Friday, May 31, 2013

FRANKIE's big # 7 day....

HEY... it is ME... Ernest vonSchnitzel...    singing this fur MY BROTHER...  (Frankie Furter)

  ♫♪♫♪  HAPPY BIRFDAY TO YOUuuuuuu  ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Look what mom and dad and I (Ernie) gave to Frankie fur his SEVENTH Birfday...

 TWO new TOYS...   and.... a New Napping bed...         Frankie was all THRILLED and excited...
 He got right in there and started crumpling up   reading his Birfday card...
 He was SOOOOO happy with all three of the pressies that I (Ernie) chewsed fur him.
 Look how he mashed  wrinkled   loved up his CARD...
 I told Frankie that I did Chews stuffs that I thought I HE would LOVE fur Birfday pressies.
 And he DID....    butt guess what else...   Frankie said that I could play with ONE toy at a time.
 BUTT he would NOT let me lay in HIS new napping bed.. to do it.       THEN he spent about 87 HOURS all worried about how many GRAY furs he has.   I only saw 3 butt he thinks he has like 87,000 of them.  THEN he worried that he may be LOSING his furs... Like our DAD did.        ANYWAY....   Once he quit obsessing over his FURS..  We had a BLAST...  we had BOTH thingys squaking and making crunchy sounds.. it was a REAL Pawty fur celebrating FRANKIE's BIG DAY...
 You can TELL that we both had a super time ... beclaws...  look what we did... we got right to the PRIZES  that were INSIDE the new quickly UNstuffied  stuffie toys.       BaaaaaaWaaaah.
 THEN fur SUPPER mom fixed....   Hamburger Gravy over Kibble fur BOTH of us.  FRANKIE gotted a bigger bowl of it than I did, beclaws HE was the BIRFDAY BOY...      Frankie said it was the Bestest Brifday Pawty he had had in like 87 years...   
      I love my Big Brother.   


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! Weenie would have been proud how you and Ernie took care of them stuffies. He came visiting yesterday and said they gots lots of stuffies at the bridge.


Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Happy Birthday Frank.

Love ya

Ruby & Penny

Xxooxx. Xxooxx

WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Frankie. You know what they say don't you? 'Life begins at seven'! Or 'seven is the new five'.
Toodle pip!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Happisome Barkday Frankie Dude, sure looks likes yoo n Ernie hads a real blast playin wivs dem now unstuffed stuffies
Wee has heard from our Momster dats hers is gonna chats wiv yor Momma wen her is in da Yoo Ess Aye wee is so jellyus bouts dis, s'not fair wee can't comes wivs her.
Oh well wee can dreems wee supposes

Lovs too all on yor hill
Da K Krew

Cowspotdog said...

Happy birthday Frankie....what a terrific napping bed...we bet you will put that to lots of good use.

Frank The Tank said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!!!!!
BOW-Wow Birthday Boy, I hope that you are having a PAWSOME day, it looks like you loved your new bed and stuffies, I really like the look of that octopussy one! It must have been great fun to de-stuff those stuffies, YOUR Ernie deffo did a good job in choosing the pressis for you!
Dont worry about your gorgeous furs, you are looking wonderfully preserved to me just like a tube steak in a jar, still juicy and .... Drooool ... what was I saying????
Love, licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank (the tank) xxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

HaPpY HaPpY BaRkDaY FrAnKiE!!!!

WOW what pawsome pressies & what a grrrreat post by Ernie.

We hope you have a super day,
Wally & Sammy

Lovable Lily said...

Ernie, that was a great birthday pawty you had for Frankie! We are very impressed with the prezzies you picked out.


We hope the year ahead will be a pawsome one!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you Frankie. We wish you many more. Our little somethings are on their way across the big pond. We hope you get them soon. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Happy Happy 7th Barkday Frankie. Have a PAWsome day celebrating. Golden Woofs, Sugar

AMY ANN said...

Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great day.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy barkday! Your little brother picked out some fun pressies for you. The new napping bed looks soft.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy birthday to you! Wishing you at least 87 million more! lee and Phod

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! You are the second birthday boy we have visited today.

Millie & Walter

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Birthday, Mayor Emeritus!

GOOSE said...

A big happy birthday to you Frankie. Wait that was not right....Let me try that again. A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Yea that's better.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! I hope you had a grrrrrreat day! ... and I like the "surprises" inside of your toys - great work!

marley said...

Appy burfdee for you Frankie my pal..... Lige begin at 7 o'clock they say....sumfing like dat anyhoo

Charlotte said...

Happy Barkday, Frankie!!! You are a pawsome, special boy & we are proud to have you as our bloggie friends (and Ernie too....we could never forget him).

Lots of Licks & Love
your friends
Oskar & Schatzi

Backcountry Brodie said...

Happy Birfday Frankie Furter! I would howl you a song but Ernie did such a fine job with his song fur you that there be no way I could do better myself. Looks like you had a blast getting to the prizes hidden inside the stuffies in the comforts of your new napping bed. I think I will take a stuffie to my bed now that you gibs me the idea in my brain. Let me see if'n I can find one wot still has a prize inside...

Anonymous said...

Happy happy happy happy birthday Frankie!!!! Hope you enjoyed your special day with all the extra gravy and kibble and pressies!

Declan said...

Hey! Happy Birthday brother! Joint cocktail party later do ya think?!! Deccy x

Mollie said...

Happy Birthday Frankie Darling, we are so crossed that you kept your big day so quite, we would of sent you a card and a bone.. Have a wonderful day buddie :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Matilda the Boxer said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRANKIE!!!! Looks like it sure was a grreat one.

Jo's World said...

What a very special 7th birthday you had, Frankie!

We are happy for you and want to sing Happy Birthday to YOuuuuu!

Stella and Zkhat

stellaroselong said...

First, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANKIE< we didn't know you were seven, we were thinking around 3 maybe....Second, is your dad related to ours cos he has lost most of his fur on his head also, it is a subject he does not like to talk about, and Third, what a cool bed and toys, but i bet that hamburger gravy topped it all off!
stella rose, maggie and Angus

Random Felines said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!! Those pressies look great....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie Furter. You got some great pressies . We send you wishes for a great year ahead.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

George The Lad said...

Happy B Day Frankie, Welshie Hugs from across the pond.
Love George and Tess xxx

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Birthday big Frankie. We thought we saw a gray hair
Benny & Lily

Sketching with Dogs said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Frankie!
Looks like you had a terrific day with all your pressies.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Reuben said...

Happy barkday Frankers! What a fantastic day - and how very generous to let Ernie play with ONE toy at a time! He is certainly a very good chewy picker. Here's to eleventy more barkdays.


Corbin said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!! Hope you enjoy your special day!

My Mind's Eye said...

my eyes glazed over Frankie. That is one fantastic 7th barkday menu.
Happy 7th to you my handsome, vertically challenged, adorable mentor. Kisses and hugs all over your face but don't tell the wives
Madi your BFFF

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie!

The Websters said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!

Good work getting to the prizes so quickly!


Idaho PugRanch said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRFDAY FRANKIE FURTER!!! looks like you had a great day and hamburger gravy to top it off!!! Pawsome you deserve it!!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

PEE S Good job on the pressie picking Ernie.

Murphy said...

Aw, Ern, you made that birfday pawty for Frankie! Happy Birfday Frankie!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Frankie.....Hap-Pee Hap-Pee Hap-Pee Birfday to you! didn't mention.....cake!!! Where da cake??? If you gots cake, me's on da way! :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie. We knew you'd celebrate in style.

Roxy has not found any prizes in her monkey or alligator, but she has stopped the monkey from squeaking.

Don't worry about a few grey furs...they make you look distinguished.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Scooter said...


I'm sorry I'm late to your party. My secretary was supposedly busy at work. Ptthtthth. Better late then never, and I'm wishing you the very bestest of days! Looks like your pressies are pawesome and the gravy sounds delish.


Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Cuzzin

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR FRANKIE. We can't believe you are seven cause you look so young and handsome and keep two wives happy as well. You are amazing. Don't worry if you find grey hairs. Don't you know men look distinguished with them and mum says if they worry you too much she can send you some of her boxes of hair colour hehehehehehe. Ernie was a wonderful brother to chews those great presents. Sending you seven hugs and smooches x x x x x x x
NO WORRIES, and LOVE, Stella and Rory

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! AND MANY MORE!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Ruby said...

OMD! OMD! I didn't knows it was your burthday Frankie! Gosh, your the big 7,huh? Sounds like a good one to me!
Wows, that Ernie sure knows how to pick the pressies ~ PAWSOME!! And, that bed...oooooh, that looks super comfy!
I hopes you have like the BESTEST burthday ever Frankie!
pees: nice job gettin' to the crinkly insides...hehehe

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie!
You got pawesome presents!.... and sure Ernie loved them too!
I hope you had a super duper day!
Kisses and hugs

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

That was some Great Birthday stuffs Frankie.... I especially liked the idea of the Hamburger gravy goin' over the kibbles!!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!!

WooooooooHoooooooooo Pawty Pawty Pawty.

You got some great loot. I am sure there are no gray hairs but if there were, it would only make you more handsome BOL

Loveys Sasha

Scooter said...

Happy 7th birthday Frankie!! Now we are both the same age. Love the new bed and now you can take exactly 87 naps on it BOL

Jazzi and Addi

Duke said...

Happy 7th Birthday, Frankie! What a fabulous day you had and your new bed looks so plush!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! You look great for 7...not a gray fur in sight...and Ernie you're just the best brother ever...what a happy day it was

The Army of Four said...

Oh, my!!! Happy birthday, Frankie! Seven! That sounds like a nice age - my brothers said they both enjoyed 7 very much - so I hope you do, too! Happy, happy, HAPPY!

Pat Wahler said...

Happy birthday, Frankie!

Critter Alley

Wyatt said...

Happy Birthday to Youuuu, Mr. Frankie Furter!! Sorry we are late, but you knows that we luvs you a whole bunches!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Asta said...

Can you evew evew fowgive me?????
I just saw that I missed yoow seventh Biwfday. I am hanging my head in shame(of couwse it's mostly my secwetawy's fault, but I take full wesponsibility)
I wish you good health and tweats galowe and wish i coold wun ovew in pawson and give you my betest wishes and gobs of smoochies
love aways

Sagira said...

Happy belated birthday my friend! Sounds like you had a pawsome day!

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Late Birthday!

Stop on by for a visit

ShellePenn said...

Happy Birthday, a bit late
Happy Birthday, a whole lot late
Happy Birthday we love you 7x more than we did before
Happy Birthday, sorry we're late!

And many, many more!!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Unknown said...

Sorry I'm late! It looks like you had a grand time Frankie, happy belated birthday!!