Thursday, July 12, 2012

14 days ...... LINKS to HOSTS and EMAIL ADDY for EACH

HERE is a LIST of the HOST LINKS ... for all the Events.... presented in the Order they will be seen. Under Each Host you will find their EMAIL addy.    
                 HOSTS.....  BE    SURE  to keep checking your SPAM... in case an athlete got sent there by mistake !!!

Parade of Athletes    by POSIE   July 27th.  
          Email to    posiedorg(at)gmail(dot)com
Opening Ceremonies  by Roo  
          Email to     1roodog(at)gmail(dot)com
My Opening Speech    F. Furter
     NO pictures are to be sent to ME...   this is a speech ONLY thingy.. and listed here ONLY to give you a full list of the days events...        SAME is true for My Closing Speech.  

Window Nose Art/Snot Smears  by Jazzi      July 27th.
           Email to  dcraftsalot(at)yahoo(dot)com
Swimming    by Sarge
           Email to   Lfurman1987(at)yahoo(dot)com

Crazy Sleeping Singles        and   Synchronized Sleepers   by Oskar        July 29th.
        Email to   hoerauf(at)comcast(dot)NET
Bouncing      by   Bouncing Bertie...   needs narrative
      Email to   soi718(at)abdn(dot)ac(dot)uk

Cross Neighborhood WALKabout      by   CORBIN           July 30th.
           CAN be LEASHED...       Email to   ohcutecorbin(at)gmail(dot)com
Beach Ball     by  Benny and Lily   
           Email to       2frenchbullys(at)gmail(dot)com

Gymnastics     by   Madi             July 31st.
   Email to    candb214(at)att(dot)NET
Couch Potato Peeling   by Lily Belle and Muffin
   Email to       kimberlypaschedag(at)msn(dot)com

Tongue Curling     AND     Critter Stalking   by Mona and Weenie     AUGUST 1st.
      Email to     redricca(at)sbcglobal(dot)NET
Discus/ Frisbee    by   Mr. Pip
     Email to    mrpippip(at)gmail(dot)com

Stick (s)      by Goose                Aug. 2nd.
    Email to   pastormichelle13(at)gmail(dot)com
Pole JUMPING    by   Bert 
    Email to      jamiesyra(at)gmail(dot)com

Marathon Chewing    by Murphy and Stanley    Aug. 3rd.
       Email to    cecampbell(at)msn(dot)com
Digging      by Puddles   
       Email to     allison(dot)b(dot)schubert(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuneful Farting   by Declan               Aug. 4th.
        Email to     declansdogsblog(at)gmail(dot)com
Keep Away       by   Casey
       Email to     dreagoddess(at)gmail(dot)com

Equestrian     by   Rubie and Poots         Aug. 5th.
    Email to   rubie(dot)schnauzer(at)me(dot)com
Camera Avoidance Tae Kwon Do     by Mayzie Gal
    Email to    mayziegal(at)gmail(dot)com

Synchronized Peeing     by  Shasta and Shiloh      Aug. 6th.
   Email to   imabeaglemama(at)gmail(dot)com     NOTE:  New category for those with out pee Pawtners...   Synchronized Peeing  WANNA BE's...    SEND THOSE PICS...  
DE-Stuffing     by Ruthie 
     Email to    mouseswisscheese(at)HOTmail(dot)com

Free Style Zoomies    by Susie and Sidebite      Aug. 7th.
     Email to     racingmom55b(at)att(dot)NET
Roaching and Rolling   by Ruby and Penny 
    Email to....    See tab at top of their Blog... marked OLYMPICS   for addy

Squirrel Hurdles    by  Bailey and Katy          Aug. 8th.
    Email to     cledder(at)yahoo(dot)com
Draw Your People.... by   Indigo
     Email to    cheshire(dot)danes(at)gmail(dot)com
Snack Sack Race   by Lulu Louise
    Email to    snacksackrace(at)yahoo(dot)com

Boxing   by   Sasha                        Aug. 9th.
    Email to   chicamom85(at)comcast(dot)NET
EXTREME Weather Sports  by   Frank the Tank
    Email to     wackysmoof2001(at)aol(dot)com

Turbo Track   by Max                                          Aug. 10th.
     Email to     maxthequiltcat(at)gmail(dot)com
Snoopendous Sniff A Thon    by Luna and Cynder
     Email to    lunadogslife(at)gmail(dot)com

The Great Tennis Ball Tournament    by  Mollie Jo    Aug.11th.
   Email to     dogeared(at)bellsouth(dot)NET
Bathtub Wrestling    by     Ujio Izzy Ziggy and Missi
     Email to   coyote(dot)ugly2010(at)gmail(dot)com

Closing Ceremony    by Finn                            Aug. 12th.
      Email to    marianne(dot)d(dot)howard(at)gmail(dot)com
Special Presentation    by Oskar   
     (THIS is FOR HOSTS ONLY... HOSTS... You will be contacted about this at a LATER date)
Closing Speech    by F. Furter   
           NO PICTURES Needed for Closing Speech...
I pawsonally  typed and TESTED each of these links..... they all function correctly HERE on MY Post...       I do NOT know if it will work for you to copy and and Paste them However, you are MORE THAN WELCOME to try.    I would LOVE to see this Schedule of Events and Host Links and EMAIL ADDYS on like 87,000 blogs.   (I can't pawmise that the email addys are all correct.. sometimes I have two left paws)
REMEMBER:    you need to get your pictures sent to the hosts...  
 the DEADLINE is  THIS WED.    July 18 th.

PLEASE include your Name(s)   and  it would be VERY nice if you included your Blog's URL.  

AND    PLEASE  PLEASE.... Put... OLYMPICS Event PICS....  in the  SUBJECT LINE...
     our hosts   IN-Boxes are going to be FULL (I HOPE) and we don't want your entry to be accidently lost in the shuffel.

Sincerely,  Frankie Furter       


Dexter said...

Oh Frankie, are your momma's mentals snapping yet? I entered some but plan on more, you wait and see.


HH and The Boys said...

Thank you so much for typing the links into the post. I was just about to go look up the envents the boys want to send pictures to and you made it super easy for me. Have a great day. We're almost there.

pawhugs, max

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Mayor Frankie
I plan to start a petition to elect you Mayor of Blogville for Life!!
Your organizational skills are amazing and we all thank you,
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Backcountry Brodie said...

I just say thank dog you dussn't has FOUR left paws, BOL. I is more tired thinking about how much energies it took fur you to pull all that togedder than I is after hiking 15 miles!

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, Frankie this is a perfect resource for everyone! It will make things a lot easier as we all scramble around to get entered in everything. I bet your toe nails are worn to the nubbin! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Athlete

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

You are so dedicated to supporting all the hosts and events Frankie...... typing and testing all that would have been EXHAUSTING..... we do appreciate all your efforts.....but go have a liver treat now and a little rest!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Matilda the Boxer said...

Thank you so much for the list of everyone's links and email addresses. This is going to be very helpful. I'm adding it to my blog!

GOOSE said...

Holy Cats and Dogs! That was an awful lot of work you did. But THANK YOU! I am sure it will be very helpful to many.

ShellePenn said...

Thank you SOOOOO much. This is Perfect. I will pass along the list as well this afternoon.

This makes it SOOOO much easier!

Our tomatoes are having some Blossom end rot issues this year -sigh- and I have a crapload of jars ready for tomato sauce and salsa. grrrrr

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Unknown said...

Thanks Frankie.
Best wishes Molly

Asta said...

Fwankie, you'we a doll and yoow Mom is a hewo
Thank you so vewy much fow all this help
smoochie kisses

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are having fun! The entries are so funny!


Millie and Walter said...

Thanks Frankie and mom. This list will help a lot. Nina is very excited to be entered in some events and can't wait to see the competition.


Duke said...

You are so on top of things, Frankie! Thank you!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dachshund Nola said...

Thanks, Frankie!

The Army of Four said...

How VERY exciting!!!
Play bows,

sprinkles said...

My boys and I are so excited to see all the fun events.

Lorenza said...

Thanks a lot for the addy list!
We were having an interesting time finding them!
Take cre
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great post Frankie. Mom is busy butt we are trying to be like you. BOL Drug testing took up all our time
Benny & Lily

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We are getting excited, and we've been telling Mama to get off her butt and help us find lots of pictures to enter for the contests!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

So exciting!

Scooter said...

Thanks Frankie!!


Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so excited that I can hardly stand it. I have entered 15 events so far and have a few more to get in. I have more than 20 Boxing photos. What a fun event this will be.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Thank you for all the work you are doing

Sheltie Times said...

squirrel hurdles should be sheltietimes(at)yahoo(dot)com