THIS is our new INTERMUTTS provider thingy.... It is called a Jet Pac 4G Mi Fi That is funny.... they made a Wi Fi Pun .
We couldn't get it to NOT have glare... the silver phone is our Land Line handset... the Black one is Dad's Cell Phone... all opened up... and the WIRE thingy.. is what charges our intermutts thingy up.
Check it out.... it is 4 inches Long and 2.25 inches Wide and half an inch high... actually SMALLER than a Smart/iPhone thingy.... There is a bright red LIGHT thingy that goes around it.... you can't see it in these two pictures... and fur SOME reason... in the basket picture... it looks PINK... BaaaaWaaah...
Here is where it LIVES....
There are NO wires coming into the House... NO MODEM and
IN FACT.... If I take take the Jet Pac ... I could take my YapStop to the PARK for Park Day... and be totally connected and see what all of YOU are doing in OTHER parts of the Blogville Park...
We can even take it on VACATION and stay in touch with you... Isn't that COOL?
AND guess what ELSE?????? YES, furends there IS more... THIS Verizon thingy is $40.00 LESS per month.
We think this thingy is working quite well. The only downside (so far) is that we did have to ask all of you to send us an email so that we would be able to Store YOUR addys in our Contacts.
And we REALLY REALLY do appreciate all of you fur doing that fur us. We KNOW it was a pain under your tails .
We DID go into our Blog thingy and FIX it so that it now Shows our New Email Addy... that way anybuddy who missed our posts about the new addy will be able to find it THERE under the Tab called CONTACT ME...
Now to tell you about What the WildBlue Tech Supervisor told us... when he came to our house on Thurs. April 11th. 2012, to take away the big DISH from our Roof... and the Tria and the Modem... he told us.... that FINALLY WildBlue was Admitting that ALL THIS TIME SINCE OCTOBER 26th, 2013 ( 5 1/2 MONTHS) all the troubles we have had with our intermutts...... was beclaws THEY have a PROBLEM with the Satellite BEAM.
it was NOT my YapStop...
it was NOT my Router
It was NOT their Modem
It was not the Wire coming from the Roof through the Wall and into THEIR MODEM.
It was NOT our Surge Protector
It was NOT our WALL PLUG
It was NOT ANYTHINGY that we did Wrong. ALL that TIME it was THEM and their BEAM.
FINALLY after all the HOURS mom spent on the PHONE with their Tech peeps and all the DAYS we had to stay home... WAITING fur Tech Guys to actually come HERE to TRY and FIX stuffs that were NOT Broken.. All that time.... it was THEM and their Stupid Satellite Beam... which they have TOO MANY CUSTOMERS ... TRYING to use.
Bye Bye WILDBLUE..... you are HISTORY !! Just Sayin'.
My Master finally convinced Momma to give up the land line. She hates the cell phone stuff because she keeps saying it is stupid half duplex communication, whatever that means. Oh well. Welcome to the 21st century, right?
Totally pawsome that something so small can do so much! We're glad you got rid of the P U Wild Blue stinky satellite connection.
Now that it's all said and done, it's time to kick up your paws and get on with living that great doxie life!
Three cheers for modern technology!
Lily Belle & Muffin
Scottie beam up wildblue and send them to Mars...bye bye so glad you are gone wild blue.
Love the size of it too.
Whew it was a long 3 or 4 months for you we know and a ton of aggravation
Hugs madi your BFFF
Finally the truth. Do you think it set them free? I think so, so you, Frankie Furter, set them free from you forever.
You sent them free!? Whew good to know its gone! -Leo
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what cool gizmos! I'm so glad that WB is gone gone gone. Too much trouble with those technopeeps. Small is good where tech is concerned and your connection seems to be great! Yipeee!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Ahhhhhhhhh ha did someone say rebate.
$40.00 less per month is lots of dough for more treats and beer.
Glad you are finally fixed. BOL
xo Cinnamon
That little thingy is great! So did Wild Blue give you any money back for almost 6 months of crappy service?
yeah mom says she is always broke cos it cost like fort knox to have our wireless here in the wilds in iowa.....i wonder just how you break a beam, um.....well we are sure glad you are back guys cos we always miss you when you are gone.
stella rose
Bad bad Wild Blue. I am glad they finally admitted their problem! And look at that thinger you have now that works just perfectly!! Awesome!
So glad you are having good Intermutts now! We never saw such a gadget before!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
That is hay-mazin tek you haz dere Frankie....i dussnt fink our wifi be mobile like yors....although I haz to say it is purrty goood and strong
So long Wild Blue! Hope that you have fantastic service from now on!
Looks likes you guys are all fixed up. Thanks for all the info. We'll pass it along.
Have a great day.
hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles
Hope Wild Blue gives you a big refund. Glad it's all fixed, so frustrating. That yap stop is really cool
Benny & Lily
Good you are all fixed. We went through similar last year with century link. Furst thing they would ask is "is it plugged in?" WHAAT! After many calls and a new modem they finally admitted it was a problem with their line. By then Mom had decided ADIOS to them. We are happy with our cable but yours is nice and portable,that is pawsome!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta
I love how only after they are losing a customer they admit to wrong doing! I like the travel options you have with the provider, that's pretty awesome!
Wow that looks fantastic. I really like the way you can take it with you when you go anywhere. Bet they don't have any internets like that here, pffftt!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Woo to the Hoo!! Intermutts that works!! I am so happy fur y'all!
Your new gizmo sounds really cool! I hope it works out nicely for you.
I want such a small magic box too... we have a large thingy as big as a fridge from the 50s :o) Now I know why they call europe the "old" world" :o)Maybe in 87 years we will get a small box too :o)
I'll hope i can be there too and maybe it will happen!
I'll tell Ollie to pray about it too.
$40 less means more treats for Frankie and Ernie!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
What a lot of trouble and wasted time because they wouldn't admit it was THEIR problem. What squirrels!!!
Hope the new thingy keeps working!
XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy
So cool!
That is pretty Snazzi!! Glad that it working great for you now!!
Jazzi and Addi
They (WildBlue) sounds like Telstra in Australia, incompetent but not able to admit it!
never saw that JetPack thingy before...gonna have to ask Verizon about it now
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