Friday, May 24, 2013


DO YOU just LOVE ♥ to READ???   WE do!!   and BOY HOWDY do WE have have a super special... book fur you...    BUTT FURST.....  WE are on our way to Pencil Vane E Ah to see Sarge and his mom and dad.....   we will be gone fur 87 WEEKS  SEVERAL days.... and may not be around to visit you all in Blogville...    SO we want to say Happy Memorial Day (Remember those who have SERVED).    We have left a post fur EVERY DAY... just to be sure you would NOT furget us...  We may not comment much (or at all) while we are gone... butt we WILL read as many of your posts as PAWSIBLE...   Sarge has a BUNCH of stuffs planned fur our visit.       
    NOW THEN:.....

Our Dear SWEET Furend    MOLLY THE WALLY    is a BRILLIANT Author...   and she has written a Wonderful book   called     THE SQUIRREL DIARIES. 
      We had heard about it and so we ORDERED it sent to our KINDLE...      
Disclaimer...... WE have NO CLUE why our Flashy beast INSISTS on taking pictures SIDE WAYS like this...  GRRRRRR...     butt you CAN get the idea of what we want to tell you about.

All mom had to do was go to AMAZON and type in   The Squirrel Diaries   and get the book...  and then in LESS than 87 seconds   POOF  there it was... right in the Kindle list of books...

 I KNOW it is SIDEWAYS...  Crappy Camera...  butt you CAN see the title...
 AND   then we said.....  CLICK it MOM and let's Head to the BED and start READIN...
HERE it is....        WE were Shakin and SHIVERIN with the excitements of it...
 JUMP UP HERE MOM....   QUICK     Let's get this show on the Road we say...
 So we got her settled down and Ready...   and we started trying to click the buttons to turn the pages butt we couldn't even do it beclaws we were all nerfuss and stuffs... so MOM had to take over and read it to us...
OMD    OMD    it was a REAL PAGE TURNER  button pusher fur SURE...     We LAUGHED and we HOWLED and SO did MOM...!!   SERIOUSLY our MOM actually Laffed like a Squirrel on STEROIDS!!!          We were STUNNED that she could even UNDERSTAND it... butt Molly is such a super author... that we only had to explain like 87 thingys to her.       We don't want to Spoil ANYTHINGY fur you ... so we will just say that this is a MUST READ Book...    Do yourself a FAVOR...  and your peeps too... (based on OUR mom's reactions)   and GO to AMAZON and GET YOUR COPY !!       WE KNOW that you will  ♥ it, too !!   
Word of WARNING:    Go PEE before you start reading !!    Just sayin..   


Dexter said...

We signed up to get notified when the hard copy is available. Momma does not do that kindle thing. She says she looks at enough words on the computer at work, thank you very much. Sounds like a real page turner.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Thanks Mr Frankie. We are off now to get a copy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

How cool is that? We did not know. Do you know my Sugar's Furry Friend is also in Kindle. Imagine that a squirrel n a chipmunk. Golden Woofs.

BTW: we missed the Today show as we watch Good Morning America

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sounds like a great read. Lee and Phod

Unknown said...

This is great i love it.. Challenge coins

Teddy said...

Lady ordered it to read on her way back to India!

Millie and Walter said...

We bet that book is real funny. That Molly always has us in stitches.

Millie & Walter

Sketching with Dogs said...

We loved the Squirrel Diaries too, it is a brilliant book and a good laugh!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Idaho PugRanch said...

That sounds like a great read! By Molly it has to be fun We will tell Mom to get it. Have a safe and fun trip!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmm...gotta wait for a printed copy cause Mom is technically challenged!

Have a safe trip to Sarge's and try not to pee on his stick this time.

Hap-Pee Memorial Day and have a nice weekend too!


Agnes B. Bullock said...

We just ordered it and had it sent to WHN's iPhone! We adore Molly the Wally and are impatiently waiting for WHN to read this work of art to us!

The Daily Pip said...

I had absolutely no idea that Molly had written a book. Is there anything that girl can't do!!! I have a Kindle and will certainly order it today!!!

Your pal, Pip

asta said...

Dawling Fwankie and Ewnie
Tat book DOES sound like must weed..Molly must be bwilliant to have witten it..i will wemembew to pee befowe weading..thanks fow the hint.
I hooes you and Sawge have a most fantabooloos time togethew this weekend...dwive cawefully!
I hang my head in shame weading that you have a post fow evewy day , while Mommi neglect me and my bloggie fow weeks on end.
I honow ouw soldiews and thank them all
Soochie kisses

Duke said...

We love your word of warning about peeing before reading, Frankie! We're off to check out Molly's book!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

We had better go and check this out!

Unknown said...

Frankie OMD thank you so much. We didn't know you had bought it but we were touched by your kind words. You are the best. No worries about peeing before you read you can always invest in some Tenna ladies. LOL! You really rock friend. Have a great time with Sarge and co and see you soon.
Yours Squirrel Obsessed of London.

GizmoGeodog said...

Momz bought me Molly's book a few weeks ago and we've been reading it together...Molly is such a pawsome writer and Momz is laughing her bunz off

Scooter said...

that's pretty cool. Will have to check on the book.
Have fun with Sarge!!!

Jazzi and Addi

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We have a kindle...two actually, because SHE thought one had been stolen--but that's a long story.

We'll have to check it out.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Mollie said...

Anything wrirtten by Molly will be a real hoot.. I wish I could get it in a book to read..Have a wonderful day xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

K9 Katastrophie said...

we will have to check it out!


Unknown said...

My mom reads alot on her nook and kindle....I occassionally get to listen to books (paws are just to big to "turn the page". Looks like a great read.

marley said...

Woooo....whenever i menshun da evil squizzle on my blog i gets billions of extra vizzytors my pal...i ope you leevin da blog well stocked while you be gone

Sagira said...

Have a GREAT time with Sarge and his parents. :)

Reuben said...

I has done a downloading of both fantastic books, yet my chewing and napping schedule is OUT OF CONTROL and I no has found even an 87th of a second to read thems! So thanks for not doing spoilers :) Have fun with the crabitat girls and the Sargeon. Get it? Like a doctor... ok that was lame....


Unknown said...

I just went and ordered it based upon your recommendation. Can't wait to read it. :-)

ShellePenn said...

Mom bought hers for the kindle the day you posted about this... she hasn't finished it. She got the tummy sickness right after she bought it. Perhaps it was all those talks about squirrels that set her stomach off.

She is looking forward to reading it soon.

Speaking of, mom has like 17,000 books in her kindle library (from where she shared books while at Apple) so if you ever want to borrow anything, just let her know. Mom can just email to your kindle :)

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,