Sunday, October 21, 2012

another movie fur your

Look what we have here...

We hope that you enjoy this video.    I know that WE enjoyed Making it.   I'm just sayin.   Of course my mom is NOT very good at TAKING Videos.    She has trouble keeping us in the VIEW FINDER thingy.... I think it is beclaws WE are just TOOOOOOO fast fur her.      This happened about a month or so ago... Ernie was Chasing a RABBIT...    while the BIRDS Cheered him on.    


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow Ernie is fast!!

HH and The Boys said...

Great video.... Zoom.... goes Ernie...

Have a super day.

hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Unknown said...

BOL Ernie you are a pocket rocket. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Go Ernie GO! Look at how much room you have to run around in your yard!! Did you catch the rabbit?

Scooter said...

Hey Ernst!
Wow, I'm always stunned at how fast those little legs can run! BWAR HAR HAR that bunny didn't stand a chance. Tell Mamaw she did a great quick as you are, it's a wonder it wasn't just one long blur! BOL. I love hearing all of your birdies too!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

How Sam Sees It said...

You are like a rocket, Ernie!


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Rocket Man, Ernie is the rocket man er dog.

Millie and Walter said...

Ernie I'm not sure anyone could keep you in the viewfinder when you are moving that fast!

Cindy & Millie

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom is laughing like a hyena!!
WTG Ernie you are faster than greased lightning. Give mom a raise for doing such a good job at following you.
Hugs and MOLS
Madi your BFFF

Murphy said...

Wow, we thought fur sure we were watching a National Geographic special or something! That is some good running action and a great yard to play in!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Yes you guys are fast. Happy Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Duke said...

Your yard is beautiful! We lost sight of you many times, Ernie. You're too fast for us!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ernie you are hilarious. You got the moves kid
Benny & Lily

Mollie said...

Oh cwap, I can't get the video to play, it's not your end it's mine..Willz pop back tomorrow'z..Compawter guy coming to sort all our mess out :0 xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

rottrover said...

WOWZERS Ernie! You are FAST!! We love hearing your birds and seeing all the trees on your Hill!

-Bart and Ruby

Scooter said...

WOW Ernie is FAST with a capital "F" Your mom couldnt keep up 87 mini micro seconds!! BOL

Jazzi and addi

The Army of Four said...

YEAH! Look at Ernie ZOOMING!!!
Play bows,

Ruby said...

Go Earnie Go!!! Geez, I hope you gots that wabbit!!



Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You ARE F A S T !!! Looks like the rabbit was faster, though. Oh well, there's always next time!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Oskar said...

Ernie is learning quickly!

Nubbin wiggles,

Dexter said...

Your mom has a very interesting cinematic technique. I did enjoy seeing Ernie zooming around on his legs.

Did I miss Frankie running? Still waiting to see his legs.


pibble said...

WOW! You sure can run fast, Ernie!!

I cannot forgive myself for missing your birthday, Ernie - happiest of birthdays to you, sweetie!

We gave you an award - stop by to pick it up!

Berts Blog said...

You two have the coolest yard to play in. Boy the birds were having a great time too. My Vickie wanted to tell you to thank your human for always checking your spam. WE don't know why we end up there, but we do again and again.


Reuben said...

wow Ernie, you is super-fast and you gots a fantastic yard! If you no catches that bun, surely there is some songbirds around you can dead....


GOOSE said...

Fast... I'll say fast I had to watch it in slow Mo just to get a glimps of you guys. Loved the birds chirping.

Bassetmomma said...

Whoa! that Ernie is one fast little dude! I love the sound of all the birds in the background. :)

Hannalei said...

Holy zoomz!! No wonder your Mom couldn't keep him in the view finder. :)

Sarah & le Weens

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Yoo is jus too fast fur yor Moms, wots a loverly lots ovs space y'all has to runs around in yoo is so luckisome guys

Da K Krew

marley said...

Was Ernie at da Olympics in London? He looks furry familiar to me....