Be sure to get your pictures sent in for all EVENTS you Wish to Enter
AND... you need to send a pic to POSIE for the Parade of the ATHLETES and another to Finn for the Closing Ceremony.... you do NOT want to be left out of THOSE !!
Below is a very NICE Schedule of the events
To get your LINKS to each Host go to
HOSTS should have all the rules posted for their "EVENT" and the EMAIL ADDY that you will need to send your pictures.
BATHTUB WRESTLING Should say AUG. 11th.. not the first....
and.... Catch me IF you Can... has been CANCELLED. I know of no other events that have been cancelled.
Yesterday I saw posts and comments saying that some events already have like 15 or more Athletes registered... and there are a BUNCH of CATS gettin in .. I hope YOU are entering THEIR grrrreat EVENTS TOO.... and some Athletes saying that they are getting in MANY.. if not ALL of the Events..... THAT is FANGtastic!!!!
BLOGVILLE and the CatBlogosphere ROCK!!!!! YES they DO!!!!!
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Also..... when entering Ruby and Penny's (my beautiful Wives) Roaching and Rolling EVENT... | Please look on their TOP TAB.. for the email addy. |
Morning Mayor Frankie
OMCs I'm so excited about the entries thus far. Thank you and your able assistant for all your hard work and has surely paid off.
Mom thinks I'm in about 25 events.
And I'm glad 'cause it means I need more foodables to keep up my strength.
Hugs Madi your BFFF
I just helped submit mine (and Floyd's).
Very excited!
Hi Frankie
I confess I was a bit worried that, 'cos I've asked participants to actually WRITE stuff, not just send a photo, I might not get any entrants for Bouncing (narrative style). Well I just want you to know that I have already received several, and that they are all different, creative and just absolutely wonderful. I am so thrilled, I am bouncing with joy!
Toodle pip!
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, the athletic sweat is flying everywhere! BWAR HAR HAR. I'm sending my entry pix and receiving swimmie pix like MAD>>>MAD I TELL YOU! It's amazing. I have 19 swimmers right now and 2 are cats!!! Woohooo. I hope I get tons more.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Athlete
Just in the process of doing mine.
Best wishes Molly
Oh Dog Mr. Mayor you have hit a home run with these Olympics! Athletes just keep show up at my place and I am running around to enter as many events as I can. How much fun is this??? I'll tell ya TONS!
Quite the events going on! :)
I is working on entering Frankie, whenefur mom let me have MY pooter. I think she should take a vakashun day from work so I can has the pooter ALL DAY to do my entries. Just sayin.
Wow!! I am visiting all the hosts for the events and they are saying they have bazillions of entries!! You definitely have a HUGE event this time, Mr. Mayor!! :) Congrats on being so well organized and getting so many peeps and 4-leggers involved!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
We are gettin' tons of entries!
We're getting entries for Marathon Chewing too!
Your friends,
Murphy & Stanley
So many events! I still have 3 more to enter
We need to head to Ruby and Penny's and check on the roaching event! Thanks for keeping us updated, Frankie!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
We got two entries yesterday and we entered two events. We hope to get more events done today along with more people hurdling. Remember you don't have to jump a squirrel, just jump over something to enter squirrel hurdels.
How in the world do you keep it all straight, Frankie?!?! Zim and I are happy just to be spectators this year.
I'm so excited! I've entered lots of events already, and I have a bunch of entries to Keep Away too!
I just entered the equestrian!! So much fun!
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