Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We are HOME....

 Daisy and Bella and Roxie asked how our Milkbone Tree Harvest was coming this year...  Here they are....
 We did NOT get as big a crop this year .... due to the HIGH Temperatures and Drought.  BUTT....
 We Did get some NICE Fresh ones... picked Right from the Vines... and were able to CAN a FEW fur the long cold winter.        At LEAST we won't STARVE.   WHEW...      
 We got home YESTERDAY afternoon from SARGE's House... you know he lives in the State of TOTAL CONFUSION    Pencil Vane E Ah.      It takes like 87 hours to get from OUR house on the HILL... to HIS house on the MOUNTAIN...    Seriously... It is a 4 Pee Stop Ride.        
      Well, when he saw Us.......   he put on his   WILD  Happy Face... that we would like to THANK Molly  the Wally fur being able to SHOW YOU!!    This REALLY does look EXACTLY like Sarge does when he sees us.  At least at Howl O weenie time...    AND WE DID HOWL  when we saw him.  
We surely are glad to be back with everybuddy.    Hope YOU had a super weekend and beginning to your week.
PeeS....  Miss SARAH...  Mona and Weenie's Mom had to have gall bladder surgery on Friday Oct. 5th..    She came through the surgery OK butt could use some nice words from Blogville.   Just click the link above to leave your words.      THANKS...


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Where do I get the seeds for that milk bone plant!! I want!!!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

The DIVA Shasta here - yes, we Beaglebratz wood love tue haf a whole orchard of thoze milkbone treez - may-b that way Nozey Butt Shiloh MITE stop stealin'MY treatz, espeshally MY barkday treatz.

So glad u iz bak now - missed u.

Unknown said...

Love the milk bones. Thank you it was a pleasure and we hoped you enjoyed Frankie and Ernies' ones too. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Teddy said...

Think Milkbone trees will grow in India?

GOOSE said...

So glad you are back from Sarge's place. I bet he was sad to see ya go. Milk Bone tree?? How come I have never heard of this? I think MOM has been withholding information from me.

3 doxies said...

Nows does you has to fertilize them trees? I reckon you would to keeps them all healthy and stuffs. I would say we would try dis but you knows da kerazy lady can't grows nuttin', can I come pick my own bushel?

So freakin' happy ya'll is home.


Bassetmomma said...

Boy I'd like some seeds from your tree there Frankie along with the recipe for canning those treats! :)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wee's on a breaky fur a couple of weeks since brudder Benji lefted fur da Bridge and we gots two new introoders livin wit us now, butt me had to stop by and say HI and welcome back! Nice harvest you got dere. Can me come visit you now??

The Daily Pip said...

Would you mind dropping a couple of those bones through the bars of my cell ...they don't feed me in here!

Your jailbird pal, Pip

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, great crop you got there! I know you all have green dewclaws. BOL. Looks like you got just enough rain, combined with some pee, to get a small stash. Jees, I slept like a rock yesterday after you little guys WEAR ME OUT!!! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

marley said...

Hmmm...i fink we mite need a cuttin from the tree Frankie. They dussnt grow naturally in the UK. At least I never seen one.

Wyatt said...

Glad to see your successful Milkbone have to get through the winter!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, I has never heard of a MilkBone tree before!! I've GOT to get some seeds for that. Can you just plant pieces of a MilkBone, or do you need special seeds?

My Mind's Eye said...

OMS(tars) who knew state of O Hi O
has milkbone trees...which leads me to believe there might possibly be
Catnip trees there too. How would you boys like a cat sib who can scale high counter tops and will gladly knock a fee pieces of foodables down your way.
Hugs Madi your BFFF

stellaroselong said...

Now my noncooking robot mom is all confused about these milkbone trees you are talking about ...who knew you could grow food right along with cooking it...well not my mom....we are all glad you had a great time at sarges and made it safely back home!!!
stella rose

The Websters said...

Welcome home. I gotta get me one of those trees.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!! Momma wants to know where she can get one of those trees :) Ok, maybe not, maybe I want to know so I can tell her about it!

Declan said...

Wow a bone tree!I must go outside and plant some of my Salmon Parcel training treats immediately.... thanks for the tip mate! Deccy x

The Army of Four said...

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! All the time Zim and I spend supervising our mom's gardening efforts (from inside the comfort of the air-conditioned house) and she didn't plant a Milk Bone Tree?!!?! We've never even HEARD of this!
OK, seriously, Frankie. Where did you get your seeds? Wayside Gardens? Where!?!? I MUST get Mom to grow us one!!!

Noodles said...

Frankie, you sure do can some nice Milk Bones.
Do you grow your MB trees from seeds or plants?
Love Noodles

Peggy Frezon said...

Glad you had fun!! Could you send us some milkbone tree seeds?

Patrice and Higgins said...

4 Pee stops...that is a long way!!

Now, please do I get me a milkbone tree??


Hannalei said...

Hmms.. did you plant some mini toy sized milk bones? Gonna have to try that for the Weens. :)

Sarah & le Weens

Duke said...

We need to send our mom to the garden center. We want a MilkBone tree too!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

WFT Nobby said...

Welcome home Frankie and Ernie. Now about that Milkbone tree, did it grow from seed, or a cutting? And what time of year was it planted. Would it survive the Aberdeen climate?
These are important questions...
Toodle pip!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Welcome home! Frankie please send us milkbone tree seeds
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You might not have got a bumper harvest.....but you got some prime Milkbones there.

Sarge was sure scary lookin' did you have to take your playpen....we mean Mobile Mayor's Office with you?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sweet William The Scot said...

A four pee stop break for a dog! WOW Sarge must live on the moon not in the big woods in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh Frankie! We are sooo glad you are back! Your Milkbone harvest looks great!


Sagira said...

You guys sure are lucky to have your own milkbone tree! :)

Murphy said...

Glad you are back home! Now, are you selling seeds to that milk bone tree? Cuz we need to plant a few at our house!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Dachshund Nola said...

I want one!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We wants some of dose trees in our back yard! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Reuben said...

oh wow you gots quite a fine crop there! if DEA comes, just tells them you thoughted it was potatoes.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...we just wanna know where you got the seeds for that tree...we want one!!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

You guys look great. How did you do the Franken... pix?

Sherry said...

What smart dogs you are, knowing that Milkbones grow on trees. Alanis and Miro think treats like that grow in a cookie jar. How silly!

Kari in Alaska said...

What a great harvest!

Stop on by for a visit

Scooter said...

Those milkbones are looking pretty Snazzi!! You should be set for the winter. Glad that you made it home again safely.

Jazzi and Addi

Sankissjuice said...

Hehe, you got me giggling at 4 pee wee stops! And those milkbones photos are super hilarious. Well done!!!! Miss ya!


Asta said...

That milk bone cwop might not be big this yeaw, but shoowe looks good..did you know that they have NO milk bone twees hewe in Boo da Pest. And NO Haloween? You'd think a place that stawts wif BOO. Would at least have Halloween, but sadly no. Sooo glad you got home all safe and sound
Smoochie kisses

Oskar said...

It looks like a pretty good harvest. Glad you are home safely!

Nubbin wiggles,