Saturday, October 13, 2012


 Just look at what has happened to MY Favorite Maple Tree.     It is my Favorite beclaws ....
It is under there that I get to do some of my bestest digging fur ground moles... which I call Gwalk A Moley digging.      NOW my tree is all YELLOW and SUNNY looking... BUTT it is dropping its LEAVES and THAT makes me very much SAD.     In the Winter the moles go WAY TOO Deep fur me to get to them... and it is also WAY to FAR fur me to go to even get there.   I FREEZE on my way down my front HILLSIDE.    I know you can't tell how STEEP and Long the hill is... butt let me tell you... it is a LONG way to go to do my imPAWtant works.   Have you noticed how EARLY it GETS DARK TIME now???  WAY TOO EARLY...   I'm just sayin.    


Lovable Lily said...

Oh we're noticing all the changes too! In fact, it's 23 outside this morning. Yup, a real heat wave...

Lily Belle

Anonymous said...

There's definitely some changes happening outside. Today, my Momma said she saw frost on the car! Ughghghhg.

Unknown said...

Oh no it's the end of the diggin season for you. Yep def getting darker earlier. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Millie and Walter said...

We live near Lily Belle and are freezing our paws off this morning! Our trees are changing color and loosing their leaves too.

Millie & Cindy

How Sam Sees It said...

The boys are missing their long days now - once it is dark, Mom falls asleep, which sometimes these days is at 6pm!


Anonymous said...

We are not having falls here. Our trees are still very green! I like Florida, but I miss changing leaves. Thanks for sharing yours with me!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh Frankie we a bit jealous. We r missing so much our favorite season, Fall. For Winter yes too cause I love to play in the snow. Happy Weekend. We have not heard from Sarge, hope they r okay. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ruby said...

Oh noes! Whatcha gonna do now Frankie?? You can come here and chase evil sqirrels with me! No shortage of them around!



My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Frankie..oh pooh you will have to find a warmer p,ace to dig,,maybes her are treasures under the couch cushions!?
Mom says she is tried of stumbling out of ben at O'dark 30

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Still HOT tree colors! All I's can say is...BLAH! No GaGA MOLEEs eider!

Murphy said...

We noticed that this morning at 7:00 a.m. it was still pitch dark outside!! What is happening? You mean it will get too cold to dig? I hope that doesn't happen to us but mom says it will. We never had winter before!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

The World According to Garth Riley said...

I like the cooler weather, but don't like that it gets dark so early. That means sometimes our evening walkies are in the dark and we can't go to the river on weekdays because it gets dark too soon.

your pal,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Just the opposite here, mate. Except that we don't have hills...BOL!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

GOOSE said...

That is a very nice tree. I can see why you like it so much. If ya ever need a helping paw or two to dig just give me a bark. I'll be right there. Maybe in the winter you could use your ear warmers for paw warmers.

The Army of Four said...

That is one HUGE and beautiful tree! Thanks for sharing! (We love that flag in the foreground, too!)

Duke said...

Aren't maple trees so pretty in the autumn! Ours are dropping all of their leaves too, Frankie.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

I love your tree and I totally know what you mean about how far it is. I have a special tree in our yard and in the winter I can't even get to it sometimes. Your tree is so pretty and I am glad you showed me.

Loveys Sasha

3 doxies said...

Does you make maple syrup from dat tree? It's a luverly tree with it's leaves changin'.

I gotta say...I am really fond of dat blue color Ernie has fur his new ears muffs. I thinks I needs to buy stock in da new company.

Yea, mum his havin' a bad elbow day...Oh dat just sounds stoopid don't it?


Berts Blog said...

THat looks like a really great tree Frankie. Of course, I would love it if I could run to it in snow that was three feet deep but I understand, you know, your being a little shorter and all. Three feet of snow would mean you would have to dig a cave all the way there.

Have a happy weekend.

Oskar said...

It's all rainy with leaves flying all over here. I'm just staying on the couch.

Nubbin wiggles,

Kari in Alaska said...

That is a beautiful tree

Stop on by for a visit

Bassetmomma said...

I am so sorry about your tree and the moles. Change can be hard, but think of the fun you can have when the snow comes! Yipee!

Dachshund Nola said...

Purty tree!

Wyatt said...

That is a purty tree.
We are on our way over to help you with that digging. If we all work together, we can give those moles a run for their money!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

The weather here is lovely, warming up and the days are getting longer. Shame you can't come for a visit!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, well what is bad luck for you is good luck for the moles. Gives you something to dream about over winter. Our days are getting longer and it is sooooo good. Would you believe last Thursday, here in the Adelaide Hills, in SPRING, we had SNOW!!!!! Unbelievable. Now today, Sunday we had very warm weather and worked in our garden. I think our Seasons are a bit messed up. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

LetterstoAndrew said...

The drawback to fall that I don't care for. Shorter days, and no leaves. :-(

Reuben said...

I can call Gretchen over to get your moles out, she is an expert! Watch our for your bellies guys - the frost will be getting dangerously frosty soon.


Bicontinental Dachshund said...

I love your tree...and I love your flag, too!
Keep digging while you can, Mayor Frankie!

Backcountry Brodie said...

I hear ya Frankie. We try to enjoy fall and all the pritty colors and try not to think about the trees soon being nekkid and snow and cold and dark and brrrrrrrr. Sigh. How long until spring?

marley said...

Do you haz a pic of your tree by your bed Frankie? Just saying.....that way you wont ave to miss it all winter long