Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Countdown...36 Days... To OLYMPICS

Milo Dixie and Newby suggested that I make a To Dew Do list fur what I gotta get done fur the Blogville Olympics.  That way I will stay on Schedule...  So here is my List fur Today......

Get UP
General Purpose   Barking
Eat a Breakfast of CHAMPIONS
Practice Speeches for Opening and Closing
Get  my TUX....   LET OUT..   
Eat Snack 
Go OUT fur some mindless Barking
Check on the BUG Screenings..   Be SURE they are lookin fur Trick Ticks and Flea Circuses
Go Out
Full Hill Alert!  Barking and Growling
Training fur Every Event
Eat Supper
ANOTHER Training Session fur ALL EVENTS 
Go to Bed 

Do you think I'll get it all accomplished?
PeeS.....   Lily Belle, our HOST for the Couch Potato Peeling Event.... says that she has an Excel Spreadsheet of ALL the Email Addy's and LINKS to URL's fur the HOSTS....    if YOU would like a copy  email her   kimberleypaschedAg(AT)msn(dot)COM           THANKS LILY BELLE...  


Finn said...

That's a lot for one day! Take it easy - it's supposed to be a hot one today!

HH and The Boys said...

You're gonna be one busy dog today. Good luck with your list. Thanks for the heads up on the excel sheet. I'm off to email her right now.

pawhugs, Max

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mayor Frankie sir - we Bea notised that u include a full hill alert in your schedule fur tuday - can we help u out with that. Check our blog tuday.

You got a lot tue due tuday - u iz makin'us want tue go bak tue bed fur a nap B-4 we git up fur the day.
Shiloh'n Shasta

3 doxies said...

Oh good grief, I just woked up and nows I is tired just from readin' what you has to do. I'm sures I'll be takin' plenty of naos today too...dat darn Benadryl makes me SLEEPY!!!!!
How exactly does you tests furs bugs and knows just out of curiosity...not dat I has them or anything.


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow! That is a busy schedule!
Not enough mindless barking for my liking though...

Declan said...

May need more stretching in that list mate. Deccy x

Lovable Lily said...

You're gonna have a very busy day trying to fit that all in, but we thinks you can do it!

Lily Belle

PeeS... Our e-mail is kimberly paschedag (at) msn (dot) com It is paschedAg NOT paschedOg. Just wanted to correct it in case someone wants the spreadsheet. (You did have it spelled correctly on the e-mails you've been spreading around)

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, being the Olympic Committee Chair is super busy work! Looks like Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs will have to amuse themselves and do their own gardening. You'll be too busy fur sure! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

GOOSE said...

Holy Dog Mayor Frankie ya gotta pace yourself dude. At this pace you are going to be wiped out.

Unknown said...

Frankie what a packed day you have! You will have to take it easy tonight!
Best wishes Molly

ShellePenn said...

You oughta think twice or 87 times about letting out your tux.. cause with all that stuffs you are bound to lose some weight and furs... and if not, I'm thinking your BRUDDER will be growing into it. Momma and Daddy Price oughta just get you a new one.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Matilda the Boxer said...

I agree, with all this training you'll be so slim and trim there's no need to let out your tux! I didn't know being Mayor was such a taxing job, but if anyone's up to it, it's you!

Remington said...

You certainly are keeping busy, my friends!

My Mind's Eye said...

I'm 100% sure you can accomplish each tasks. You are Mayor and the key to a good Mayor is delegation!!! MOL

MOL here we thought 'ears lowered' was a Southern thing...That is too funny about the barber shop sign.

K9 Katastrophie said...

Heehee! I think I will join you on the mindless barking! Hey that sounds like an olympics event!


Stewey said...

Whew - I got tired just reading all of your activities!

Anonymous said...

Man, you are one busy dude, needs to go now, mindless barking reminded me of something our there needs attention.

Susie & Sickly Bites

Pees, go check out our post, just put it out, see if it working

Millie and Walter said...

Frankie, I think you need to take a deep breath and exhale. I think you are getting a bit stressed out about the Olympics since you are having a count down every day. It is over a month away and I'm worried you are going to blow a gasket. Stay cool my friend. I am sure it is a lot of work to keep it all going and of course we thank you for taking on this big task.


Duke said...

We hope your mom doesn't see the part about letting your tux out, Frankie or else the treats will stop!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sheltie Times said...

Your schedule tired us out we are headed back to bed.

Corbin said...

I've gotta start my training!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...'s gonna need a long vacation after getting through that list! Jus a suggestion!

The Army of Four said...

This is enough to make my head spin!

3 doxies said...

Nap time is overs!

Just wanted to keeps you on your schedule.


Murphy said...

Gee, pooping is quite a ways down the list!

Your friends,

Murphy and Stanley

Charlotte said...

Wow...Frankie....we just don't know how you get it all done in one day!! We are awestruck! have some much needed rest...squeeze in a nap or two!

(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar & Schatzi

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Wow, Blogville is having the Olympics now? We came back from our bloggy break just in time!

Tootsie said...

Super funny!

Dachshund Nola said...

That's a lot! Don't over do it

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Demanding schedule you've got there, mate.

We printed out your list of addys, and we told HER to get busy writing the files our pictures and note them next to the events, so we won't miss anything.

XXXOOO Daisy,Bella &Roxy

The Daily Pip said...

That's an awfully long list, I am thinking you need to add a few more snacks to the list.

Your pal, Pip

Shawn said...

Wow, I got tired after your first pee! Good luck on stickicking to your list!
Your furiend,

Two French Bulldogs said...

We even did pee pee in the house! Whooooa
Benny & Lily

Beans4Biscuits said...

You sure are the busiest pup in blogville today!

It's a good thing we got back in time for the olympics...just have to decide what my brothers (who have almost NO mentals) can do...

Sugar the Who

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I am worried about your spreading yourself too thin. I suggest you add 2 more naps and also some time for meditation. You don't want to look all tired out and puffy eyed for your big speech. I hope you are getting enough citrus and fiber.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Will Puddles be screened for bugs? Just wondering

The Black and Tans. said...

That's a very long list. Will you manage to fit it all in?

Scrappy Angel said...

I am exhausted just reading your to dew list! *sigh* how will you make it to July? You will be so so prepared! Please no over training! BOL

Dexter said...

I am dizzy from reading that list. You are at doggie boot camp for sure!
