Friday, December 27, 2013

SnowFreaks from our FURENDS....

FURST....    You gotta go to Miss LILY's School of DANCE.. to take some LESSONS before the big New Year's Eve Dance..         Click HERE     to get signed up...      Guys... she is a DREAM of a Dance Instructor... just sayin.      Help Spread the Word about her "STUDIO".  

Now Furends...   Just when We think we have seen All the SnowFreaks Pawsible...    Along come THESE...          FURST from our "FUREND" Jazzi...     Check it out....   YES, that is what you are seeing....   a REFRIGERATOR SnowFreak...    Jazzi had her mom put this all together...   Check out his Neck Scarf... it has DACHSHUNDS on it.        It all Clings to our Fridge with Magnets.     THIS is NOT the Fridge in the Kitchen though...   the thingy would not work on THAT one since the FREEZER is on the BOTTOM and it would make the Snow Freak... look CRAZY with a BIG Head and a LITTLE Bottom.  BaaaaaWaaaah... maybe we SHOULD put it on that Fridge after all.
               BUTT WAIT... There's MORE....

 Jazzi ALSO sent THIS SnowFreak...   that will hang on one of the Kitchen lights...  
    Now MOM was going allllllllllll     SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE   over all of this..   US..??? Not so Much.    BUTT WAIT.... there's MORE...   to take the SnowFreak Curse Off a bit, Jazzi DID send us some VERY delicious Snacks...   NOW THOSE we LIKED a LOT.
 THANK YOU JAZZI...  fur making our MOM so VERY MUCH Happy...     

Butt WAIT there is MORE from ANOTHER of our ???? FURENDS....    Yes you see it right... that is a Christmas SnowFreak Card...  and it came addressed to :
% Frankie and Ernie
      and it was from RUBY the Airedale's MOM...  who seems to think the CARD COUNT was a little SLANTED here on the Hill.
 WE wish WE had enough PEE to Dissolve our SnowFreak Problem.
      THANKS Mom Ruby...  Our MOM was HAPPY to add it to THEIR Count...
Butt it didn't let them Catch up to US
     US  79....   THEM...15.    
NOW do you see that NOTE PAD???   The one that says... ALL MY FRIENDS ARE...Flakes ...
    We guess we are actually kinda GLAD to Have Furends like Jazzi and Ruby.      YES we ARE.   WE are Glad fur ALL of our FURENDS.     BLOGVILLE ROCKS....

HEY FRANKIE.....  Tell everybuddy how much the BAD DAWG AGENCY is gonna ROCK BLOGVILLE on New Year's Eve..    
Okay Ernie...  you ARE Right... the BDA really DOES rock and AGENTS  0087R, 0087M, 0087S, and YOU   will be ROCKING the GAZEBO in the town park.


Cowspotdog said...

Your mom is going to need a bigger shed to store all the snow freaks in!

YourSpecialDog said...

So much snow freaks :P :P

Unknown said...

Ho ho we agree a bigger shed and a bigger house. Hope you had a happy holiday.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

{sigh} I bet you guys are just dreaming about summertime and....HOT temps so those snowy monsters will be gone for good (or at least for a little while).

Sketching with Dogs said...

Bet you even see them in your sleep now :)
Dip and Elliot x

Unknown said...

Dudes, the refrigerator is the best! BOL We love the note pad as well. I hope the SnowFreak season ends for you soon!

Duke said...

The snowfreaks continue.....................

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

We've never seen a refrigerator snow freak before. Flakes or not all our Blogville friends are great!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We think the snow freaks are taking over . . . Lee and Phod

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Cannot BELIEVE all the snowfreaks you are getting! Where will it all end? Will you have to move in with John Deere or something when they take over?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those snow guys multiply at night

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

So many Snow Freaks!!