Friday, November 1, 2013

November FURst..

OKAY...... TODAY is the FURst day of NOVEMBER...  and guess what WE did YESTERDAY???

WE helped DAD do somethingy VERY MUCH ImPAWtant...  it was HARD WORK butt SomeBUDDY HAS to do it.

Yesterday (OCTOBER 31st)  WE told DAD to Get CRACKIN and get the....


 YES folks.... we gotta have them UP before anybuddy ELSE on this road.   Beclaws it drives everybuddy ELSE NUTS... and .... beclaws once DAD goes into Deer Hunting Mode... we can't get him to lissen to a thingy we say.        
Ernie:     OH BOY HOWDY.... I remember these thingys...   They are FUN.    and they make DAD say such INTERESTING THINGYS.
Frankie:   DAAAAAAD   I want THIS BULB to be RIGHT over the DOOR WAY...
 Ernie:    Hey DAD this Green one isn't working...    
Once we gotted all that settled...   we stood back and Watched Dad REACH WAY UP HIGH to attach them...          WHEW a dachshund's work is NEVER DONE.

Now we DON'T turn these on until Thanksgiving Eve.. and then they are on a Timer and will come on fur 6 hours EVERY NIGHT from THEN until Santa Paws comes.
NOW:   We have some thingys to tell you...     FURST Blogger is being a real Squirrel BUTT lately... SOME Blogs are showing up on our Dashboard and SOME are NOT.      SOME days OURS doesn't even show up fur US...   butt it does for other folks.     GRRRRRR  Hope they get it fixed.      If we don't comment to you... it may be beclaws we don't know you have a post up.       OR we might be bizzy.    Just sayin.
         Next we want to THANK all the HOWL O WEEN HOSTS  AGAIN fur the absolutely OUTSTANDING JOB they all did fur US.       BLOGVILLE APPLAUDS YOU.
        REMEMBER NOW....   the OLYMPICS are just 90 some days away...   THINK about how fun THAT would be.      Just sayin.
DON'T furget... if you live in the USA... in states that have Daylight Savings Time...   TOMORROW NIGHT.......    TURN your CLOCKS BACK one HOUR before you go to bed... and enjoy that extra hour of sleep that was STOLEN in the Spring.   
AND.....   Fur ALL of BLOGVILLE......      MARK YOUR CALENDARS for TUES. Nov. 5th.  (except fur EASY... who KILLED his Calendar the other day)       BECLAWS....    THAT is a very IMPAWTANT DAY FUR US....         We Gotta VOTE FUR MAYORESS MADIson Diva Cougar Cat     FUR MAYOR OF BLOGVILLE.     Paid fur by the committee to RE-ELECT Mayoress Madi,  Puddles Camp PAIN  manager 


Cowspotdog said...

Christmas lights already...yikes. We guess it is getting closer. We bet your dad was so glad of the help.

Cowspotdog said...

Of....have you tried's a blog reader .....we have been using that since they cancelled the google reader. It is free and works pretty well and it will transfer all the bloggies on you list over for you so no have to add each one in.

3 doxies said...

At least ya'll take your lights down and puts them back up. You should see everybuddy 'round heres...they not take their lights down...BWHAHAHAHAHA!
Soooooo, what time is yur dad pickin' me up to go huntin'?


My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie you know they lights will be followed by the SNOW Man parade.
Oh thanks Madi for maybe now that Mom is done with Howl-o-ween
she can get cracking on my re-election.
hugs madi your bfff

Unknown said...

Lucky you having pretty lights. We will be hiding on the 5th as it is our Guy Hawkes Night and that means fireworks. I will vote from behind the sofa. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I can't believe it's time for the lights already! I love that you beat your neighbor grinch guy to it again this year. BOL Butt, what I really wanna know is... is your bucket light up?!?! Is it red/green?!?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Ranger said...

I'm gonna have to talk to Mom about our lights. She usually wait until Thanksgiving weekend to put dem up…. but I like da idea of doing it now (before it gets cold). Oh, wait…. I live by the beach and it don't get very cold here. hehehe

Lovable Lily said...

We LOVE Christmas lights! Our Daddy sounds just like yours when getting them out. A few choice HBO words and a whole lotta grumbling. We can't get to ours yet, bcuz their all in Florida. We hope to get there in 3 weeks. We even decorate Fred, our golf cart.

Even tho we didn't get to pawticipate in all the activities yesterday, we sure did have a GREAT time visiting all the events! We too thank everyone for their hard work.

Thanks for the reminder to change our clocks this weekend. Please also remember to CHANGE THE BATTERIES IN YOUR SMOKE DETECTORS! Safety is our #1 priority.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Lights already. Wow. Guess your dad doesn't have to freeze his tail off hanging lights when it's freezing cold outside. He is smart hanging them early!

3 doxies said...

Can I volunteer Chrissy to helps withs da lights?


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Yes, we had Halloween lights n soon it will be xmas lights. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow we need to show our Dad this. He always waits till it is too cold and then whines about it.
He did get his deer on Wednesday so hunting is over fur him now.
and YES Blogger can be a real PAIN. sometimes it tell us we are not following ANY blogs! Sometimes we see them, then we don't. Mom refreshes and most of the time they come back.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ernie finally showed up so we are getting the gooey mess all cleaned up. Thanks for sending him over!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Christmas lights already! Please don't get on the ladder

Anonymous said...

Well our lights don't even go up till the Thanksgiving weekend. OK, we got it Nov 5th

The Mad Scots

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Christmas lights already?? Wow that's scary LOL we don't put ours up till med-december!

Anonymous said...

I think I will write this day with an edding on the screen of my compawter, hehe. We have no lights, my dad failed as he tried to fix it with a tacker two years ago.

GizmoGeodog said...

The fun never stops aaround here does it Frankie? So are you gonna have a doggie olympics? just asking...and Momz is gonna be away from the 'puter all day and night on Tuesday...she's working at the local can I cast an absentee ballot?

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, it's been a year already? Is anyone running against mayoress Madi? (Just askin'.)

You guys are really on the ball to get your dad motivated to do the holiday lights already.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is awfully early to put up your lights - Mum usually grudgingly puts ours up on December 23rd, pfftt.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Murphy said...

We don't put up lights. I think our pawrents are just plain lazy. We did not know we had to reelect Madi already but of course we will vote for her. Remember the day before, the 4th, is the Blogs 4 Peace Day too!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie and Ernie,
I had an amazing Howl-o-ween, I can't believe how much fun it was to see everyone in each spooktacular event, each was totally terrorific and so much fun, I'm going to have to sleep all weekend to get over all this crazy excitement! I have pumpkin seeds in places they shouldnt be from the pumpkin guts slip and slide as well as having my friend Mr.truck the elephant help me destroy pumpkins over at Sarges!
I love that you help your daddy put up the Christmas lights, let me tell you, my Mum would put all her Christmas decorations up now if she could, our last name is Denatale, which is Italian for Of Christmas and we sure do go crazy for Santa Paws at our home! Looks like you guys did a great job at checking the light bulbs!
I would love to celebrate the Olympics, I had fun with the summer Olympics in my extreme weather sports event! Will make a date to vote for Mayor Madi for sure! Have a great weekend, I've got to sleep now before I pass out! Zzzz...
Love and Licks from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

Backcountry Brodie said...

Thank you so much fur the reminder that we gets back that hour that was stolened in the Spring this Sunday. I wonner why I could not has had it back last Sunday so I could has had an eggstra hour in Furginia. And your Dad could has had an eggstra hour to get those lights just rite fur you guys. I sure hope he got it rite without the eggstra hour.

Duke said...

You guys are not the only ones thinkin' about Christmas! Our mom was actually planning on where the Christmas tree will go this year. She LOVES the lights!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

We think it's okay to put up the lights as long as you don't turn them on until Thanksgiving.

Millie & Walter

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Frankie and Ernie you do the very best blogs in Blogville!!! Love the way you write!!! It is always fun to come to see you!!! The cats and I love you two!! Thanks for your information!

Scooter said...

Oh NO!!! The christmas lights, you know what is coming next dont ya?? I dont even want to say the word!!! BOL


sprinkles said...

This year has just flown by. Hard to believe it'll be Christmas time before you know it!

You know, blogs don't always show up for me either. I ended up following a certain blog via email just because I would be following it one day, but not the next. I never unfollowed it, so I don't know how that happened.

sprinkles said...

This year has just flown by. Hard to believe it'll be Christmas time before you know it!

You know, blogs don't always show up for me either. I ended up following a certain blog via email just because I would be following it one day, but not the next. I never unfollowed it, so I don't know how that happened.

marley said...

Oh no….yoo haz broken owed rule of no Chrismuss til December…..! Typsit be pulling his fur out…..hee hee….pawsonally I like a bit of festiv cheers