Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our Fall and Winter BRUSH PILE

Every Fall when Dad tears down the garden... he BUILDS a big Brush Pile... fur the birds to use when eating at our Feeders.     We LOVE the brushpile...
This shows us exploring it...  and ME (Frankie Furter) waiting fur MOM to get a couple of green peppers to THROW fur us.   WE LOVE to chase them and then the BONUS is.. we get to EAT our Catch.   See me TRYING to show the dummy mom what we want her to do?    
Now TOMORROW  we are taking Mom and Dad to the Circleville Pumpkin Show.     We went Last year... when Ernie had only been My PUPPY fur 6 days...   he was such a baby back then that he does NOT even remember going there.   So I guess we will be gone like ALL DAY...  just so you know that I might not be around to everybuddy's blog.        I hope that Ernie and I get PUMPKIN I Scream.       OH BOY is that stuffs ever good!!   AND guess what...  there will be a PET PAWrade...  fur us to WATCH.    Ernie SLEPT through it last year.   Bet he won't make THAT mistake again.   I'm just sayin.


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

We call peppers capsicums here, I think I need to try one, you guys seem to like them!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What does Ernie think is in that brush pile....?!

Sounds like you're going to have a terrific day out. Get lots of pictures.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

hey, Barb left us a comment the other day when we used her photos. Good to hear from her.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I go nutso for red ones...... They are so much sweeter!

Have fun at the outing!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Backcountry Brodie said...

Frankie, you woz looking a little like a brush pile towards the end there, BOL. But I was holding my bref coz it looked like you woz getting reddy to leave some PEE mail and I was so afraid your video would turn out to be X-rated, YOWZA!

Anonymous said...

WOW! THat pile is HUGE!!! Have fun at the pumpkin show tomorrow, I bet you will have a lot of fun!

My Mind's Eye said...

Nothing better than a big pile of brush to bring out the Doxie in you. sure to look closely there could be squirrels and birdies hiding in there.
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys enjoy the day out, you guys doing the parade or just watching?

Your Pals
Spooky She Devil Susie & Mitey Bites the Vampire Scottie

Remington said...

That is one big pile....enjoy your day, my friends!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Ooooh, punkin i-scream? That sounds super nummy!

Unknown said...

We have never had peppers. Have a fun time at the pumpkin and dog parade. Do we get to see pix? Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Frankie you snooter looks a bit muddy in your movie and I think you have a little something stuck to your furs. I guess that is a hazard when you have such long furs like you do.


stellaroselong said...

We would love playing in the brush but mom gets all freaky when she sees a stick cos she is afraid we will poke our bludgy eyes out....we have NO FUN in our yard at all...except when i escape and run to the apple tree!!
stella rose

Anonymous said...

We recently discovered the goodness that are red and green bell peppers thanks to you guys and Jazzie's Taco Day!! Mom put them on our tacos for us and we've been hooked every since.

Enjoy the outing tomorrow you lucky pups!

Wally & Sammy

GOOSE said...

I love to sniff around our pile too. Lots of critters seem to like it as well. Always interesting sniffs around it.

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh, lucky boys to be able to play catch with peppers!

Have fun!


The Websters said...

Oh! I bet you are going ot get all kinds of love and scratches at the pumpkin show.


LetterstoAndrew said...

Sounds like fun Frankie, make sure your mom takes lots of pictures for us!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

WOWZERZ Frankie - u git tue due all KINDZ of fun stuffz - haf sum fun fur uz Beaglebratz tue!
Shiloh'n The DIVA Shasta

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, great video! Congrats to Mamaw for her filming technique. I'm not sure who's luckier...the birdies or the pooches. BOL.

Pssst, hey've got dirt on your nose and crap on your tail! Oh, BWAR HAR HAR!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Two French Bulldogs said...

What fun trying to catch peppers in the pepper catch pile. Have fun at the pumpkin show tomorrow. rnie doesn't remember nothing because she was so tiny. You better fill him in Frankie
Benny & Lily

rottrover said...

We love seeing you two in MOTION!! YOu have such floofy tails!! We have tail envy. Just sayin'...

-Bart and Ruby

The Army of Four said...

Wow, is that exciting! And I would LOVE to snoof through ALL of that! And snarf stuff, too. Because ... I love to snarf stuff I'm not supposed to.
Play bows,

detroit dog said...

You are such Lucky dogs to have such big playthings and toys you can eat!

Lovable Lily said...

Totally pawsome pile you got going there! One to be very proud of. And the video is great too. Always a pleasure watching the two of you run around.

Have fun tomorrow on your outting. Take some pictures for us. That's gonna be a fun day.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Murphy said...

Pumpkin I Scream!! That will be yummy!!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Blueberry's human said...

That's so funny! I have never heard of dogs chasing bell peppers before! What fun!

Ruby said...

OMD! What a STRUT you have there Frankie!! I guess that's how you became Mayor, huh??
Ernie is just full of energy!



Jo's World said...

I would Scream for Punkin Ice Scream too, Frankie. What a tasty flavor.

You and your pawrents have a very fun time tomorrow, Ernie too. It will all be new to him this year.



Smile With Your Tail said...

WOW, let the fun commence!!


Dachshund Nola said...

I love green pepper!

Duke said...

We are so hoping that you and Ernie get pumpkin ice cream too, Frankie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Oskar said...

It sounds like you are going to have a blast!

Nubbin wiggles,

Patrice and Higgins said...

OMD, that brush pile is HUGE!! Have a great day tomorrow!!


Stewey said...

WOW - that is one huge pile!
Hey, were those green peppers stuffed? BOL!

Bassetmomma said...

That is one cool brush pile you two get to explore! Have fun tomorrow!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie. Now we know you and Little Ernie are manly men, BUTT mum thinks you are sooooo cute. We told her to stop being soppy but she still squeeeed when she watched your video. Have fun at the Pumpkin show mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Ziggy Stardust said...

Pumpkin ice cream???? Did you say pumpkin ice cream??? I love your brush pile...does it taste like pumpkins?...leaves are pawsome. I hope Ernie stays awake this year and I hope you all...pumpkin ice cream??...have a blast at the pumpkin fest. Does pumpkin ice cream have seeds?? Does it have eyes and a mouth. I want pumpkin ice cream. Mommy.....

Loveys Sasha

Mollie said...

That is one great brush pile :) Peppers, I've never tried one of those. Have a great time at the Pumpkin place :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky! I love all things pumpkin so I'm sure I'd like that ice cream too!

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

You guys look so cute!
I can't believe you get to eat your catch :)

Bicontinental Dachshund said...
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Bicontinental Dachshund said...

Have fun at the Circleville Pumpkin Show and be sure to get some I Scream. Even if I could scream I still wouldn't get ice cream, so be sure to eat some extra I Scream fur me. And please keep Ernie awake during the doggie parade this time :)

Anonymous said...

What a great pile of sticks! I notices you had a bunch of trash stuck in your furs again pal BOL! Your Mom must be pretty accomplished at cleanin you up ;)

Waggin at ya,