Saturday, June 1, 2013

Something VERY WILD and WHACKY...

OK..... now if we just TOLD you about this... you would NOT believe it.... butt you know what "THEY" say about Pictures being worth 87,000 words...
    A few days ago we heard this LOUD Racket...  and  it was a HELICOPTER... flying around our hill... and the next hill over...      It was a SPECIAL helicopter... beclaws it was WORKING on something...    and it is AMAZING...    the POWERS Company was having it CUT TREE BRANCHES away from their Powers Lines..        
    NOW...   Sarge can VERIFY the thingys I am saying about how far away this was from our YARD...     OK??     it was ALMOST a full mile from our front porch...   WAY across the ROAD and the BIG FIELD and down across the Creek that is over there.      THAT is a HOOGE FIELD (over 20 acres)       Now we MUST tell you that it was a very cloudy OVERCAST day so the pics are not totally clear... butt you will get the idea..........  Are you ready???  

 When it was FLYING the long CHAIN thingy would SWAY and SWING...    see below the Big Glob at the bottom of the Chain???  THAT was the MOTOR for the SAW BLADES...  in this picture the BLADES look like a bunch of BALLS butt they REALLY ARE  ROUND SAW BLADES...

 the helicopter would drop down.... CLOSE to the tree tops...   and then we couldn't even SEE the SAWS....        Butt we could HEAR them... even over the NOISE of the HELICOPTER..     MOM used the LONGEST ZOOM on the Flashy beast to get the pictures...
 LOOK at how LONG the CHAIN thingy was...    the helicopter was white and yellow..

 SEE???   there were TEN blades that WHACKED the limbs off the trees that were close to the powers lines....
The whole thingy excited ALL of us....  we watched fur almost an HOUR as the Pilot VERY SKILLFULLY  maneuvered the COPTER and the SAWS and did his work.        He worked in our general area for a full week.    BUTT this was the closest he ever was to OUR hill.     The Limbs and trees have to be kept BACK so that when we have WIND STORMS... not so many powers lines get broken and leave peeps without POWERS...  
    Now when THAT happens to us... WE have a Generator thingy that gets started up and plugged RIGHT INTO our HOUSE...   (DAD is a GENIUS).. and runs our Cold Foods boxes and Freezers and the TV and lights and EVEN our YAPtop computer.   BUTT maybe NOW that this Helicopter thingy has cleared away a BUNCH of Pawsible trouble making Trees... we won't have to use it so often.
    Last July 29th.  a Once in a lifetime WIND STORM went through Ohio( and other states ) and we did not have powers (except fur what the generator made fur us) for 7 whole days...
     WE hope that you liked these pictures of this procedure.  
PEE S.....     have you all been checking your Comment... SPAM???    At furst only BERT's comments were going there fur us... THEN RUBY's started showing up as SPAM... and YESTERDAY... Corbin's comment was in our SPAM.              We KEEP telling Blogger these are OUR FURENDS... and we do NOT want them being Canned like Spam...  butt they don't lissen to us.         SO   we check several times a day...   


Anonymous said...

OMD lookie at that machinery! That is just wild. And so close to your hill too! Pretty awesome! That pilot had to be pretty skilled.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

That is crazy! Lee and Phod who would be scared of that!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Ooohhh, that's must have been so fun to watch!!

AMY ANN said...

That must have been soooo exciting to watch.

Unknown said...

Wow that is amazing. We have never seen anything like it. What a clever idea. Paws crossed that will mean you won't be out of power and have to use the generator. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Ranger said...

OMD…. Dat is amazing. I've never seen anything like it.
Wow. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

WOW that is pawsome and so interesting - dad would love to see something like that.
Wally & Sammy

Anonymous said...

Oh please send this flying chainsaw to me - we want to cut a tree down today... and it looks like a disaster (as always)

GOOSE said...

Oh my goodness!! That is way cool. Do you think they will need help cleaning up the sticks?

Millie and Walter said...

That is a cool saw. We hope nobody was below to get clunked on the head.

Millie & Walter

Jo's World said...

I am glad that you and Ernie, or your Mom and Dad were no where near a monster like that!


Sketching with Dogs said...

That is a really horrible and random way to cut trees. Can you imagine what happened to all the birds who are nesting at this time of year. (Sorry, Mum always thinks of worse case scenarios.)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Backcountry Brodie said...

Wow, Frankie, that do be pretty pawsome, that tree-chomper-heli-copter. Sandy did the same thing but she did not look like that. And she let the branches fall ON the powah lines, stoopid Sandy. Thanks fur telling us about the SPAM coz I has to release Bert out of there all the time. Now I has to watch fur the udders, too. Sigh.

HH and The Boys said...

We never saw anything like that before. Geez... What if they hit the wires by mistake.... How exciting it is to live where you live. Lots to watch.

Have a great weekend.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

Murphy said...

Wow, that was very interesting. My pawrents would watch that too!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow we have never seen anything like that before. Amazing

Ranger said...

Let's do Sunglasses Day ! How should be do it? A blog hop? Should be put the glasses on them (have them send in their photos)? Have then all send in their photos wearing shades? Make it a contest? Let me know and we can put dis event together.
Send me an email so we can plan it. scottierangerATgmailDOTcom

GizmoGeodog said...

That is so amazing...never seen anything like that around here...That pilot must be skilled to get the branches down and not hit the power lines...and that's huge equipment...the chain and blades are so large even from a mile! you're right about checking spam boxes...once in a while i find some of my friends there even after telling WP that they're ok so like you i check there too, at least once a day

marley said...

We haz a lot of copters my pal cos we liven near a big orse ravin place (they had the Derby there today so was millions of copters) but I never seen any loppin da trees...

Cowspotdog said...

Mom says she was use to seeing hellicopters flying like that all the time back home in Australia - they use them the same way to cut back trees and also wash the salt build up off the conductors on power lines.

We check our spam folder every day - Rubies always ended up there but the last couple of days it hasn't been - weird!

Ruby said...

HOLY COWS!! I've never seen anythings like that befores! It looks scary and excitin' all at the same time....just like ME!!! BOL
Wows, thanks for sharin' that, Ma would have never believed it!

K9 Katastrophie said...

How exciting Frankie!! We will have to check our spammed comments.... Didn't know we might have some!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, that is a scary looking saw. It is big.We are sure glad y'all were safe at home.

Matilda the Boxer said...

WOW, what pawesome pictures! I'm sure glad the pilot didn't DROP the blade or anything.

The Army of Four said...

My mom says that has "horror movie" written all over it. I think it sounds pretty cool!
Play bows,

asta said...

OMD Fwankie,
That was AMAZING! What a genoos way to take cawe of those extwa limbs that can cause twoubull wif the powew.
Just bwilliant and yoow pictoowes wewe absolutely wowf 8700000000wowds.
Yoow Mom pawson did a gweat job wif that tely photo lens.
Can yoo believe Bogie's Mom was hewe and gave me those scwitchies and kisses and let me slobbew all ovew hew?
Smoochie kisses

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs Frankie...and Ernie you two live on the most exciting hill in the entire US of A!!! Whirly birds with chain saws and your Mom had her camera handy what purrfect timing
Hugs madi your bFFF

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's fascinating. The Pilot MUST be VERY skilled....wildly flying saws near power lines. Could be an accident waiting to happen.
Have never heard of--much less seen it! Very exciting.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Lovable Lily said...

You just see the coolest things there Frankie and Ernie! We've never seen anything like that before. I bet they pay that pilot BIG $$$ to do that job.

Thanks for sharing. WOW!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....I would think dis would be very scary. Like da chain saw swingin jus' a wittle bit out of control. Yikes! It sure is amazing though! Thanks fur sharing this!

Scooter said...

Oh wow!! That is soooo cool!! How exciting to see that.
BTW. how do you check your comment spam??

Jazzi and Addi

Dachshund Nola said...

How cool!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Let's just hope those blades don't get stucks into some tangled branches!! Those peeps flyin' would need a lot of skill!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Pat Wahler said...

Wow, who would have thought trees could be trimmed like that?

Critter Alley

Wyatt said...

That is some crazy tree trimming! They harvest Christmas trees at Grandma's farm with a helicopter too. They put a whole bunch of trees in a big sling and carry them over with the helicopter to where the semi-trucks can pick them up. It's fun to watch!

Wyatt and Stanzie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

O HI O has ALL the fun!

Just sayin'


sprinkles said...

Wow, that's pretty cool! I had no idea the power company used helicopters to cut down tree branches like that! A couple of years ago, the power company came and killed a tree in my back yard that they thought might be in the way of power lines. They didn't do anything this fancy though.

sprinkles said...

Thanks for the advice about checking the spam folder. Corbin's comment showed up as spam for me too! I told blogger it wasn't spam, so hopefully he his comments won't go there again.

Duke said...

Thank goodness that pilot was skillful! This could have been ugly!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sagira said...

Holy cow, never seen that before. Glad you were able to get pics for us to see.

ShellePenn said...

That is amazing... I mean REALLY skillful. How did that guy do the trees and not the lines? I cannot even get the arm thing on those machines at Kroger to pick up a stuffy let alone chop off tree tops.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Unknown said...

That is super cool and I think your mom got some really good photos for being so far away!