Friday, September 14, 2012

Gettin ready fur Vacation...

OKAY..... FURST I want to know exactly WHERE our Chief of PAWlice.... my cussin SARGE was on WEDNESDAY  when   PUDDLES  stole  Sasha's Possum Pizza Truck and went... WILDING through the streets of Blogville????   
    I had about 87 Blogvillians Lined UP in my office yesterday... complaining that SHE nearly turned them into Road Kill.       She was honkin the horn, Squealing tires,  Throwing half baked Possum Pies out the windows, and yellin    YEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAW!!!      I even heard that she was steering One Pawed... and shootin Spit WADS at innocent bystanders.   AND I hear she even threw a Water Balloon at the School Bus!!!  
      SARGE !!!   I thought you were gonna be out... Patrollin the streets.   Just beclaws my Term of Office is almost up doesn't mean that we can allow Blogville to go to the Squirrels.  

PeeS...... Tomorrow  Sarge's Mom and Dad and the four of us are going on a Vacation..   We will be out in the Sticks at a State Park... stayin in a ... CABINET... or somethingy like that.    No Intermutts there...    SOOOOOOOOOO REMEMBER...   Mayorial Candidate    DIVA MADI   is in charge.  
    I'm Frankie Furter and I PROVE this MESS


Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Havs a wondyfuls vacashun all ovs yoo , wee will misses yoo alls veri muchly indeed

Da k Krew

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful holiday Frankie and enjoy. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Debbie said...

That sounds like one big need a vacation, have fun!

WFT Nobby said...

Hope you have a great holiday Frankie and that there is plenty of room in the cabinet....
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sarge we missed the possum truck. WHAT No blogging OMD, what we gonna do and no snickers Saturdary, THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!!

Your Fuurends
Susie & Bites


Matilda the Boxer said...

Have fun in your cabinet! I hope it's big enough for everyone to fit. Otherwise your peeps may have to sleep on the ground outside.

3 doxies said...

Yeeeeee Haaaaaaaw...I hads da bestest time EVERS. But ya knows, Sasha's snack truck don't has good shocks. Well, it's fur sures don't has NO shocks nows. Actually, it don't even has a sterrin' wheel nows...hehehehehe.
I hopes ya'll has a fabulous time in da woods. Just imagine all da stuffs ya'll could hunt there. Maybe I should tag along. Oh wait, I can't...I ain't suppose to leave da city nows I wrecked da snacked truck.

PS: Ya'll wouldn't happen to know any good lawyers would you?

Peggy Frezon said...

Have a wonderful time!!

Finn said...

Blogville is spiraling into complete chaos!!

GOOSE said...

What a sight to see Puddles zooming around town. I will have to admit in all honesty that it was I, Goose, who supplied the water balloons. I just thought it would offer a refreshing break to our recess time. Had no idea they would be used in such lawless ways. hehhhe. Have a great time in the woods. That's one of my favorite places to be. Make sure you do some fishing.

sprinkles said...

My boys were yappin' about all the trouble Puddles was causing. Luckily, they were able to stay out of the way.

Millie and Walter said...

Have a great vacation in the cabinet. Sounds like Sarge will be in the pokey instead of joining you in the woods.


My Mind's Eye said...

OH NOES FRANKIE YOU ARE LEAVING ME IN CHARGE W/O SNOOPERVISION...BOY THAT IS TOUGH LOVE FOR SURE. I'll be sure to replace any thing I take/eat from the Mayor's office.
Safe travels and lots of fun wishes coming your way
Hugs Madi your BFFF
I am Madi(son)Mayorial candidate and I approved this mess(age)!
did I get it right?

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz hopez u haza most wunnerful time on your vakashun. Wish we cood all meetz there - we know that mom NEEDZ a vakashun likez that BUTT WITH the Interwebz.
Shiloh'n Shasta

PeeS - we r approachin'our 500 postz - we may-b duin'sumthin'SPESHAL butt not shure what. OFFISHAL announcement tue follow AFTER your return.

The Websters said...

OH wow...i hope you really throw the book at Puddles!


The Daily Pip said...

Well, I am outraged! I know absolutely NOTHING (burp) about Puddles possum truck take over (burp). Oops, I seem to have a little possum stuck in my furs. No idea how it got there idea at ALL.

Your pal, Pip

Ruby said...

I was wonderin' where those spitballs came from!! I've been pickin' them out of my furs all mornin'!!!!



pees: have a FAB time on va-ca!!!

Bassetmomma said...

Happy vacation to you all!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie I did contact Sarge as we need a police report just for insurance purposes. Thank you for your help. Have a safe and wonderful trip and I know we will be in good hands with Madi. Try to relax,sniff some good peemail,do some good digging and catch some nice sun puddles.I will mis you.

Loveys Sasha

P.s. do you think Puddles learned her lesson? What am I thinking??? This is Puddles!!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hope there's no trouble in Blogville with you AND Sarge out of town.

Have a fantastic holiday.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Army of Four said...

Have a great vacation! Safe travels!
Play bows,

Duke said...

Have a great vacation, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Remington said...

I have been on the phone with Sasha....she is SO upset! I can't believe Puddles was drinking during school....well, maybe this taught her a lesson.... Have fun in the sticks....I hope it's a big cabinet....ha ha! Enjoy!

ShellePenn said...

Geez. Puddles is like the Governor in Blazing Saddles, isn't she?

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Puddles did what? And you're leaving town? sigh What is Blogville coming to?

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie, I thought i saw Sarge riding with Puddles. I am sure that I saw him throwing those water balloons!! have a great vacation. Too bad you dont get to meet my sweetie, sigh!!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, we hope there is lots of room in the cabinet cause ours is full of old china rubbish that mum seems to love. We can't imagine squeezing in there but we suppose your mum knows what she is doing.

Have a grreat holiday with your family. Families are the best aren't they! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

But, if you're not here, and Sarge is with you... Who will keep Puddles in line...?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

But, if you're not here, and Sarge is with you... Who will keep Puddles in line...?