiction. As with the text, some of the photos are authentic and some show the author in a staged setting.
To learn more about the sculptor visit his website at:


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

What s wonderful post.
Love it!!

♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo bravo Frankie what a wonderful heartwarming story. You are a hero for saving the runaway egg and the life of the sweet baby that a word?
We are so glad you received the deserved recognition too.
Hugs madi your bfff and new book fan,
PS love the pictures...that was one honking big egg...wonder how much it weighed

Unknown said...

Wow that was so amazing. We love the sculpture too. It is egg time here too and all the mums are busy. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, my peeps told me all about that sculptor's place! Great story and I love the ending. BOL to Madi's "honking" big egg. BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Feathered Furiend

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie!
I love your post today, this is such a great story, you are such the tiny hero for saving the runaway egg and that staged photo of you cuddling the egg is so sweet! I really like the photos of you and that big goose statue too! I'm scared of big Goosies in real life, they hiss at me! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxx

Cowspotdog said...

what a pawsome tale.....who new you were authors...but it figures cause you are super smart :)

The Daily Pip said...

Bravo, bravo ...I was on the edge of my dog bed hoping the egg would make its way back to its nest. Oscar is true hero and how lovely that the family flew over his head, calling his name to thank him. We just loved it!


The Daily Pip said...

Crash bang HONK boom HONK

Hey buddy, just dropping in to say that is one heck of a story!!! Oh, and I think I may have cut off some geese on my way down. They are kind of mad ...maybe you can put in a good word for me


Millie and Walter said...

What a great story. Were you scared by those goose sculptures? They looked so big.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Paw some! Pawsome! What a great story, you are such a good writer. Whenever I see geese in my yard, I will think of Oscar. Thank you Frankie

Love Sasha

Noodles said...

Frankie "Oscar" you are such an accomplished word-smithy. Great story.
Love Noodles

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool is that!! Wonder if the goose sculpture came out of the egg
Lily & Edward

Anonymous said...

I'm egg-sided, that's a wonderful story. I think stories like yours should be collected in a book. It's really great! I found an egg once too and as my mom tried to get it out of my mouth with her clumsy paws it broke apart. The smell was awful and all was HER fault!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We hadn't heard that story before. That was great of you to try to help that goose, Frankie, even if it was too late. We think you did a fantastic job of making it into a story with a happy ending.

XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

Ruby said...

I haven't heard that story befores Frankie!!! I loved it!! You are a true hero!!
Thou, that big goose kinda freaks me out...
Ruby ♥

Duke said...

We loved your story, Frankie! You are a SuperHero to us! Agnes is still stilling on the 2 eggs. She is a very loyal sissy to Hazel and a great mom!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Mr Frankie, that was a wonderful story and we loved it. We had not heard it before. The sculptures are beautiful. Oh and we didn't know your middle name is Oscar. That was our angel brother's name too!
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Maggie Mae and Max said...


What a most wunderful story dat is, we sure did enjoy it. Happy Friday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Braeden and Seth said...

What a wonderful story, Frankie. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. We loved the ending, absolutely perfect. Have a wonderful weekend.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD...The SIZE of that egg. Are you sure it isn't a DINO egg???

PeeeS....Do geese taste like Milk Bones???

JoAnn Stancer said...

Great story. Cool goose sculpture. I have a couple in my house. Have a great weekend.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the wonderful bedtime (for us) story Frankie!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

marley said...

Pawsome werk from yoo and da skulpchure guy Frankie my pal….da on lee fing i be sculpting be mounds of poop….I haz manee uvver talints tho...