Monday, October 22, 2012

Chasing PRODUCE...

Now we LOVE the end of the Summer... PRODUCE...   We get to CHASE it...   WHEN we can get mom or dad to give them a good hard THROW that is.

Once we get them        we get to Chow Down.    Nothing like a fresh Tomato or Green Pepper...  I know I keep telling you this... butt WE are SERIOUS... We BOTH love them.     Somebuddy asked about the seeds in the green peppers...    I (Frankie Furter) mostly just eat the flesh and leave the seeds..right where I drop them  alone.   BUTT ERNIE...  EATS them.    HE even eats the STEMS...   BaaaaWaaaah.    
    Now see how steep our hill really is?    It is ALMOST flat right up here at the tippy top... and then just goes RIGHT STRAIGHT DOWN...     THAT helps us to run even FASTER...  butt coming up is a....   Well it is kinda Tough.   I'm just sayin.


Unknown said...

My you are serious about the peppers. We'd go for ones stuffed with any meat. Raw and green , sorry not us pals. Ernie eats all of it? Wow hope he doesn't get sicky icky. Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Dexter said...

Frankie! Amazing speed on your part, but not fast enough I fear. I love apples myself. Momma has something called an apple coring device that neatly removes the middle parts lest I consume an apple seed. I think the hollow center makes it more aerodynamic.


Bassetmomma said...

You guys just have the best fun! Playing catch and eat with peppers and tomatoes, what a fun game. You guys can run really, really fast but next we nee to see you coming back up that ole hill with a belly full of produce! LOL!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Hmm, I don't think I would like them. The chasing game sounds fun though!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

I likes tomatoes, Mommy hasn't given me peppers so I don't know about them. I got to play chase with tomatoes too, it is fun to play with your foods. ~Fenris

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, great veggie zoomies! I could get into the chasing part, but the eating part not so much. Most of us play with boring ole balls, but you guys play with yummers! :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Remington said...

That certainly sounds like fun! However, if I played that and I used them in a game of football I would not make a touchdown because I would eat the ball before I got the touchdown.... I will have to make another game up for that, right?

Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma just got a whole big basket of produce this weekend, and she didn't give us ANY to chase. I'm starting to think this is dog abuse.

How Sam Sees It said...

It sure is keeping you guys healthy!


stellaroselong said...

I loves fruits and vegetable also...i don't think tho i have ever eaten a hates everything except his food, my food, and my treats......grrrrrrr
stella rose

Lovable Lily said...

Loved the video! We watched it many times already. You have such a cool yard to run in. Pretty soon Muffin and I will be running on the golf course in Florida. Yeah!

After all that running you deserve to eat your catch. Yummo!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Looks like Ernie got that one! BOL

I Likes Let-Us and Tommy-toes but never had a peeper before!

Sweet William The Scot said...

I know I loved the peppers you gave me, particularly when they got stuffed.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Millie and Walter said...

What a fun game. Chase the ball (sort of) and then eat it!


rottrover said...

Franky - you totally let Ernie win. What a nice big bro!!

-Bart and Ruby

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom says fresh peppers neutralize your doggie/kittie breath. MOL

You know Frankie the Q&A idea is a very good one. I just might put that out there...I had really intended to do more for the election but G-ma's fall and recuperation is on the front burner now and it is going slowly as is the return of her mental health.
She is very aggravated and it worries mom.
Hugs madi your BFFF

GOOSE said...

I want to come to your house and chase veggies. I love veggies. And you know what? I would help you and the Ernster up the hill.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Frankie..thanks for the Q&A idea.
Mom and I will give our supporters and non supporters a chance to leave questions tomorrow and we will answer them on Wednesday.
Hugs Madi I'm running for Mayor and now I'm nervous

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a fun game. We never get to eat anything momma throws
Benny & Lily

Mollie said...

You guy'z are barking mad..If I ate a pepper I reckon I would have de squitz for a month..BOL You certainly go like the clappers down that hill.. xxooxx

Mollie and Alfie

LetterstoAndrew said...

I think Delilah would eat the seeds too. :-( So far she likes all veggies. Sampson is a bit pickier. :-)

K9 Katastrophie said...

Awww poor Frankie! Ernie beat you to the treat!


Hannalei said...

That's wonderful. Not only do you get a good treat, you're getting some zoom time in too.

Sarah & le Weens

Frank The Tank said...

Wow FrankIE and Ernie, talk about fast food! That is really cool, its like a meal and a work out in one! I think that it is such a good idea, I like a tomato now and again but have never tried a pepper! Mum thinks its weird that I love cucumber and zucchini as well as carrots and peas! I may have to give it a go, Mum likes red, green and yellow peppers so next time she has one I will have to make her share!
Love Frank XxxxX
Ps, deffo think your Pawrents should try and use your fly swatters for some spanky hanky panky! Wink!

Anna the GSD said...

Blech! You can have them! I like apples though, mainly cause they're like a ball you can eat...

Anonymous said...

Ouch, running up that hill must be a little tough! But I am sure those peppers and tommytoes give you some good energy!

Ruby said...

OMD!! You guys are soooo fast!! I love the peppers and tomatoes, too! Thinks your Dad can throw em' all the way here??



Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That is a big hill. You two must have been breaking the sound barrier you were so quick.

We've never chased PRODUCE. Does it give know....gas?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We love tomatoes and peppers! We've run after tossed tomatoes but mom and dad don't grow peppers so we've never chased those. We loved your video, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

detroit dog said...

Such a youngster, that Ernie. He loves to live on the wild side.

Murphy said...

Me and Stanley would like to chase veggies. We never did that before. We will have to ask mom but she doesn't grow a garden so that might be a problem.

Your pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Backcountry Brodie said...

I dunno, Frankie and Ernie, to each hims own, I suppose but BLECH! Seriously, throw me some chickun jerky and I is on it!

Tootsie said...

Love the video chasing produce -- or is that pawduce?

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee finks wee is gonna havs to try dese veggies ifs yoo say dem is soooo nommy. Sure looks funs chasin dem it has to be sayd

Da K Krew

marley said...

Good to see you in the fur my pal.....i loves veggubles too...i likes cucumber and brokkly the best but will sure try some peppers