Monday, October 1, 2012

OH DEER...... GOOD to the BONE

FURST......   It is HOWL O Ween Month... ALREADY...   I'm just sayin.

NEXT....  Sat. Sept. 29th. was the FURST day of Deer (ARCHERY) season here.    Dad and our furend Jerry went out... OF COURSE... and fur ONCE... Ol' Sure Shot... did NOT bring in the FURST Deer of the Season.   NOPE...  the big SLACKER got left behind  his furend got the furst one this year.  
Here I am showing Ernie how to sniff the hooves to see where all the deer had been.  And then tellin him that SOON.... VERY SOON we would have some DELICIOUS ... FRESH BONES to chew on.      OMD OMD..... How I WISH you all had SniffOBlogs..  PURE HEAVEN I tell you.   It took like 87 HOURS fur MOM to FINALLY have a few bites of Fresh Raw Meats fur us to sample.    ERNIE went WILD...         OK OKAY... So did I.   then it took another 87 HOURS fur dad to get us some DELICIOUS Front Leg bones...    I thought we were BOTH gonna FAINT from the LONG wait.       
     I chewed All the meats off of MINE and then gnawed on the bone fur HOURS..  ERNIE ate HIS meat and then...  he spent the REST of the DAY...   Playing HIDE and SEEK with the Bone.   I kid you NOT... that boy has HOLES and HIDEY places all over the Hill now.   The last time I checked he was taking it OUT of Dad's WoodShed and hiding it UNDER one of the Tomato Plants.    He has ROCKS and STICKS and Bark (the TREE kind) and GRASS stuck ALL over it.  
     I am only gonna show you ONE picture beclaws... well, I don't want any FAINTING and stuffs going on out there in Blogville.   
 Here is just a Sneak Peek at my Post fur Jazzi's TACO DAY....    THIS is MY Taco Bell Place in Zanesville, OH..... butt YOU can go to YOURS ... OR to any Mexican Restaurant... OR>>>>>>  you could have your mom make YOUR tacos.... at HOME... and put in the stuffs that YOU like and are allowed to eat..       Do it YOUR way.    Just have a TACO on OCT. 4th. with the REST of Us...  
PeeS.... Jennifer Jeep is not IN this picture beclaws I was IN Jennifer... and getting ready to go around to the DRIVE Away WINDOW...  


GOOSE said...

I like that Erniew hides his bones, and other stuffs, all over. I do the samething with my tooth cleaning thingy. MOM won't let me bring it in after that. I don't know why, it just has what I call "a little seasoning on it". Can't wait for Taco Thirsday.

Lovable Lily said...

Now if we didn't know any better, I would have said that the blue thingy in the driveway was a hammer (in the furst picture). Then you took the blue hammer and "el~kabong'd" that ol'e deer over the head. Butt then we read your story... You are so lucky to be getting those bones for sure! They sound yummy.

Hope Dad catches the big one soon!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Wow lucky you with the bones. Here up in Scotland they make dog chews out of antlers and hoofs. I haven't tasted one yet. Well yummy. Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Remington said...

I am sad for the deer....I understand hunting but it still makes me sad....

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Me would luv to play hidey wit my stuffs butt every buddy in my pack is very good at playing seeky!

Peggy Frezon said...

Are there any antlers for you to chew on? I hear they're good!

Sankissjuice said...

I thought only doggies in cartoons and books actually hide their bones. Hehe, because mine don't. He feels the best hiding place for his food is his stomach! Haha. My taco post is ready too!!!!

Let's have a feast soon!!!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Those bones sound wonderful but we don't like knowing where they come from
Benny & Lily

The Websters said...

Oh, you are the LUCKIEST dogs. So so so so lucky. DELICIOUS I'm sure.


Finn said...

OMD, I couldn't look at the deer but the thought of the taco is making my mouth water! We are ready for ours!

Matilda the Boxer said...

They're saving the antlers for you, right? And the hooves? I love to chew on deer hooves!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hey Frankie - the DIVA Shasta here. I read over at the Heartbeats that they deaded a possum fur their mom’z prezent only fur sum weird reezon she didn’t like it so much. So I wuz wunderin’boutz a possum pizza with a little deer meat on it tue. Whaddya think?

Oh an'mom went out yestaday an'got stuff tue make us Beaglebratz sum chiken tacoz - deer meat tacoz sound good tue!

ShellePenn said...

We have never had fresh bones... we are packing our bags and are coming to your house for the next deer!! :D

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Dachshund Nola said...

You're so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Deer hummmmmmmm, we got some here close by , but Mom & dad only hunt at the food store. As for the taco's why is everybody waiting for Thrusday, we been practicing for two weeks, u-knows, cause we can. Once Mom gave us one the feasting was on, I swear, that Bites could eat a truck load!

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

Bassetmomma said...

Oh deer! I mean dear!

Murphy said...

I like to hide bones but Stanley finds them. We are glad you didn't eat the whole deer.

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Hannalei said...

Oh my goodness ... my eyes popped when I saw two little furries nibbling on a deer leg. :)

My kids get bones once in a while but I think they are rather partial to chewing on each other. Little weirdos they are. :)

Sarah & le Weens

WFT Nobby said...

I am going to email blogger and demand that they develop a SniffOBlog gadget.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who has to make do with the occasional antler).

HH and The Boys said...

Oh My... we don't eat deer but it sounds like you had a great day of it. I know you love those bones.

Huge, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

Frank The Tank said...

Bow-Wow you guys are sooooooo lucky, I love the photo, you both look like you are loving it, I bet you both went totally crazy over the meat! Mum thinks hunting is cruel but I would love to nibble on that delicious deer! Yummers! I love to hide my bones, I cry until I find just the right place, then later I get it and nibble all night long! Heaven!
Howl-o-ween is Mums favorite celebration, she really gets in to it! What are you going to dress up as to trick or treat? Me and MY Ernie may do a double act this year, like hot dog and ketchup! BOL!
Yum Tacos, Mum loves hers with loads of Jalapenos on, she eats them out of the jar at home, she loves spicy food! Don't tell anyone but I had one once by mistake and I had the most horrendous poops all over the kitchen! Oops!
Love and Licks from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We can't wait for Thursday. Are you going to have a venison taco?

Those bones sound delicious!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Anonymous said... wanna know something kinda...haha...kind a funny? And, well, a little bits embarrassing? Um...I never knew that deer meat actually came from a, well, DEER. See, when my dad goes hunting, he brings it back in these little white packages already ground up and stuff. We never gets to see the ACTUAL deer. I think I'm gonna haves to talk to my dad about that this year! PLUS, he never brings us any of the bones! I'm gonna have to talk to him abouts that, too.

Wiggles & Wags,

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, we're with Bertie, we want blogger to invent a smellie thingy too so we could have a sniff. Enjoy your bones mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Duke said...

Does that deer have antlers too, Frankie? We love antlers! You guys are so lucky!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

I remember that you love those antlers!! You both are very lucky!!

Jazzi and Addi

Reuben said...

I's glad your friend gotted a DOE instead of a DUI! and that you had a little slice of bone heaven.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Frankie...I am now thanks to you becoming a VEG I TARIAN....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....and you said you're gonna make it into tacos? What? That's not what you said and I'm an idiot? Sheesch.

Scruffy said he was just tryin' to catch that old Groundhog to put on the grill...GROOOOSSSSSS.

Now I'd like to order some spring rolls, tofu and a nice piece of CAKE...with frosting.

Oh....did you know Scruffy bit a deer hoof once? Cept there was a deer on the end of it...boy, that caused quite the stir around harm done to either animal...

XXOO Miss Lacie Teacakes

Scrappy Angel said...

we have bow hunters in our house too - Blogville probably can't take all the photos fur sure!

you are very fortunate to get bones to hide - if I could have just one, I would have the most secret place to hide it!

marley said...

Ah i see where da bones did come from. Stoopid typist readin blogs in reverse order!! Pawsome....we not allowed to shoot deer in da UK tho...