Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snowmen Day # 4

So how are you holding up my Furends????    Have you hit SNOWMAN Overkill yet????   
    Speaking of OVERKILL...    WE have some new cards to add to OUR list ....
Paper Cards from:
Brinks and Bella    the Houston Pittie Pack
Bailey and Katy
********************* THANK YOU .....  we loved your cards!!!
OUR new TOTAL is     4 E-cards and 25 Paper cards
Mom and Dad still are stuck in    ZERO Mode...         

We also want to tell you that ....  PAWS CROSSED...  we DO seem to have Full Connectivity... the Last time we lost connection was on   Thurs. Nov. 29th.. and THAT only lasted fur 5 minutes.          Let's HOPE that the Wildblue    THIRD PARTY   repair GUY... who works fur DIRECT TV.... actually   DID get us all fixed up !!!!     
   Now fur your Daily Dose of.....

Holy Gwalk A Moley......   I have NO idea WHY this one is soooooooooo big...      Notice the Dachshund pretend Nutcracker...   THAT was a special pressie from Minna Krebs... and Ernie and I went all stelthy    sneaky quiet like and slid it in.    MOM has not EVEN noticed it...  BaaaaWaaaah  She is prolly... SNOWMEN BLIND or somethingy.    
 Notice the ONE AND ONLY SANTA... and the Flower Pot BELL????    Mom ALWAYS puts those out... She made them herself.....   87 years ago....    and she puts them out so she can PROVE that she is NOT   excessive complusive... and Poopie Retentive...    where these SNOWMEN are concerned...   BUTT we Don't Buy her feeble attempt.  Do you??????
 EVEN the Night Lights get their NORMAL covers RIPPED taken off and SNOWMEN Covers SMASHED lovingly applied to them.  
 I don't know about YOU butt Ernie and I think these FAKE Smiles look.... EVIL.  
     They have already started making US have NIGHT MARES SQUIRRELS.  


Lovable Lily said...

We hope that you sleep with one eye open at night! Otherwise, who knows what all those snowmen do in the middle of the night.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Yikes we are gonna be having nightsquirrels pretty soon. Ditto Lily, sleep with one eye open pals. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, just when you think there couldn't possibly be any more...
BAM! There they are! BWAR HAR HAR. I'm partial to the hunter snowman and my Mom likes the one that sings I'm A SnowMan!
BTW: No real snowmen right now with the temps in the 60s!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

GOOSE said...

And they just keep coming. Do you have to keep your house super cold to keep them Snowmen happy. Maybe if you turned up the heat to tropical levels they will all disappear.

stellaroselong said...

We tried to take a picture of our moms obessions last night but the darn camera is to dark and you could only see their ghastly outlines....i agree with goose turn the heat up and melt those suckers!!
stella rose

Millie and Walter said...

I think the snowmen are cute, but I would rather see pictures of you and Ernie because you two are cuter.


Matilda the Boxer said...

I like the dachshund fake nutcracker! We have a boxer one on our tree. It's Cinderella's Gotcha ornament, because it looks JUST like her. Well, if she was dressed like a nutcracker. BOL!

Unknown said...

ok so some of the snowmen look a little creepy with their happy smiles! What about the snow-women????hahahahaha

Patrice and Higgins said...

So I take it you don't want any snowmen for Christmas?!?


My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and Ernie...we are just in day 4 and we can totally see why you would think your mom's mind has been frozen by the quantity of snowmen thingies she has. One question are we going all the way up to day 25 with frosty pics?

Yes those last snow peeps are probably really tree rats in disguise.
hugs Madi your BFFF
PS we don't have any snowmen here so feel free to come on down.

Remington said...

Night squirrels....ha ha! Awesome snowmen!

Duke said...

The Doxie nutcracker is too cute! Keep bringin' on the snowmen, Frankie. We're loving it!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Websters said...

E-cards...now maybe I can get Mrs. Master to commit to an e-card and she won't be so stressed out about choosing one.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Glad to see your connectivity is working. You'll get our ecard version too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Two French Bulldogs said...

When we saw the snowmans on your card we laughed. Thank you
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Oh Guy, hope you can survive until Christmas is over. For us, thats more then likely the closest will will get to real snowmen, TO WARM HERE.

Your Pals
Susie & Officer Bites

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Who knew there were that many kinds of snowmen/woman in the world.....

Good for Ernie putting in the Nutcracker!

We thought you must be having Nightsquirrels.

XXXOOO daisy, bella &Roxy

Corbin said...

I have a spoiler alert... my Christmas card won't have any snowmen on it, okay?

Pat Wahler said...

You do have your share of snowmen!

Critter Alley

Murphy said...

We love the snowmen. BUTT we are getting worried that you have not received our card. Did your mailman keep it??

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Dexter said...

Even your Christmas card had snowmen on it! Every year, out they come. We have NO snowmen. I wonder if that's a good thing. Maybe one would be OK, but something tells me two could lead to trouble.


Backcountry Brodie said...

I is so glad I was able to come to your rescue with falling waters. Geesh, the horrors of the snowmans at you house. Hey, guess wot? I has TWO, count them, TWO wiener dogs coming to stay at my B&B week after next. I will ask them if they know Frankie Furter and Ernie. Their names is Charlie and Nathan (as in Nathan's Famous Hotdogs, BOL).

Ruby said...

OMD! Those a ALOT of snowmen guys! Know whats? Ma was shopping yesterday, and saw snowmen, and thoughts of your Ma!! She almost got em' for her, butts then she realized that your Moms has EVERY snowman ever made, so she probally already has em'! See, this 'snowman on the brain' is CONTAIGIOUS!! HELP!


Bassetmomma said...

That's a lot of snowmen. Love the nutcracker! :)

Sagira said...

You sure have a lot of snowmen

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm gonna have nightmares!

Unknown said...

Goodness! You guy's weren't kidding about the snowman mania - we have never seen so many ornaments and snowmen!
Wally & Sammy

Mollie said...

I'd be scared out of me fur'z guy'z, seeing all those face'z looking at me..BOL Glad your intwernet connection is going OK..Have a great Wednesday xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

What would happen if you and Ernie stoll a snowman?

marley said...

I haz had to gib up countin the snowmen Frankie.....I do not haz enuff paws for any more.....