Sunday, June 10, 2012


 Hey EVERYBUDDY...  Sarge made a couple of TEMPORARY BADGES fur us to use.    Declan is working on an OFFICIAL one...  which will be released at a later date.   Butt until then.. you are more than welcome to Snag one or both of these to use.   Also:    would anybuddy like to host...     BEACH BALL !!         Or some other Event?    I have room fur a couple more.    There are 15 days of competition (July 28-Aug.11th.) and it would be really NICE to have 2 Events per day...  Right now we have 28..butt 2 of those are not confirmed.            AND:  I admit it...  I got a tiny bit confused about somethingy and we ACTUALLY    DO STILL need someone who would be willing to do the   Opening  PARADE of the ATHLETES    that one would be put up on July 27th. Before the Games actually start being posted on the 28th.      ANYONE Willing????  
 NOW.... for the mostest EXCITING NEWS....       Have you heard the New Release from the BARD Of BLOGVILLE???   Our VERY OWN...  Miss SASHA !!!!!!      
Her    Ode to ORNERY  has ALREADY gone BEYOND GOLD and has been awarded the Platinum How cool drool is THAT???      It has sold MORE than 87 BAZILLION copies and is being played on EVERY RADIO STATION.    Congratulations SASHA....   You have HIT the BIG time.             You can click on her name above to go to YESTERDAY's Post to "HEAR" the HIT of the  CENTURY.   
     oh???  what's that???   you want to know NOW what the SONG is ABOUT???   
                   OKEY DOKEY HOKEY POKEY...      in a word....      PUDDLES .   
Need I say more?   


Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie and Ernie, I am really loving the idea of Blog Olympics, how do we enter for the events? I would like to host an event, I was thinking extreme weather sports (such as running in the rain or playing catch in the snow) what do you think?? It all sounds like so much fun! Love, Licks and Hugs from your similarly named Pugalier Pal Frank x x x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Frankie and Ernie , we have got Deccy's logo and will use it and Congratulations to Sasha.
Best wishes Molly

Finn said...

I am sure it wasn't you who was confused. I am sure it was the other person who was confusing. I have heard she's a bit of a flake, you know?

HH and The Boys said...

Sounds like the olympics are shaping up.... Hurray for that....

Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

lifewithmydogs said...

This sounds like fun! Since I've only just discovered this blog (and am completely confused about what's going on with the blogville olympics!) I think I'll just stick to observing how everything is happening before committing to participating or anything like that! But I think I'll have to do something as Dusty's birthday is on the same day as the blogville olympics start!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HEY FRANK THE TANK.... PLEASE email me ASAP re: your wanting to HOST..

Posie said...

Oh ma gooderyness Frankie, kan I do da parayde owf da athleetes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!?!?!?!?!??! Pleese, liyke, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! I'z wood luvv eet, EETZ TROOO!! love n likkers, pdorg xoxox PeeS that ees soooo cool abowt Sasha too! YEAH! xx

ShellePenn said...

I cannot wait for the olympics!!! :)
Getting my Deccy badge now.
OMD... this will be my FIRST EVER BLOGVILLE EVENT and BADGE :)

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby

Murphy said...

Great job with the logo!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I guess I'll just have to leave the computer on all the time unlit Tom figures it out and fixes it!!
Tom thinks that is dangerous to leave it on all night. BUT!!

Anonymous said...

Hi pal :)

Mom and I were talking (well she was talking and I was patiently listening and nodding my head as usual ;) you still need someone to do the opening ceremonies? if so, we could put the Theater's Show on hold (suffering a bit of writer's block on that anyway) and do that first. Let us know k? :)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: If we do the opening ceremonies, we would request that the parade of athletes be done separately by someone else. Only so much we can commit to and actually accomplish ya know? ;)

Lovable Lily said...

Good morning F & E,
Muffin and I have been working out really hard these past couple of week to prepare our beautiful bodies for the upcoming Olympics. We will be glad when it's all over with and we can go back to our normal diet once again. It is hard work to look so slim and trim.

We can't wait to host the Couch Potato Peeling Event! We will be posting info about the event in the very near future. We hope that everyone will participate bcuz it's gonna be a real hoot!

We love the Olympic logo on Deccy's site. But Mommy is a 'tard and doesn't know how to put it on our blog. (Maybe someone can e-mail us and tell us the top secret code to do this. In fact she's such a 'tard she can't figure out how to program the blog to always use the same font without having to select it every time. Told ya ~ DUH!!)

Anywho.... Gotta go back to running laps now to keep in shape!

Happy Sunday.

Lily Belle

Matilda the Boxer said...

Hey Frankie, when you're scheduling things, could you put my event (Keep Away) towards the end? Momma is going to be going away for a big conference that ends just before the Olympics start, so she needs to extra time to help me work on my event!

GOOSE said...

That Sasha is amazing isn't she. Maybe she could come up witha theme song for our olymipics

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I love the Olympic badges, they are pawsome. I get more excited every day for the "Event of the Summer".

I don't what to say about the (blushing) award.Here is my acceptance speech.

I would like to thank all my pals who inspire me everyday to be a better blogger. Puddles inspired me with her fierce deading skills so she deserves this award also. I want to thank my Pawrents and family who support me every day. Frankie, I want to thank you pawsonally for being the best Mayor blogville could ever have(sniffling)(full blown snot blow). God bless you all and never give up on your dreams. Ok now free squirrel stew for everyone!!!

Loveys Sasha

Lulu Louise said...

Hey guys,
I'd be happy to host an event. Not sure what that en-tails, but I'm sure you could fill me in!

ShellePenn said...

Sugar snap peas???? Oh yummy!!!! Mom loves the but is the only one in the house who does. I hope lots of stuff gets ripe soon... :)

Duke said...

What a pretty badge! Deccy does very nice work.
Wow - we knew Sasha's song was a winner and she sure did skyrocket to the top in a hurry! Congratulations to her!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Hello my handsome Doxie mans Frankie and Ernie...oh we are late but that is normal for Mom she is such a slacker...anyways we nearly fell on the floor when we hear Sasha's Ode to the Puddles yesterday. It is most purrfect.

Mom and I are very excited about the upcoming events and she sent your Mom an email.
Hugs from your BFFF

Bassetmomma said...

Your Olympics are falling in to place! I saw Deccy's badge, it turned out great!

Scooter said...

Wow, my dewclaws are getting sore from all of the typing to keep track of everything! OMD OMC OMD OMC
So many hosts and events!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Loved the song, but think Puddles would have like to git that squirrel.

Olympics planning is really taking off. Our auntie from San Antonio is coming in July, so we can only enter some events.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Barb had an earthquake at her house the other day. No damage, just a bit of a shake.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh shucky darn ~ I have blog problems and computer problems and come back to find soon the Olympics begins. This dude is out of the loop man.
Sweet William The Scot

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hey there Mayor Frankie - we Beaglebratz wuz wunderin'boutz sumthin' - we haz never hosted an event b-4 so what duz that mean we du?
Shiloh'n Shasta

Two French Bulldogs said...

we'll do beach ball if you would like, cool badge
Benny & Lily

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Mr Frankie, we saw Deccy's olympic badge. Its very pawsome. Love Sasha's song too. Mum's so old she can remember watching the Beverley Hillbillies hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Berts Blog said...

I am getting excited about hosting my sport. And I was just wondering, if I am a host can I still participate in other sports.


Berts Blog said...

PS Mr. Mayer will you teel Sarge that I love his Saturday Snickers but I can't comment on his post for some reason.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, neat - o, I'd like to compete, how does one get involved?
Sally Ann and Andy

Dachshund Nola said...

This is so great!

Lorenza said...

The Olympics are going to be a hit!
Congratulations to Sasha!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Yaya for Sasha song hits!! We just love Miss Sasha!!

We can't wait for the Olympics!!


sprinkles said...

My boys are beyond excited about reading everyone's posts for the Olympics.

Miss Sasha sure is a cutie! Congrats to her on the platinum record.

marley said...

I did come a bit late to the olmpics so i fink I just watch and see if i can werk out what is goin on and join in laters iffers I werk it out.