Sunday, June 16, 2013

Garden Update part... "DEW"

Today is FATHER's DAY...     So fur our gift to our DAD... we are dedicating this post to HIM.  We are going to show you the GARDEN...  which grows beclaws of DAD and his dedication to it.   

We have ALREADY been CRUNCHING on some Sugar Snap PEAS...    Mom gives them to us FRESH from the Vine..     They have to have a special fence thingy to climb up...   and the White fake fence is to help keep them growing TOWARD the fence...

 See the RED GATE???      THAT is fur mom and dad...   WE don't bother with it... WE just lift up the side fences and go RIGHT IN and OUT...   BAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAH    ....

 The Snow peas bloom WHITE... and they will bloom and keep making new peas as long as those that are READY keep being PICKED... and trust US... they are picked DAILY...      When we get a nice STASH... mom Blanches and Freezes THOSE fur winter also....   think Chicken Noodle Soup with fresh tasting very good fur you SNOW PEAS... on a JANUARY DAY!!!   Or some just plain Snow Peas with a bit of butter as a side dish...   PURE HEAVEN...   AND mom even cookers some up to put into our HOME MADE Slammin Sammin or Lovin Liver...  
 on either side of this section of cabbages.. are our GREEN BEANS...  they will start blooming in a few weeks... and then we just LIVE on Fresh Green Beans cooked with HAM...    fur like 87 WEEKS...   plus Mom CANS lots of them fur WINTER.
There you have it....   our GARDEN  Updates part One from yesterday and Part "DEW" today.
     Now that we finally got the rain... we DO have DEW in the mornings again .    BaaaaWaaaah that is ANOTHER Frankie Funny for you.
THANK YOU DAD fur....    DEW/DOing so MUCH fur US.      Your BOYS, Frankie and Ernie


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Got lots of Yummy stuff in your garden. Mmmm mom loves Chicken Soup. Have a wonderful Father's Day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Piappies World said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad Frankie and Ernie! That's a lot of fresh healthy veggies you got there.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, Papaw Pantslegs definitely has a green thumb and the garden looks wonderful! I'm not a huge veggie fan, but I love that homemade liver and salmon...I know Mom sneaks veggies and fruit in there for me. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

GOOSE said...

Your dad does a wonderful job with that garden. Oh how I LOVE peas. MOM lets me pick my own. I have gotten very good at it. Sadly there are never enough to put up for winter. Happy Father's Day to you dad.

Murphy said...

Oh, if we only had a garden like that you could NEVER keep us out of it!!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Ambassadors of Love

Anonymous said...

You guys got just the freshest stuffs to eat and we bet Dad does a lot to keep the garden in shape, So a Big Happy Fathers day to him.

The Mad Scots

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful garden - and all this beans - you will have a winter full of music - GREAT! Happy Fathers day to your Dad!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thanks again guys. Happy Day to your Pops
Lily (& Benny)

Sketching with Dogs said...

It must be wonderful growing your own veg, we would love to do it if we had the space.
Lynne x

Millie and Walter said...

You sure do have a cool garden. Happy Father's day to your dad.

Millie & Walter

the booker man said...

dearest frankie and ernie,

firstly, a most exuberant wish for a joyous father's day!

secondly, what a stupendous garden! i, asa, would delight in helping the lot of you maintain it's gloriousness! i shall have to dialogue with my dad about planting some of those lovely snow peas next year.

lastly, but certainly not least, thank you for updating us on benny's situation. booker, mom, and i have paid a visit to benny and left our most sincere and heartfelt wishes.


Anonymous said...

Wow, snappers right off the vine! That is so delicious! Look at all that work to make your garden grow! Your Pops is just awesome for doing all that.

Duke said...

Our mom says that fresh peas off the vine are better than candy! We've never had them before.
Happy Father's day to your dad, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lotsā™„
Mitch and Molly

Sagira said...

Wow, you sure have a big garden. How nice :)

Unknown said...

Our yard isn't styled to have a garden but we are thinking of trying some in tubs. Do you have any suggestions?

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee finks wee needs to come investamagate yor gardin Frankie , it looks most delish yoo nose

marley said...

Oh ...pffft...i fort it was you doin all the werk haz conned me my pal