Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I got in this BOX fur my Wonderful Furends the OP Pack.   This is such a FUN DAY!!!   THANKS OP PACK.... you are super!!!    

Here are the Blog ADDIES fur all of the Olympics HOSTS...    and WHAT they are Hosting.   Sorry... in this format they will not Work as Links...  you can just Print or write them out though.     You will want to get yourself set as a Follower fur Each one.     
    PeeS....    Calling all KITTIES..... NOTICE specially fur YOU...   Susie and Sidebites are gonna have TWO events Specially designed fur YOU...  One is fur Kitties and Dawgs TOGETHER and the OTHER....   is JUST FUR CATS ONLY!!!   Beclaws they REALLY want to make you feel Welcome and WANTED!!!         Here Kitty KITTY KITTY...    

Posey   Parade of Athletes    http://posiedorg.blogspot.com

Roo.... OPENING Extravaganza    http://roosdoins.com

(ME) frankie furter...     http://frankiefurterprice.blogspot.com

Jazzi  Window Nose Art    http://jazzis-world.blogspot.com

Sarge   Swimming     http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com

Oscar  Crazy Sleeping Singles   and  Synchronized Sleepers     www.oskarsblog.com

Bertie    Bouncing   http://bouncingbertie.blogspot.com

WHN     Cross Neighborhood Walkabout   and   Catch me IF you Can    http://dachsieswithmoxie.blogspot.com

Benny and Lily    Beach Ball     http://www.twofrenchbulldogs.com

Madi   Gymnastics   http://downhomeinnc.blogspot.com 

Lily Bell and Muffin    Couch Potato Peeling   http://lovablelily.blogspot.com

Mona and Weenie    Tongue Curling/Raspberry  and   Critter Stalking    http://justustexasdachsies.blogspot.com

Pip     Discus / Frisbee   http://pipinthegame.blogspot.com

Goose   Stick(s)    http://gospelofgoose.blogspot.com

Bert   Pole Jumping   http://fourleggedviews.blogspot.com

Murphy and Stanley   Marathon Chewing   http://murphyandstanley.blogspot.com

Puddles    Digging     http://wethreedoxies.blogspot.com

Declan   Tuneful Farting   http://www.declansdogsblog.co.uk

Casey   Keep Away    http://savetheboxers.blogspot.com

Rubie and Poots    Equestrian   http://rubieadventures.blogspot.com

Mayzie   Camera Avoidance Kae Kwon Do    http://mayziegal.wordpress.com

Shasta and Shiloh    Synchronized Peeing    http://beagle-home.blogspot.com

Ruthie    DE-Stuffing    http://k-9katastrophie.blogspot.com

Susie and Sidebite   Free Style Zoomies      http://susieandsidebite.blogspot.com

Ruby and Penny   Roaching and Rolling   http://agenuineruby.blogspot.com

Bailey and Katy    Squirrel Hurdles    http://sheltietimes.blogspot.com

Indigo      DRAW your Peeple    http://cheshiredanes.blogspot.co.uk

Lulu   Snack Sack Race    http://www.thefogcitylu.blogspot.com

Sasha    Boxing    http://chicamom85-sassyshasha.blogspot.com

Frank the Tank    EXTREME Weather Sports    http://theadventuresofthetank.blogspot.com

Max       Turbo Track      www.maxthequiltcat.com

Luna and Cynder    Snoopendous SniffAthon    http://lunadogslife.blogspot.com

Mollie Jo     The Great Tennis Ball Tournament   http://kwing-dogeared.blogspot.com

Uji and Izzy..    Bathtub Wrestling     http://ro-uj-iz.blogspot.com

Finn      CLOSING CEREMONY    http://finnhoward.blogspot.com


Sheltie Times said...

Frankie I have them posted as links if that helps.

Scooter said...

Thats a pretty long list there Frankie, this should be fun. I have some new friends for you to meet, so drop by my blog.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh how me wishes me could host sometin like maybe ear flips, but wee's gonna have company from Michigan all dat month and no computer access since it be in one of da bedrooms. :o(

Mee has da sads! :o(

Lovable Lily said...

Love the Box post! That's really funny!

Thanks for posting the links. Mommy created an Excel spreadsheet with both the links and the e-mail addy's in it. (if anyone is interested, Mommy said she can send it to who ever may want it.)

Lily Belle

marley said...

Oh oh, is so excitin as the events draw near....i must go do some more posin...

Anonymous said...

HEY, no fair, thats a living room, not a box.

Susie & Bites

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, I thought you were a doxie, but obviously you're a boxer! BOL. Very cute pix. I hope everyone enters each and every event there is...wouldn't that be AMAZING! :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Websters said...

ummm...did you eat all the cereal that was in there?


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz NEED a new assistant - our mom furgotz tue remind us 'boutz this. BUTT when she gitz home frum her werk, we iz gonna D-MAND we due sumthin'fur internashunal Box Day.

Thoze r a lotta eventz an'we iz praktisin'can't wait.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Hi Frankie, Floyd and I have made a list of the events we're thinking of going in. We are pretty excited!

Two French Bulldogs said...

This is so exciting Frankie! Mom shoved us in a box and forgot to post it
Benny & Lily

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh I know I am entering four events already. Lee and I have been scoping out where I can get my pictures taken. We entering Sasha, Madi, Rubie, Susie & Sidebites and maybe more.
Sent you an e-mail ~ have no idea why you cannot see my blog. Puddles left me a comment today.
Thanks for being a friend,
Sweet William The Scot

Duke said...

What a nice roomy box, Frankie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

This will be great!

Your friends,

Murphy and Stanley

houndstooth said...

You may have more events lined up than the humans do in their olympics! That's an impressive line up!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You did just fine, Frankie.

Thanks for participating in International Box Day.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Unknown said...

Happy International Box day, enjoy this day with your friends and family :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

Keith Andrea said...

Hi Frankie, that was a pretty long list huh! enjoy your day....

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